Item #: SCP-5784 (Formerly SCP-$0.99-J)
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5784 is to be kept within a standard humanoid containment chamber or within the premises of the Site-19 public cafeteria. SCP-5784's containment chamber is to remain free of sharp objects or surfaces which SCP-5784 could utilise to cut into its own skin. Should SCP-5784 be harmed in any way, it is to be examined for purposeful injury. SCP-5784's arms and hands are to be restrained without Level-2 Clearance and approval from The Department of Other The Thaumaturgical Department.
Should SCP-5784 retain its record of good behavior, it may be allowed a limited amount of free-roaming and socialization time with accompaniment by at least one security officer.
Description: SCP-5784 is a 19 year old human male of French-Canadian descent, standing 190cm tall and weighing 88kg. SCP-5784's back is covered in tattoos, including several images of food items surrounded by Roman and Chinese characters. The ink used to create these tattoos is composed of several anomalous materials, which allow SCP-5784's anomalous properties to manifest when activated with intricate command movements of the arms and hands.
SCP-5784 is capable of manifesting a variety of food and drink products through its anomalous effects, though the amount manifested is limited based on the product, typically based on the standard serving size recommended by the Canadian government. Food and drink manifested through SCP-5784's anomalous effects is wholly non-anomalous. The types of food and drink that SCP-5784 can manifest are limited by the tattoos on its back, though some slight alterations may be made to each product.
The following is a list of example alterations SCP-5784 can control:
- The temperature of the product.
- The portion size, ranging from half a standard portion to four standard portions.
- The addition or removal of seasonings and sauces, limited by the subject's tattoos.
- The primary protein, limited by the subject's tattoos.
All alterations SCP-5784 makes to food and drink it manifests must result in an edible dish, though the overall quality may vary. For example, the subject may not make a plastic facsimile or a version made with rotten or expired food, but they may manifest a version that contains common allergens such as peanuts, or a frozen version of a dish.
Addendum 5784-01: Below is an interview with SCP-5784 on 08/25/2013 soon after containment.
Transcriber's Note: Due to the heavy accent of the subject, the original interview transcribed words based on pronunciation. Below is a re-transcribed interpretation.
<Begin Log>
Researcher Jacques clears his throat.
Researcher Jacques: Comfortable?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: I do not see how I can be comfortable in une maison de merde such as this.
Researcher Jacques: Fair. I don't even know why I asked. Even as far as interrogation rooms go this one's pretty low quality.
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Une telle indignité. Leave me until you find quarters more suiting of your future empereur.
Researcher Jacques: What was that?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Oh mon dieu, do not tell me your petit cerveau could not figure out what that meant? Even Américains simples d'esprit could figure that out. You make me ashamed to be Québécoise.
Researcher Jacques: No, I understood that. I more meant the implications of what you said.
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Is it not évidente? Soon, la Confrérie de l'Encre shall reign over all, with Henri de Rochechouart at its helm!
Researcher Jacques: Ah, so you're the leader of some kind of… cult? Organization? …LARPing club?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Do not try me with such petty things as… "LARPing". That is for fools, and we are not fools. We are men of magic, sorciers! The ink on our skin gives us powers mere magicians could only dream to accomplish!
Researcher Jacques: And this power is infinite noodles?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: I can hear the mockery in your voice, garçon.
Researcher Jacques: I'm at least a decade older than you…
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Yet your mind has not aged to maturity! Great magic takes practice and dedication, especially the art of Sorcellerie Tatouée! One must be willing to do anything to achieve power, even augment their own bodies!
Researcher Jacques: Right, right, but-
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: There is no time for "buts"! In time, I will reach my full potential, and the runes inscribed on my flesh shall help me achieve L'Ascension!
Researcher Jacques: You… you know you just have a Chinese menu tattooed on your back, right?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Again with the mockery. You have my cell phone, correct? There, you shall see that the runes in my photo gallery match the runes on my back exactement! The tattoo artist assured me as such!
Researcher Jacques: Right…
SCP-5784 scoffs.
<End Log>
After the interview, Researcher Jacques retrieved the subject's cell phone and opened the photo gallery. The most recent image was an image of a scroll inscribed with several runes, which if evoked, would give its caster the ability to create and destroy matter at large scales. The second most recent image was a picture of Wok The Line's full menu, a Chinese restaurant in Montreal, Quebec.
Addendum 5784-02: After SCP-5784's initial containment, in spite of its initial hostility, the subject has since been cooperative with the Foundation, has given information on GoI-2228, "The Brotherhood of Ink" and willingly participated in several tests and experiments. As such, SCP-5784 was granted limited free roaming time within the Department of Other along with other low-threat anomalies, which included preparing food in the Site-19 cafeteria once per week.
On 01/28/2015, the O5 Council sent a request to the Department of Other head Dr. Gerald to end custody of SCP-5784 and transfer containment responsibilities to the Thaumaturgy Department. Below is the memo from O5-3 detailing their reasoning for this transfer request.
