by J Dune

SCP-5673 (right) and a shed belonging to PoI-6029
Assigned Site | Site Director | Research Head | Assigned Task Force |
Provisional Site-5673 | (Acting Dir.) J. Rebecca Maxon | D. Abigail Cathe | Zeta-22 "Tree Huggers" |

Special Containment Procedures: The area surrounding SCP-5673 has been cordoned and classified as Provisional Site-5673. Two members of Stationary Task Force Zeta-22 ("Tree Huggers") are to be present on-site at all times for the purposes of escorting SCP-5673-A to their desired location. In the event that SCP-5673 or SCP-5673-A is observed by veiled civilians, Class-A amenstics are to be administered.
PoI-6029 is permitted to interact with SCP-5673 as desired.
Description: SCP-5673 is a common oak tree, located in a forest near Cadillac, Michigan.
SCP-5673-A refers to a short, humanoid, arborian entity that grows from the branches of SCP-5673. This process occurs daily and continuously, beginning with a thick stem attaching the entity to its branch, growing the rest of SCP-5673-A's body from the head down. At 17:00, SCP-5673-A will detach itself from SCP-5673, and fall to the ground. Fully grown, SCP-5673-A stands at 1.5 meters, and is composed entirely of a material resembling the bark of SCP-5673. These entities grow independently of one another, and the growth of another will not begin until the first entity is detached from its branch.
Once grown, SCP-5673-A will walk 3.4 kilometers to the summit of a nearby hill and situate itself into the ground using root-like tendrils that emerge from the entity's feet. Over the next two minutes, SCP-5673-A will wither, its body reduced into a hot ash. This continues until SCP-5673-A has been completely destroyed. Attempts to remove or disturb SCP-5673-A during this ritual have resulted in the entity immediately being reduced to this substance. A chemical analysis of the ash has revealed it to be similar in composition to tree sap.
SCP-5673 is located on the property of August Fidel, an artist and sculptor — designated PoI-6029.
Addendum.5673.1: Profile of PoI-6029
August Fidel, born November 12th, 1938, is a sculptor and visual artist residing in Cadillac, Michigan. Several of his works are displayed in public parks and plazas throughout the town. His art explores themes of companionship juxtaposed with surreal visuals, and often blends natural materials —such as dirt, crystals, and honeycomb — with unnatural, man made elements.
From 1961 to 2010, PoI-6029 was married to Sonia Currie, a fellow artist who became known for her landscape paintings and photography, which often focused on floral and botanical subjects. Beginning in 2005, she operated a floral outlet in Cadillac, as well as a complimentary website, YouTube channel, and message board for gardening hobbyists —all under the name 'Floral Reef'.
On 2010/8/12, PoI-6029 reported the death of Sonia Currie, who had apparently succumbed to heart disease. When authorities arrived at his residence, no body could be found, and PoI-6029 claimed that the cadaver had vanished minutes before their arrival. The event attracted minor attention before coming under the purview of the Foundation (See Incident-6029-A1). Investigations into the disappearance, both Veiled and local, proved inconclusive, and charges against PoI-6029 were dropped due to a lack of evidence as well as witness testimonies of Sonia Currie's diagnosed peripheral artery disease.
In 2018, a claim of a 'walking tree' seen by a hiker in the Cadillac area was intercepted by the Foundation through paranormal message boards. After a brief interview and amnesticization, the Foundation was led to the Opogo forest. PoI-6029 is the area's only inhabitant, living on a small, isolated property. Further observation reports revealed the presence of SCP-5673, located adjacent to a shed owned by PoI-6029. Foundation Agent Maxon made contact under the guise of an art magazine interested in an interview. A transcript of these events can be found below.
Addendum.5673.2: Interview Log
DATE: 2018/06/18
Agent Maxon approaches the secluded residence of PoI-6029 and knocks on the door. SCP-5673 is seen in the peripheral.
Agent Maxon: Mr. Fidel? It's Gold Quarterly.
PoI-6029: (Distant) Oh, coming. Just give me a second!
