Item #: SCP-5840 | Level 4/5840 |
Object Class: Keter | Classified |

SCP-5840-1 instances after delivering CC Pandation bottles in Taipei, Taiwan. A similar event is occurring in Xiamen, PRRC.
Special Containment Procedures
Reports of SCP-5840 events occurring in China are to be investigated; strict monitoring is initiated in areas where they frequently manifest. Posters depicting 'panda diplomacy' are to be taken down.
SCP-5840-1 instances are to be disproven as mascots used by local cola companies in publicity stunts. An investigation of their components and mechanisms for any signs of thaumaturgical applications is launched.
Records detailing the CC Pandation, as well as their relationship to other cola companies, are to be tracked in order to ascertain their motives. Embedded personnel are to closely monitor other companies that are possibly related to it, such as the Coca-Cola Bottling Company and PepsiCo.
SCP-5840 is a phenomenon wherein approximately 100 life-sized mobile panda automatons, designated as SCP-5840-1, will arrive at one location. SCP-5840-1 instances carry red bottles of a non-anomalous, sweet-and-sour cola, which is identified as the product of the 'CC Pandation'1 via its cursive label.
SCP-5840-1 instances are harmless, as they mainly engage in business as representatives of the CC Pandation. They are notable for their quick velocity and flexibility, as well as their tendency to act in groups.
During an SCP-5840 event, SCP-5840-1 instances will come from the sky via parachute2, carrying stacks of CC Pandation bottles and equipment. They will set up stalls and posters promoting their agenda within 100m of the location.
Posters set up by SCP-5840-1 frequently have themes of 'panda diplomacy', encouraging the Chinese business sector to open to the modern commercial world.
40 percent of SCP-5840-1 instances will deliver three stacks of CC Pandation bottles each to nearby government buildings, as well as poverty-stricken areas, as the other instances set up stalls.
An in-depth analysis of captured SCP-5840-1 instances is provided below:
Approximately four hours after manifestation, SCP-5840-1 instances will remove their equipment and vanish from the area. Efforts to track the instances have proved unsuccessful, although sightings indicate that SCP-5870-1 instances were loaded into ships bearing a red-and-white symbol in the ports of Beihai and Dandong.
In-Depth Report 5840-01
A timeline of notable SCP-5840 manifestations is provided below.
Four months afterward, Chinese President Deng Xiaoping decided to slowly reopen China's trade sectors to foreign businesses, with Coca-Cola being the first firm to establish operations in 1979. Further information campaigns in China now use panda-based logos and themes.
Coca-Cola's net operating revenues in its Chinese operations are expected to peak at around 600 million dollars.
Update (01/05/1979)
Following the O5 Council's deliberations on a possible breach of the deal made in 1924, John Paul Austin, then-CEO of the Coca-Cola Bottling Company, was interrogated by the Foundation regarding SCP-5840.
Several reports of similar Coca-Cola campaigns in Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, and Egypt4 have been received, although several of them have been confirmed to be generally non-anomalous. Coca-Cola's net operating revenues this year are expected to peak at approximately 29.6 billion dollars.
Corroborating Coca-Cola's claims, reports indicating that the USSR and PepsiCo have planned to form a 10-year naval deal, which would utilize anomalous means, have been verified. Local campaigns made by Sarsi5 have been also initiated, which a particular focus on combating Coca-Cola's 'foreignness'.
At the discretion of the O5 Council, the Foundation revised the deal's regulations for further cooperation with the Coca-Cola Company.