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Item #: SCP-5912

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5912 is kept in a standard containment chamber within Site-17's Low-risk objects wing.

The containment chamber is to be furnished with a variety of furniture and similar items measuring no more than 1.5 meters in height, to ensure SCP-5912 remains at a manageable size for convenience of containment. These items are to be rearranged weekly and replaced if significant damage occurs.

Description: SCP-5912 is a humanoid entity measuring 3cm in height. Its physical exterior resembles a humanoid dressed in arctic mountain climbing attire, as if covering their entire body and obscuring their face, resembling that worn by Chinese mountaineers during the late 1960s. Medical scans show SCP-5912’s interior to consist entirely of ice-water, sugar, and granite. SCP-5912's body temperature remains consistently at 0°C and it has no need for sustenance or sleep to survive.

Growing out of SCP-5912’s back is a mound identical to a miniature rucksack. Equipped to it are several pieces of detachable tools and utensils, including an ice-pickaxe, grappling hook and rope, and a trekking pole. SCP-5912 is capable of opening the top of this appendage and producing various other pieces of mountaineering tools from within. SCP-5912 will only do so if any of its current tools go missing or become unusable from damage. While SCP-5912 shows to have no need for sustenance, it will accept fruit prepared small enough to fit into its rucksack appendage, particularly clementines and strawberries. It is unknown what happens to fruits stored.

SCP-5912 expresses signs of consciousness, although the extent of its intelligence and awareness is unknown. SCP-5912 does not appear capable of communicating with or understanding Foundation personnel. SCP-5912 is primarily interested in scaling nearby structures and objects, utilizing its climbing equipment to do so.

While SCP-5912 climbs a structure or object, the item in question will gradually become affected by anomalous phenomena. Phenomena manifest as miniature snow-storm clouds above the top of the item, alongside other weather phenomena including wind, and the temperature directly surrounding the item to lower below 2°C, allowing falling snow to stick to and pile on the object’s surface. Weather phenomena will increase in intensity as SCP-5912 continues scaling, causing storm clouds to expand in size, resulting in heavier snowfall and stronger blizzards. While these effects greatly hinder SCP-5912’s attempts to climb further, it will attempt to continue climbing regardless of difficulty.

SCP-5912 will continue scaling the item until it has reached the top, whereupon it will produce a miniature Chinese flag from its rucksack appendage and stick it onto the item. SCP-5912 will often remain at the top for several minutes examining the view, during which it will usually perform various gestures, such as extending its arms outwards and looking up, placing its hands on either side of its waist, or jumping with an arm raised into the air, before scaling back down again. Upon reaching the bottom, SCP-5912 will usually attempt to search for and scale any additional structures nearby.

If no objects are available for SCP-5912 to climb, it will enter an idle state, performing actions and expressing physical indications conveying boredom and a decline in attitude. If left in this state for elongated periods of time without stimuli, SCP-5912 will gradually begin decreasing in size. How SCP-5912 performs this is unknown, however water will exude from its body during this process.

Discovery Log: SCP-5912 was discovered in Shouguang, China climbing "Jingshan", a local tourist attraction dubbed the smallest mountain in China, shortly following its official classification as a mountain1.

SCP-5912 was initially recovered at the top of the mountain's peak, from inside a miniature camping tent it had set-up along with a foldable camping chair and gas-lantern, examining a small piece of folded paper. Inspection of the paper revealed it to be a miniaturized travel brochure written in Chinese, advertising climbing spots in the local area.

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