PoI-6029 opens the door and introduces himself to Agent Maxon. Maxon enters the cabin, which is filled with sculptures, artistic supplies, plants, and photographs. PoI-6029 leads her to a seat.
PoI-6029: Honey tea? I used to sell it in town, back when I went in town, that is. (Laughs)
Agent Maxon: No, no thank you. It smells great, though.
PoI-6029 prepares himself a cup of tea. He asks Maxon a few brief questions about the magazine she writes for, and sits down. Extraneous dialogue removed.
Agent Maxon: Alright, so, you've been remarkably quiet the past few years. Your last piece unveiled to the public was… The Illusion in 2014, correct? How have you been keeping yourself busy?
PoI-6029: 2014, yes… yes, that sounds about right. I've lost interest in the public in recent years. I've lost interest in giving my art away. First and foremost, I create for myself these days. It wasn't always liked that. When I was younger, you were a sell-out if you cared more about who was buying your pieces, but you go ask anyone who does what I do why they're doing it. It's passion, but it's a living, too. The money comes in, I get to do as I please. If it doesn't…
Agent Maxon: Everything around me, was all of this created in the years since you've retreated from the public eye?
PoI-6029: I wouldn't call much of that 'created'. They're half-realized, maybe-there ideas that I never have the strength to see through. I'll start 10 and finish none. Wake up the next day and do it all over again. When something is created, it's finished. These (Gestures), these are not.
Agent Maxon: Has your creative process always incorporated a form of artist's block? How have you dealt with these feelings in the past?
PoI-6029: Oh, oh no, not at all. I used to be intensive. Focus on one project until it was finished, and then move on. See your work through. That's advice I'd give any creative types. When you get to be my age, you start thinking about how much time you have left here, and that can lead to some unnatural behaviors. (Laughs) I've been frantic, trying to make everything I want, and I'm ending up with none of it finished. When Sonia— (Pauses), well, it wasn't always like that.
Agent Maxon: I see. What would you say—
A loud noise is heard outside PoI-6029's window. PoI-6029 is startled.
Agent Maxon: Everything alright out there?
PoI-6029: (Pauses) Of course. Where were, what were we talking about now?
Agent Maxon gets up from her seat and looks out the window. PoI-6029 follows.
Agent Maxon: Sounds like it came from that shed.
PoI-6029: It's nothing. I keep old sculptures, supplies, etcetera in there. Things fall all the time. I'm telling you—
An SCP-5673-A entity is seen walking across the yard.
Agent Maxon: (Points) And what about that?
The two exit the house. PoI-6029 frantically attempts to get Agent Maxon to continue the interview.
Agent Maxon: Well? You don't seem too shocked about the walking plant person.
PoI-6029: You need to go. I don't have much, but I have enough to guarantee your silence. Count on that.
Agent Maxon: Mr. Fidel, I'm an admirer of yours, and I'm intrigued. Please, if you can, share this experience with me.
PoI-6029: (Pauses) I'm going to be ruined.
Agent Maxon: Not a word of it will get out. It'll be kept solely between us. Please?
PoI-6029 follows the SCP-5673-A specimen as it approaches the woods.
PoI-6029: (Gestures) Follow me. I suppose I don't have a choice.
Agent Maxon and PoI-6029 follow the entity in silence through the woods for about 10 minutes.
PoI-6029: It started a few weeks after she died.
Agent Maxon: Hm?
PoI-6029: Sonia, my wife. There's no doubt you've heard of the minor scandal her death caused. She battled her illnesses for a decade, and she was strong. Died while holding my hand, bedside. I called an ambulance, and when I came back into the room, she was gone. Vanished completely. I had some legal troubles, investigations, what have you. They couldn't prove anything and I couldn't either, so it was dropped. About a month later, when my property wasn't being swarmed by cops daily, a tree suddenly… grew overnight.
Agent Maxon: You believe the tree and your wife are connected?
PoI-6029: I know they are. Sonia loved plants, the earth, trees. She always talked about going home, to a forest of her own one day. I never knew what she meant until now.
Agent Maxon: What about (Gestures) the tree people? Where are we going, exactly?
