Item #: SCP-6011
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Provisional Site-044 is to encompass SCP-6011. Human development within a 10 km radius of SCP-6011 is to be prevented under the guise of the area being protected by the Libyan government for conservation purposes.
SCP-6011 is to be stored in a hermetically sealed chamber. External stimuli are to be kept to a minimum. An adjustable monitoring system is to be deployed perpendicular to SCP-6011 as per the aforementioned criteria.
Interactions with the SCP-6011, its mass, and/or instances of SCP-6011-1 must be approved by the acting Head Researcher of Provisional Site-044.
Description: SCP-6011 is a circular area located in the Central Sahara Desert with a radius of roughly 500 m suspended 5 cm in the air. The area is situated 156 m below the ground within limestone karst in which it was originally discovered. As the transport of the object was neither possible nor practical, Provisional Site-044 was erected following the unearthing.
SCP-6011 has no thickness and behaves like a 2-dimensional plane; 3-dimensional objects pass through with no resistance. However, when attempting movement along its axis, the matter present within SCP-6011 will react abiding by the baseline laws of thermodynamics. Valence-shell electron-pair repulsion and Molecular orbital theories are applicable and result in the molecules as well as the orbitals represented on the XY-axis alone.
Both the inorganic and organic material found within SCP-6011 exhibit properties similar to their 3-dimensional counterpart, existing in all states of matter accounted for in the baseline reality. Compounds that require 3-dimensional configuration to perform their functions can exhibit them within SCP-6011 through unknown means.
The designation SCP-6011-1 collectively refers to organisms inhabiting SCP-6011. The smallest unit of the aforementioned organisms is cell-like in nature. Instances of SCP-6011-1 can be divided into three basic branches of life, termed: Explicitus Archaea (similar to Archaea), Explicitus Bacteria (similar to Bacteria), and Explicitus Eukaryota (similar to Eukaryotes). The variation between the different single and multi-cellular instances of SCP-6011-1 garners them being placed into their individual species.
Reproducing both sexually and asexually, all species of SCP-6011-1 are based on a genetic code similar to DNA, exhibiting both genetic heredity and mutation. Proteins assisting in the coiling of the genetic material are present and affect the gene expression, although their 2-dimensional nature prevents the formation of chromosomal-like structure and instead results in the genetic material being stored in a form of two-branched Fermat's spirals.
Endo- and exocytosis is achieved through the opening of U-shaped proteins forming the cell membrane. A protein synthesized in preparation for cytosis is used to break the intermolecular forces between the membrane, allowing the material to pass. This process is highly regulated, as osmotic lysis occurs when both sides of the U-shape proteins are opened.
Among the fauna of SCP-6011, absorption of food is most commonly accomplished through mouth-like structures, and most species perform aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Since the anus is not present — as the 2-dimensional configuration does not allow for the gastrointestinal tract — the waste product is regurgitated through the mouth following digestion in the stomach. Fauna of SCP-6011 developed an immune system and physical adaptions capable of combating the majority of bacteria in feces through natural selection.
Photosynthesis is performed by numerous species of flora. Due to the sunlight being fairly scarce and directional such as all plants blocked by any amount of opaque mass will find themself etiolated, the majority of flora is capable of performing rapid phototropism. As directional gravity is not present, the roots of plants grow towards the sources of metal — usually the iron-rich soil — using a form of advanced magnetotropism.
Light sensitive, eye-like structures located on some specimens of SCP-6011-1 are capable of perceiving the environment within SCP-6011 as a 1-dimensional line. The perspective is determined by the distance between the light bouncing off the perceived object and the sensory organ. Objects in close proximity appear brighter than those further away due to the scattering of light. Using this method, shapes can be distinguished. This is done in a similar vein to 3-dimensional entities perceiving depth through the use of 2-dimensional images.
The Plana hominem is a sapient, multicellular species of SCP-6011-1. Members of Plana hominem possess features similar to that of a human side profile, with a distinguishable head housing a brain, a nose, and a singular eye. The integumentary system, muscular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, and reproductive system are also present. As their eye is stationary and facing to their left, instances of Plana hominem must orientate their entire body to achieve 360° vision. Possessing three types of cone cells, the vision of Plana hominem is similar to that of the human visible spectrum. Locomotion is performed through an arrangement of motile cilia-like structures moved by the hydrostatic pressure from blood circulation. Though primarily used for locomotion, grasping can be achieved.
Sol-β is a miniature, rotationally locked star possessing features equivalent to a Red Dwarfs. It measures 4 m in diameter, creating a dead zone with a 50 m radius outside of which its solar radiation is not detrimental to the climate and life of SCP-6011. The average temperature in areas located 250 m away from Sol-β is only 18°C, considered to be tropical by both the local fauna and flora.
The geological landscape of SCP-6011 is varied and subject to infrequent change due to the lack of seismic activity. A large accumulation of solid water covers the circumference of the plane, with the average temperature within the immediate proximity measuring -40° C due to its distance from Sol-β. Smaller bodies of liquid water, maintaining structure through its cohesive nature, are scattered throughout.
The meteorological conditions of SCP-6011 consist of infrequent rainfalls caused by the accumulation of water vapor with occasional snow; there is no distinction between seasons. Cooled by the frozen circumference, the clouds move clockwise throughout the day, causing rainfall once the water condenses. Both the time and direction system of Plana hominem is based on this meteorological system, with the distinctions of cardinal directions done by the periods of rainfall. North is designated by the direction of the rainfall at 12:00, East by the direction of rainfall at 9:00, etc.
Looking at SCP-6011 is curious. It can give one a feeling of power — being able to survey the entire world with a mere glance. Every rock formation, building, and even the inhabitants can be viewed with ease as if looking at an oversimplified diagram.
When I look at an instance of SCP-6011-1, I do not see a singular entity. I see all their organs working in unity. I see their digestive system moving, their eyelids appearing from the space behind their eyes in which they are tucked and their hearts beating rhythmically. If I were to zoom in closely, I am certain I could see the individual neural synapses firing in their exposed brains.
We had prior interactions with entities that claimed to originate from higher geometrical dimensions, yet our mind was never really capable of understanding them. Where we stand, we have the capability to imagine the lives of those in the 2-dimensional space. Sadly, the same cannot be said for our understanding of the 4-dimensional reality.
It is often said that the human brain is like a computer. So just like a computer can never completely emulate a machine more advanced than itself, so do we lack the ability to understand higher dimensions.
Dr. Michalis