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Item #: SCP-6270

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation front company Sutter Home Medical Group is the facility housing subjects afflicted with SCP-6270. They are to provide palliative care to said subjects, and are to ensure proper sedation of subjects in the event of a familial visit. The subliminal effects of SCP-6270, as well as the psychological and physiological impairments of the sedatives have thus far remained an effective deterrent to families opting for at-home care, allowing for their permanent detention and study. Sound-cancelling earphones have been provided to staff for their well-being, but are not to be worn when civilians are present in the facility.

Description: Diauralysis is an anomalous medical condition suffered by thirty-seven individuals who viewed The HARBINGER Broadcast: a pirate television transmission that took over the Rocky Mountains PBS channel on February 15th at 01:23, airing across the state of Colorado. The condition is characterized by the alteration of a subject's somatosounds, or internal noises produced by the body. In its initial stage, the sounds of heartbeats, stomach churning, and even bone cracking become wholly inaudible, instead producing infrasound — noises which are inaudible to the human ear, but may subconsciously produce feelings of dread, sorrow, or unease in listeners. As this condition was not noticeably anomalous to the casual observer, initial containment consisted of outpatient observation. It was noted however that within the first three months, subjects became steadily withdrawn due uncomfortable social interactions on account of the deleterious psychological effects of regular exposure to the infrasound they produced.

In-patient containment would begin in July, due to the onset of the second stage of Diauralysis, which would progress to hinder the subject's audible speech. While soundwaves were indeed produced at-will by subjects, all sounds emanating from them would consist solely of infrasound. This includes reflexive verbalizations such as coughing, sneezing, belching, etc. To the public, this inability to properly communicate was characterized as a form of neurodegenerative aphasia, and patients were referred to SHMG for inpatient care.

Interviews with subjects over the following weeks revealed another symptom of Diauralysis: namely, that each subject's perception of their own somatosounds grew in intensity over time, despite their inaudible nature. Furthermore, each subject claimed to hear even minute bodily sounds with marked clarity, with Subject #22 describing the sound of her eyes moving as "A hollow grinding… (like) something dragged across concrete in a large empty room.". Similarly, subject #5 had to be placed on suicide watch after attempting to suffocate himself with a plastic bag due to the stress of an ever-present "weary moaning" of blood traversing his veins.

Though these noises are by nature wholly subjective, researchers were able to pinpoint a possible cause with computed tomography scans. They were able to diagnose subjects as suffering from superior canal dehiscence syndrome upon finding abnormally-formed holes within the inner ear. Discussion is currently underway with this revelation as to whether or not this should be corrected in all subjects with surgery, or allowed to progress for research purposes.

Addendum: The HARBINGER Broadcast

The following is the original HARBINGER broadcast reproduced in its entirety. Testing with D-Class subjects has shown it to not confer Diauralysis, and is safe for viewing.

It is unknown what information or instructions were to be included on "page two" of the broadcast, as on-duty engineers were able to purge the signal before it fully aired. A combined investigation with the FCC proved fruitless in finding the culprits.

Addendum: Subject #31

Due to suffering from frequent headaches, CT scans were performed on Subject #31, revealing what was believed to be a sizable tumor in their brain. An awake craniotomy was held to excise it and save the subject. The surgery was complicated once the brain tissue was exposed to open air, and the organ began vibrating. The head surgeon initially refused to carry out the procedure, as the minute movements of the organ were enough to make successful excision infeasible without endangering the life of the subject or risking permanent brain-damage. They were overruled by the acting Site Director.

Subject #31 would be pronounced dead following traumatic brain injury during the excision attempt. Removed from the brain tissue was a deposit of calcified osseous tissue shaped into a short rod with two prongs in a U-shape, reminiscent of a tuning fork. When struck, it produced a single elongated tone in the subject's voice, sounding as if they were wailing.

During the autopsy, it was discovered that the internal face of the skull was marked with multiple depressions corresponding with fingerprints matching each of the other subjects, alongside countless scratches on the medial side of the petrous ridge near the ear canal.

Subject #15 has begun complaining of more frequent migraines.

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