
Special Containment Procedures:



SCP-5626-1 is to be kept submerged in water, in a container made from beryllium bronze kept above freezing and below one degree Celsius. The water must be purified continuously, both thaumaturgically and physically. Low yield electrical current must be introduced into the submersion tank three times per hour.

SCP-5626-A, -B, and -C are to be condemned and boarded up; no access is to be granted to any personnel or civilians at this time. So long as the anomalous nature of these areas is poorly understood, all entry is prohibited.

Performance of SCP-5626 is to be monitored wherever possible. Foundation webcrawler I/O METATRON is to search for and delete all posts to online forums referencing the practice. Users having posted such material will be tracked, investigated, and detained if necessary.


Famed artist Hein Semke, in preparation of performing SCP-5626.


SCP-5626 is a thaumaturgical ritual, Daevite in origin, intended to reshape local reality.1 Performance of SCP-5626 involves the shaping of a sculpture, thematically tied to the changes the performer wishes to make. The actual practice of SCP-5626 is not well understood, as the only reference is SCP-140 which must be examined extremely carefully due to its own anomalous effects.

It is commonly understood that the sculpture must be malleable, and clay is often used in the construction. Furthermore, SCP-5626 appears to be tied to certain necromantic rites (see Discovery below).

SCP-5626-A, -B, and -C are confirmed to be areas where the ritual was performed. Each is an industrial site located in Continental Europe in close proximity to a metropolitan area. Local reality has been significantly altered in unpredictable ways within each site, and cannot be traversed safely.

SCP-5626-1 is the only recovered instance of a sculpture tied to performance of SCP-5626. The sculpture is formed out of clay, with steel nails driven into it at various angles. It resembles a human hand, clenched in anger. Despite its makeup consisting of nonanomalous clay, the sculpture is extremely resistant to damage. Extensive testing and research of the physical and ontokinetic properties of the sculpture led to the current containment procedures, but previously the anomaly had to be stored off-site. Touching the sculpture instantaneously transports an individual to a pocket dimension with physical laws that highly deviate from baseline reality. [See Addendum 5626.1]

Periodically2, the anomaly will pulse with soft blue light and will draw in any individuals within three meters of its physical location, transporting them into the pocket dimension. The containment procedures interfere with this anomalous property but will not stop the effect from taking place when touched.

In September of 1993, company Proiskhozhdeniye Investitsii3 began purchasing warehouse spaces in major metropolitan areas. Routine tracking of international investments by the company was regularly performed due to its involvement in previous investigations. On 4 September, 1993, surveillance of one such property in an industrial district of Rome revealed the scene of a ritual murder – three men and one woman were eviscerated, and their organs laid out among symbols that matched records of Daevic thaumaturgy. The symbols and organs were centered around an empty space theorized to have held something of ritual importance, but the ritual had occurred several days before.

Each of the corpses had been opened from the groin to the base of the throat. The wound was caused by a dull blade and was inflicted while the victim was alive, although there were no defensive wounds present on the body. The rib cages were torn open with brute force and the hearts and lungs were removed. Inserted into each chest cavity was a totem crafted by bending the branches of a red willow sapling - each totem was of a different shape, most reminiscent of Daevic sigils but unrecognizable.

The bodies were sat upright, their arms outstretched along their spread legs, between which laid the heart and lungs. Each corpse’s eyelids had been severed and its eyes focused on the empty space at the center of the Daevic sigils.

SCP-5626-A, -B, and -C evidenced significantly degraded local reality and have been closed off to the public. Waltham surmised that interrupting the ritual at SCP-5626-C interfered with the linking of the sites – the condition of the pocket dimension and Chernoff’s degraded form indicated a corruption of SCP-5626. If Chernoff had completed the third ritual, the geographic area bounded by the three sites would have been altered in some way.9 It is unclear what would have resulted had the ritual been completed.

Command re-established contact with MTF-Beta-777 personnel when they apparated within the building where Chernoff was confronted; personnel had only minor injuries save for Captain al Hasin’s broken tibia. Despite the length of the recorded footage, only approximately ninety seconds had elapsed since Command lost contact with the team.

An empty hinged box made of beryllium bronze was recovered from the ritual site, with foam molding that indicated it had been used to carry SCP-5626-1.

Hastily scrawled instructions were also recovered, comprising a break down step-by-step of how to prepare the ritual performed. It is unclear who wrote these instructions, but it is clear that Chernoff was using them as his bloody fingerprints were found on the document.

Studying the instructions led to the first flawed containment procedures concerning SCP-5626-1, specifically the advisement to “keep the statue away from water and electrical current.” Several personnel were declared lost during the anomaly’s first few days at Site-91, until a comprehensive procedure was designed.

Chernoff’s and Gibb’s remains were not recovered.

rating: +84+x

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