Anomaly Custody Transfer Request
From the Desk of O5-3
Anomaly In Question: SCP-$0.99-J
Reason For Request: Due to the subject's significant connection to GoI-2228, SCP-$0.99-J should be relocated and studied by researchers who are more familiar with the group and its capabilities. While the Department of Other may deem SCP-$0.99-J as "low-threat", other members of GoI-2228 have proven capable of causing significant damage to civilian populations. It stands to reason that while SCP-$0.99-J's anomalous properties may not be as obviously destructive as its counterparts, it must be contained by a facility more capable of dealing with its potential. Frankly, without handling SCP-$0.99-J in person, any information gathered from experiments and interviews regarding its anomalous effects may be lacking in credibility without a Thaumaturgy Specialist's expertise.
Furthermore, while SCP-$0.99-J may have demonstrated good behavior, GoI-2228 has a history of violent insurrections and, for lack of a better term, a lack of mercy. Allowing SCP-$0.99-J free roaming time may have been acceptable in the past, but certain anomalies, regardless of their behavior, should not be allowed such amenities due to risk. As long as SCP-$0.99-J is within your care and allowed these freedoms, they pose a greater risk to Site-19 as a whole.
On 01/30/2015, Dr. Gerald gave the following response:
Anomaly Custody Transfer Response
From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other
Request Response: Denied.
Reasoning: Firstly, the Department of Other has been more than happy to relay all information gathered from interviews and experiments with Mr. de Rochechouart to the Thaumaturgy Department; your dissatisfaction with the lack of what you believe is credible information is not our fault. If there has been any information that is contradictory to what the Thaumaturgy Department already has on file, it has not been brought to my attention. If there is any sign in Mr. de Rochechouart's actions that he is more powerful than he has demonstrated, it has also not been brought to my attention. Need I remind you that thanks to Mr. de Rochechouart's cooperation with the Department of Other, that 3 more members of the Brotherhood of Ink have been contained. Transferring custody based on assumptions that the very department you wish to transfer responsibility to has not conveyed to anyone in the Department of Other feels unnecessarily paranoid.
Secondly, in accordance to the Huever "If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It" Agreement, Mr. de Rochechouart is well within their ethical rights to earn certain freedoms, given a history of compliance and provided they are still monitored by Foundation staff. The fact that you bring in the history of The Brotherhood of Ink is entirely irrelevant if they, the individual, have proven themselves otherwise agreeable. Do not be mistaken by the fact that we allow some freedom that we are relaxed with protocols, however. Mr. de Rochechouart is still under extreme scrutiny due to their relative recency with the Department of Other, and we will not hesitate to revoke their earned freedoms should they cease their cooperation with us.
Mr. de Rochechouart has thrived in our care, and is well-integrated into our established guidelines of allowing anomalous expression, within reason. Transferring custody at this time would be disruptive, and ultimately it may result in a worsened relationship with Mr. de Rochechouart and a lack of the information that we both desire.
Addendum 5784-03: On 09/16/2015, a containment breach involving SCP-TTKU-J injured numerous personnel within the Department of Other as well as some anomalies, SCP-5784 included. After SCP-5784's release from the Site-19 Anomaly Care Infirmary, it was determined that the back scars left from the subject's injuries altered its anomalous properties, in that certain items of food could no longer be manifested properly. On 09/29/2015, O5-3 sent yet another memo requesting SCP-5784's custody transfer.
Anomaly Custody Transfer Request
From the Desk of O5-3
Anomaly In Question: SCP-$0.99-J
Reason For Request: After the events of SCP-TTKU-J's breach and the resulting damage to not just Site-19, but the anomalies contained within, it is within our right to revoke custody of anomalies that we believe have been mistreated or improperly handled under your care. SCP-$0.99-J's anomalous properties have clearly been impacted significantly by your negligence, and had it remained within their containment chamber at the time of the breach, it would not have been injured in the first place. Allowing SCP-$0.99-J to come into harm's way, regardless if they survived or not, is irresponsible.
This is no longer a question of if you are up to the task of maintaining order within the Department of Other, but how little damage your department can cause. Had SCP-$0.99-J, or any other anomaly or researcher for that matter, perished in the containment breach, you would be facing a demotion and a decrease in funding. Since you at least managed to quell the breach without casualties, this is our offer.
On 10/02/2015, Dr. Gerald gave the following response:
Anomaly Custody Transfer Response
From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other
Request Response: Denied.
Reasoning: As generous as your offer may be, I will insist that we retain custody of Mr. de Rochechouart. Researcher Jacques, his primary researcher, has more experience with his anomaly, and his personality, than anyone else in this facility. To request a transfer while Mr. de Rochechouart is at his weakest mentally and physically will only serve to make the jobs of those in the Thaumaturgical Department harder.
Consider this instead: given the funding allocated to Other, we have done an exemplary job of containing many of this organization's most dangerous, inexplicable, and otherwise obtuse anomalies. Applications for additional security and research staff within the basement were rejected by the Council for the last six months, and funding that would have been reallocated by the department was instead required for the containment of SCP-\̅\̅\̅\̅-J, an anomaly that's difficult to comprehend, let alone contain. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to prevent a breach of the veil while simultaneously allowing an anomaly total control over the Gulf of Mexico?