PoI-6029: You'll see. Haven't figured them out yet myself. I think it's her way of communicating to me, but… they do the same thing, every day.
PoI-6029 explains the mechanics of SCP-5673 to Agent Maxon, including its growing cycle. Redundant dialogue removed. The two come to a clearing, with a hill overlooking a valley.
PoI-6029: Look.
SCP-5673-A stands atop the hill on a shoveled piece of land. Roots come out of its feet, and it anchors itself to the ground. The entity outstretches its arms above its head, and remains stationary. Beginning from the top of its body, SCP-5673-A turns to ash.
PoI-6029: I watch them do this every day. I feel like… when you lose someone, you do little rituals to remember them. I watch her drift away every afternoon. I'm always listening for what she has to say, but it's too loud out here. We're worlds apart.
Agent Maxon: I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Fidel.
PoI-6029: Oh, it's okay. I'm lucky to have something as sacred as this. A tangible sign. I just wish it weren't indicative of her pain.
Agent Maxon: She could just be waiting. No sense in coming back to this world if she's going to be alone, right?
PoI-6029: You could look at it that way, but it's all speculation. I just watch over that tree, and attach my own feelings to it for comfort. There's no real sense to it all. Every day, it's going to wither.
Agent Maxon: It doesn't inspire you?
PoI-6029: (Shakes head) Sonia inspired me when she was here. We used to come up to this hill sometimes. Bring a picnic basket, a canvas, and something to drink. It was our own little world. She would always tease me for my style because I couldn't do realism. Unlike her landscapes and intricate flowers and… exact details. (Laughs) Look at her now.
Agent Maxon: My great grandmother lost her husband and passed away almost a year later. After he was gone, she stayed inside all day. Stopped knitting, stopped eating, stopped going to church. They were married for over 50 years, and I never saw them fight once. They really, truly loved each other, at least from what I saw. I can't imagine what a loss like that does to a person.
PoI-6029: I'm jealous. (Laughs) We fought all the time. They probably did too. No one is together for that long without having to argue it out a little to blow off steam sometime. Over art, over her garden, over the shop. It was never serious, and at the end of it, we still loved each other. Your grandparents were probably the same.
Agent Maxon: It's nice to think otherwise, right?
PoI-6029: (Laughs) And turn them into fairy-tale caricatures? I'd give anything to hear her tell me I left my paints in the kitchen again, or that Gabin got into the flower bed. There's so much noise, and none of it's worth listening to, so you tune yourself out from the world. I was ecstatic to have you over, in all honesty. I haven't had a visitor in years. There's no one who cares anymore, and with reason. I haven't made anything, and was only ever as good as my work. You don't produce, people forget about you, because they were never there for you, they just liked what you made. That's not a sin, but it's how things tend to work out. Coupled with, well, no one wanting to talk to an old man like me, and you have yourself a recipe for loneliness.
Agent Maxon: What do you do to pass the time? Besides this, you have to have something, right?
PoI-6029: I write memories. Probably kept me sharp over the years. If I don't want to forget something, I write it down. Important events, lazy days, dates, things she said to me. Always with as much detail as possible, though I might embellish sometimes. When I want to relive better days, I'll break out the old pictures, and read what I've written down. She's alive in there, for as long as I am.
Agent Maxon: I journal too. Introspection like that… it pays off with my job. You end up with a better grasp of yourself. Something to hold onto when you feel disillusioned with the world. I've seen people change, sometimes overnight and sometimes it takes you years to realize they're not who they used to be. I'm scared of losing myself, you could say.
PoI-6029: I didn't realize journalism carried such a burden these days. (Laughs)
Agent Maxon: More you know, right?
PoI-6029 lights a cigarette. The last pieces of SCP-5673-A wither away. He turns around, and gestures for Maxon to follow him. The two make their way back.
Researcher’s Note:
Due to the subject’s familiarity with SCP-5673 over an extended period of time, amnesticization of PoI-6029 is out of the question. I would not recommend attempting to transport the anomaly either, because of the potential damages that can occur.
