Li: Good afternoon, Señor Boom.
SCP-6057: Uh, hello, doctor.
Li: How are you feeling today?
SCP-6057: I don't know. Good, I think? Is there a right answer?
Li: No, there is no right answer. It's okay to not feel good, you know.
SCP-6057: I-in that case I don't feel good. It feels too tight in here. These walls… they make me feel claustrophobic.
Li: Maybe you could use a little change of scenery. Would you like for me to put in a request to take you outside?
SCP-6057: That would be nice…
Li: I think so too. Now, why don't we get started?
SCP-6057: Okay.
Li: Have you felt choked up again like you were last week?
SCP-6057: A little… I tried doing the breathing technique you showed me but I still felt overwhelmed.
Li: This is normal. It happens. Remember, therapy isn't going to cure you immediately, its more about learning techniques to better help you manage yourself in case something does happen.
SCP-6057: I know, I know, but… I always feel like I'm going to blow when you're not around, doctor.
Li: You can manage without me. I'm here to help you, but I can't be your crutch forever. Why don't we try to focus on some positive things. Like your future trip outside! That sounds like it'll be fun. Fresh air always does the body good.
SCP-6057: I don't like the air down here… it's so musty…
Li: Why don't we try focusing on something positive instead of what you don't like down here?
SCP-6057: Okay… outside… outside… but, doctor, what if I blow up outside? They'll never let me go outside again…
Li: Try finding the positive side.
SCP-6057: I'm trying! I'm trying! Sorry…
Li: There's no need to apologize. Just focus on the good that is going outside and how you'll like it. Use this as a goal to keep moving forward.
SCP-6057: But I have no way of knowing what's going to happen… How can I control myself if I don't know what can happen?
Li: That's just the risk you take by living every day. You never know what's going to happen but you still need to get out there and live. Otherwise, you spend your whole life cloistered in your containment chamber. And I know you don't want to be in here all the time.
SCP-6057: I don't… But…
Li: But?
SCP-6057: But… I don't know… Everything just feels so overwhelming and I know they're not going to approve me going outside so what's the point? I may as well just blow up and get it over with…
Li: Whoa, slow down there, Boom. You don't know that they are or aren't going to approve of letting you take a field trip outside. Remember, you haven't had a major explosion in three months. That's amazing progress! Don't sell yourself short.
SCP-6057: … but…
Li: If you keep thinking of all the 'what if' scenarios and 'buts' you'll never get any better.
SCP-6057: So I'm just not going to get any better then? Am I just doomed to be stuck here forever?
Li: That's not what I said.
SCP-6057: I know you didn't, but…
Li: You know how we feel about buts around here.
SCP-6057: I know! I know! But I just can't help but feel like… I'm drowning… I'm drowning, doctor, and nothing I can do helps! Everything I've tried doesn't work and I feel like I'm failing you and I feel like I'm failing myself and I don't know! I'm sorry!
[SCP-6057's fuse lights.]
Li: Remember what we've talked about. Slow down. Deep breaths.
[SCP-6057's fuse ticks down for a moment before it is defused. There is a brief silence between the two.]
SCP-6057: You see what I mean, doctor? If you weren't here I would have exploded and probably taken out my room again… Let's face it, I'll never be able to go outside…
Li: The fact that you stopped yourself shows great progress. You alone were able to stop yourself from blowing up and causing trouble, and you alone are to credit for that. See? You are getting better.
SCP-6057: I… I guess you're right…
Li: There you go, Señor Boom. Remember, it's all about taking small steps. Today you took a big step and you should be proud of yourself for achieving that.
SCP-6057: But…
Li: No buts!
Note: Dr. Li requested SCP-6057 be allowed outside following this interaction. The request was processed by the Ethics Committee and Containment Committee prior to being approved.