The fact that there were no casualties in this recent breach is a testament to our staff alone, and should not be viewed as slacking on our end. I'll be drafting a request for additional security and funds formally in a separate memo, but please be aware that negligence on our part is not the cause of the breach.
After several further memos between Dr. Gerald and O5-3, the Department of Other retained their custody of SCP-5784, though as part of an agreement, limited its free-roaming time to once every two weeks, and only to serve as cafeteria staff.
Addendum 5784-04: On 12/24/2015, during an on-site Christmas celebration, several researchers in the Site-19 cafeteria suddenly began vomiting after consuming food manifested by SCP-5784. Upon attempting to detain SCP-5784, the subject resisted security personnel by manifesting food products as obstacles and improvised weaponry. By the time the situation was resolved and SCP-5784 was re-contained, 36 Foundation personnel had been injured, and 4 personnel had died of arsenic poisoning. Below is an interview with SCP-5784 after the event.
<Begin Log>
Researcher Jacques: Henri, what's going on here? Care to give any insight to why all of your food was laced with poison?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Still so simple-minded after so long. It does not take much to gain your trust, it seems.
Researcher Jacques clicks his tongue.
Researcher Jacques: That doesn't answer my question.
SCP-5784 scoffs, then takes out a clove cigarette from his pocket and puts it in his mouth.
SCP-5784: You would not happen to have a light, would you? You could consider it your Christmas present to me.
Researcher Jacques: Wha… where did you even get that?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Does it matter?
Researcher Jacques: God, just… Henri, what did you do? What did you have to gain from this? We had security watching you from the moment you were out of your cell, and not a single one of them saw you taint the food.
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: As I said, one must be willing to do anything to achieve power, even augment their body. When my powers changed after that… thing… attacked me, I learned what I had to do to achieve the ultimate power I craved.
Researcher Jacques: But your injuries dampened your powers, they didn't cause you to manifest poison.
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Mes plus chères excuses. Perhaps a different point of view would help? I would show you my back myself, but… I am unfortunately handcuffed to this table.
Researcher Jacques turns to Security Officer Bolthouse.
Researcher Jacques: In case anything happens, non-lethal. I've had enough death today.
Security Officer Bolthouse nods. Researcher Jacques approaches SCP-5784 and lifts up the back of its shirt.
Researcher Jacques: Is there something I should be looking for? This is about the same as it was the last time I saw it.
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Is it? Are some injuries not a little more… fresh? As if someone, perhaps, used the edge of his metal bed frame to create new gashes and scars?
Researcher Jacques is quiet as he continues to examine SCP-5784's back. SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: Oh, pour l'amour de- Can you read?! Can you not see that I removed letters in certain words so the word "arsenic" would form? It is where the Tonkotsu Ramen once was!
Researcher Jacques: I can't- Oh my god… no, yeah, I can see that now…
Researcher Jacques puts SCP-5784's shirt back down.
Researcher Jacques: Are you telling me that you somehow, without any mirror, accurate cutting equipment or hands, carefully carved parts of your own back tattoo off?
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: You make it sound difficult. Perhaps it is for you, but not for Henri de Rochechouart.
Researcher Jacques returns to his seat.
Researcher Jacques: Well, thank you for telling me all of this, then. I'll make sure the first thing we do is put you in a straight jacket and keep you locked up for as long as you live.
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: You truly believe that? I hate to repeat a point but you are as simple-minded as you look! I have overheard the goings on of this facility, and you do not have the power or resources to keep me contained. You work out of a basement below people who have real power, and a real job for that matter. You would be better off trying to kill me, but you won't, because you're desperate for purpose. You're desperate to be useful. You don't want to fade into obscurity.
Researcher Jacques: Okay, you can stop the monologuing. Bolthouse, please escort SCP-$0.99-J back to his containment chamber.
SCP-5784 scoffs.
SCP-5784: There will come a day where you call me l'empereur!
<End Log>
Addendum 5784-05: On 01/01/2016, O5-3 sent a memo to Dr. Gerald regarding SCP-5784's custody transfer once again.
Anomaly Custody Transfer Request
From the Desk of O5-3
Anomaly In Question: SCP-$0.99-J
Reason For Request: It has come to my attention that SCP-$0.99-J was not only the cause of the disaster during the Site-19 Christmas Eve Party, but had been planning said disaster for several months. It is clear at this time that the Department of Other is not fit to contain SCP-$0.99-J anymore, and as such it should be transferred effective immediately to the custody of the Thaumaturgy Department.
Perhaps there, they'll actually treat it like a threat rather than staff.
Five hours later, Dr. Gerald gave the following response:
Anomaly Custody Transfer Response
From the Desk of Dr. Gerald, Department of Other
Request Response: Accepted.
Terms: Following discussion with the Thaumaturgy Department and Anart Department, SCP-$0.99-J is to be released into the custody of the Thaumaturgy Department with special input from the Anart Department regarding SCP-$0.99-J's tattoos. Furthermore, for sake of consistency with the primary Foundation database, SCP-$0.99-J is to be renamed to SCP-5784 in all official documentation. The Department of Other's custody of SCP-$0.99-J ends 01/10/2016.