I am hereby requesting that myself and two members of a stationary task force take residence with PoI-6029 for the purposes of protection and research regarding SCP-5673. PoI-6029 will be kept from the public eye, under strict surveillance. - Agent Maxon
Notice from Site-11 Provisional Research Sector:
Request granted. Supplemental documentation will be forwarded to you in the near future.
Addendum.5673.3: Interview Log
DATE: 2018/06/25
Agent Maxon knocks on the door of PoI-6029. Two stationary task force members stand beside her. PoI-6029 opens the door and welcomes the group. The interior of PoI-6029's residence is notably cleaner than last time. Sculptures and paintings are arranged in a more tasteful way, and several shelves have been constructed, housing objects that were previously strewn across the residence.
Agent Maxon: Sorry August, I hope you don't mind the extra company.
PoI-6029: (Laughs) Fellow journalists, right?
Agent Maxon: (Laughs) Right.
PoI-6029: Hey, I told you. I understand you government types. As long as you aren't taking away Sonia, you can stay here as long as you like, and get done whatever it is you need to do.
Agent Maxon: We're just here for the sake of journalism.
PoI-6029: And I'm a world renowned artist. Honey tea?
Agent Maxon: I'm -
PoI-6029 leaves and then produces a tray of honey tea from the kitchen. He serves it to the group. The two task force members disperse after taking the cups, exiting through the back door to research SCP-5673.
PoI-6029: I appreciate the company, Jackie, I really do. It's nice having people around here again. You've helped clean and organize so much already, not that there isn't a ways to go, but still. Thank you very much.
Agent Maxon: Any time. Glad to make things a little more lively for you.
PoI-6029: Would you believe me if I said that I started working on something again?
Agent Maxon: (Pauses) Really?
PoI-6029: Mm. In there.
PoI-6029 points to a sheet-covered object in the kitchen.
Agent Maxon: Can I… can we see it?
PoI-6029: Well, it's not done yet! You can see it when it's finished.
Agent Maxon: If it's finished.
PoI-6029: Oh… I'll finish it, don't you worry. It's the first time in years I've been truly motivated to create, and it's all thanks to you. I appreciate having you around, Jackie, even if I'm not privy to whatever it is you're really doing here. But you're going to love it, the art, I mean.
Agent Maxon: I'll look forward to seeing it. Was it the organizing that kicked you back into action?
PoI-6029: The cleaning, the organizing, the talking. I told you, this place has been empty without Sonia, and adding just an ounce of life to it is working wonders.
Agent Maxon: Oh, well, we're glad to provide. (Laughs) Almost 5, isn't it?
PoI-6029: (Checks watch) It is. Hold on, I'll be right back.
PoI-6029 exits the room and returns with a photo album.
Agent Maxon: Pictures?
PoI-6029: Personal album. I thought it was lost until we found it the other day while clearing out the shed. I'll be able to attach an image to some of that writing I do. Besides, I need an excuse to talk about myself.
PoI-6029 flips through the album and stops on a picture of an elderly Sonia Currie gardening.
Agent Maxon: Sonia?
PoI-6029: One of the last ones I took of her. Might be the last one. It's nothing extravagant, just one of our everyday, quiet things. You never realize how special until they are until you don't do them anymore.
Agent Maxon: Used to drive to work every day. Same location, same redundant 40 minute drive. Would you believe as soon as I got out of that place I started missing it? Routine is comforting, I know.
PoI-6029: Speaking of, you want to head out? She'll be sprouting any minute now.
Agent Maxon: Of course.
Addendum.5673.4: Interview Log
DATE: 2018/07/12
Agent Maxon approaches PoI-6029, who is on the hill where SCP-5673-A withers, sitting on a chair.
Agent Maxon: Hey, you still up here? It's nearly midnight.
PoI-6029: Jackie? Oh… I must've lost track of time.
Agent Maxon: You fall asleep or something? (Laughs)
PoI-6029: No, no. I'm just watching.
Agent Maxon: The stars? It's nice out tonight. Bit of a breeze. You okay?
PoI-6029: (Pauses) Thank you for everything you've done the past few weeks. Here I thought I was going to die forgotten and alone, but I'm glad I held on for you and your people. You've given me the tiny push I needed to do this one last thing.
