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Item#: 6063
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6063 is stored in two forms: written and spoken.

  • The written form is printed in an approximation of its English spelling, and in the International Phonetic Alphabet, on a sheet of ordinary printer paper. The paper containing SCP-6063 should be kept inside an opaque folder when not being studied by Foundation researchers.
  • The spoken form has been recorded in standard MP3 format (which is saved onto an ordinary thumb drive) and onto high-grade magnetic tape (for long-term preservation).

The paper, the tape and the thumb drive are stored together, in a Faraday-shielded storage locker in Site-19.

The use of SCP-6063 in either written or spoken form is strictly forbidden without emergency authorisation by the O5 Council.

Description: SCP-6063 is an anomalous English word that displays dangerous cognitohazardous effects when used to describe a human being. To prevent containment breach, SCP-6063 has not been reproduced in this documentation. Quotations and uses of SCP-6063 are replaced by the tag EPITHET. An unredacted version of this report using the approximate spelling of SCP-6063 is available to the O5 Council, the Director of Site-44, and senior researchers on the SCP-6063 project.

The primary effect of SCP-6063 is straightforward. When someone is described as EPITHET (adjective), or is called an EPITHET (noun), people who have heard or otherwise observed the use of the word will develop feelings of uncontrollable loathing and hatred towards the victim, and will begin to shun and reject the victim from society. Victims will experience hostility and mockery within a day after the initial use of the word, which will gradually develop into hatred and rejection, up to and including physical violence and denial of food, drink and shelter. There do not appear to be limits on who is affected by this primary 'shunning' effect of SCP-6063: even parents with notably strong ties of affection with their children have been observed violently rejecting them due to SCP-6063 (see Incident Report 6063-Alpha).

The secondary effect of SCP-6063 presents its main threat to containment. As the primary effect progresses, individuals who did not witness the initial use of the word, but who did witness the shunning it caused, will also begin to shun the victim. This is currently hypothesised to be a mimetic effect rather than a memetic effect: that is, when unaffected people see the victim being shunned, they (anomalously) mimic the shunning behaviour themselves. The effect has been observed to transmit even through sufficiently detailed descriptions of the shunning behaviour (see Incident Report 6063-Alpha).

Progression of both the primary and secondary effects is slower in individuals with general cognitohazard training, but does not stop entirely. The Foundation has developed a cognito-inoculation procedure which has prevented the development of SCP-6063 effects in researchers with a Cognitive Resistance Value of 10 or higher. All researchers on SCP-6063 must undergo this procedure before accessing the complete documentation or conducting any research on SCP-6063.

The use of amnestics, calibrated to cover a period of time including the initial use of SCP-6063, is effective in reversing the effects of SCP-6063 if administered to all affected individuals. During the incident that brought SCP-6063 to the attention of the Foundation (Incident 6063-Alpha), the containment of SCP-6063 required the amnesticisation of over 7,000 people. Mass amnesticisation and false memory implantation allowed victims and their abusers to be successfully reintegrated into normal society within four months.


Due to the transmission effect outlined above, further details around Incident 6063-Alpha are restricted to Foundation personnel who have a Cognitive Resistance Value of 10 or higher and have completed the SCP-6063 cognito-inoculation course.

— Maria Jones, Director, RAISA

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