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Item #: SCP-5923 Level 3/5923
Object Class: Euclid Classified


Image captured upon first moments of a test subject’s SCP-5923 event.

Special Containment Procedures:

Embedded Foundation agents are to funnel funds to the Republic of Turkey's Ministry of Culture and Tourism, to operate SCP-5923-A as a tourist attraction. Disinformation campaigns are to be spearheaded to label SCP-5923-A as a UNESCO World Friendship and Peace Village to attract tourism. Advertisement campaigns encouraging tourism in the area are to be disseminated throughout Europe and Asia.

Guided tours and vendors will be contracted to organize tourist activities and several dwellings are to be restored. At least two "maintenance" Foundation agents are to reside in the restored dwellings at any given time.


SCP-5923 is a series of anomalous dreams that can occur in a certain segment of the population of Europe and Asia: most often creatives and individuals who attest to feeling at odds with society. A common psychological feature in subjects is the belief that they do not belong to their time or given community.

The dreams that make up SCP-5923 occur once per lunar cycle, at minimum, but can be as often as ten times in the same period. During an SCP-5923 event, despite some small variations, individuals will consistently experience the following sequence of events:

  • At the outset of an SCP-5923 event, subject will approach a small river shrouded in mist and be ferried across by a man in early 20th century clothes. No discerning features of the individual can be remembered by the subject.
  • After the river crossing, the subject will come upon a large town constructed of stone, also shrouded in mist.
  • Figures move along the streets of this town but appear unaware of the subject. These figures, designated SCP-5923-1, lack identifying features and seem to be animate shadows.
  • The subject will walk through the town’s streets, eventually reaching the central town square which is dominated by an old Greek Orthodox Church.
  • On the steps of the church is a genderless individual, dressed in white, hooded robes that shine brightly. The figure will stand up at subject’s approach and take their hand, guiding them into the church.
  • The shining figure speaks with subject, but the only consistent feature of their words from subject to subject is the phrase: “Come to me and belong.” At this point, the subject awakens.

Approximately 26% of those who experience an SCP-5923 event report a persistent longing during the period of time these events occur.1 SCP-5923 events have been found to vary in their length; some subjects who experience an event only do so for short periods of time, while others experience the event for months or years on a consistent basis.

One pattern identified is that SCP-5923 events have never been recorded to occur with individuals with criminal records or those who are socially ostracized from the community. Subjects experiencing SCP-5923 events are usually well-respected in their community or their given trade.

Discovery: SCP-5923 was first recorded in the 1931 unpublished poem “My Home” by famed Turkish 20th century poet Neyzen Tevfik. The following is an excerpt, translated from Turkish.

Mist enshrouds my heart
cobblestones calling to me
hark, shining guardian
where are your halls
blessed be the stones of your dreaming streets2

Cross-references of numerous personal journals, therapy records, and public statements by creatives throughout the 20th century revealed that several thousand individuals have experienced SCP-5923 events.

In 1999, Dr. Jocasta Rossi reported a recurring dream to her security-cleared therapist. On the advice of the therapist, and given the frequency of the dreams, Dr. Rossi began researching the phenomenon and confirmed that she was experiencing an SCP-5923 event. Upon receipt of her report, O5 Command authorized the usage of a prototypical oneirosensory visualization recording device.3 The following is transcript of the recorded SCP-5923 event.

Cross-referencing of descriptions of SCP-5923 events and the recording of Dr. Rossi’s experience, the area was confirmed to be the village of Kayaköy, Turkey, since designated as SCP-5923-A.

SCP-5923-A has been abandoned since 1923 after the close of the Greco-Turkish War and a treaty that required a population exchange between the two nations. The village was predominantly populated with ethnically Greek families who were forced to relocate to Greece. The village is in significant disrepair; over five hundred structures are still standing, albeit without surviving roofs.


Abandoned village of Kayaköy, Turkey.

On 22/12/1999, MTF-Beta-777 (“Hecate’s Spear”) were mobilized to explore and gather information concerning SCP-5923-A. Additionally, several psionics8 were also mobilized to aid in the reconnaissance. Captain Maria Waltham was in command of the mission. Embedded agents within the Turkish Security Agency made falsified reports concerning tectonic activity within the area, and the MTF was inserted under the guise of a damage assessment on the ruins.

SCP-5923-A was confirmed to be abandoned, with no living entities residing within. Akiva readings were normal and there was no evidence of anomalous energies within the ruins. The only structure that resonated with the psionics was the debilitated church ruins in the town center. Both the church and the square registered significant residue of emotional trauma, most easily relatable to feelings of deep loneliness and being lost.

After four hours, Command called a halt to the exploration as the MTF captain had separated from the team and could not be located. An extensive search of the ruins did not reveal her location and no signal from her transponder was received.

Captain Waltham was found wandering a side road leading to SCP-5923-A. She was dehydrated, malnourished, and suffering from vertigo, but was otherwise unharmed.

After her debriefing, the current Special Containment Procedures were put in place. To date, no further SCP-5923 events have occurred.

rating: +243+x

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