Agent Maxon: Your sculpture, yeah? Is it finished?
PoI-6029: It is. I'll show it to you tomorrow. My last work. (Laughs)
Agent Maxon: Aw, don't say that. You got plenty of time left. You're just getting back into the swing of things, August. You can't stop now, you got too many fans. (Laughs)
PoI-6029 shakes his head.
PoI-6029: I've been seeing her a lot more at night, in dreams. I'm ready to see her again in person. When Sonia died, she would always talk about how her time was up. Never understood how she knew, but now… you just know. I'm ready, Jackie, I'm ready to see her smile, and feel her arms around me again. I'm ready to see her bloom. (Pauses) Can I ask you something?
Agent Maxon: Sure.
PoI-6029: We've beat around the bush enough. You're not journalists, and I'm not even sure if you're government. Sonia's tree has shown me that there's still wonder to be found in the world, even at my age. But it's a secret wonder, one beyond my comprehension. One I knew I couldn't share. You understand it though, with your tests and samples, recording equipment and such. Who are you people? What secrets do you know?
Agent Maxon: You know I can't tell you that.
PoI-6029: Hm. Figured that much (Laughs) I thought I'd ask before it was too late. There's still a little bit of curiosity left in me, about whether or not this is all there is, and what comes after.
Agent Maxon: Well, I can't tell you with this thing on. (Gestures to recording device.)
At this point, the feed is disrupted. The recording equipment is pointed to the sky and the audio is turned off. Agent Maxon explained this as an accidental bumping of the camera. She has provided no explanation for the lack of audio. The duration of this disruption lasts for twenty minutes. When the feed returns, Maxon and PoI-6029 are walking back to the residence.
Agent Maxon: Well?
PoI-6029: Thank you. It seems there's still more for me to learn. It's kind of comforting. Life goes on.
Agent Maxon: Life goes on, sometimes.
Agent Maxon and PoI-6029 reach the residence.
PoI-6029: I think I'll go straight to bed. No card games tonight.
Agent Maxon: That's alright. You sure you're good?
PoI-6029: (Nods) Just tired.
Agent Maxon: That's fine. I think the other two are down at a bar in town. Gotta go pick them up, you know how it is. I'll be back in a few hours, so don't be alarmed if you hear the doors opening.
PoI-6029 shakes Agent Maxon's hand.
PoI-6029: Thank you, Jackie.
Agent Maxon: No problem. (Pauses) August, I'll see you in the morning. Looking forward to your new piece. Night.
PoI-6029: Goodnight.
PoI-6029 turns around and enters his residence. Agent Maxon walks away from the site.
Researcher's Note: At some time during the night, PoI-6029 died in his sleep. We found his body in the morning and confirmed it with the Site-11. We were in the process of sorting things out and I went into the kitchen for a second. I came back, and the body of PoI-6029 had vanished. Neither Chalmers or Darbonelli saw anything either. We held a small service for him, between the three of us. This has not appeared to affect SCP-5673, as SCP-5673-A sprouted and walked to the hill as expected. The full report is attached below.
- Agent Maxon
Addendum.5673.5: Incident Log
A week after the death of PoI-6029, the growth of a second SCP-5673-A entity alongside the first was observed in SCP-5673's daily growth cycle. The entities, after fully growing, detached from SCP-5673 and walked their anticipated path. Upon reaching the hill, the two entities embraced. Their limbs grew, stretching and contorting until they fully resembled a tree. No anomalous properties have been observed, and the object is an otherwise ordinary tree.

The tree created by both SCP-5673-A entities

'A Forest For Ourselves' by August Fidel
Following this, SCP-5673 has not been observed to grow any more SCP-5673-A entities. Reclassification from safe to neutralized remains pending.
PoI-6029's final work of art was a metal sculpture. An inscription on the plaque reads as follows:
A small note written by PoI-6029 and placed near the sculpture indicated that the object was to be donated to Cadillac, Michigan. Agent Maxon saw through the request.
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"SCP-5673" by J Dune, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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