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Item#: 5515
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: No longer required.

Description: SCP-5515 was a male human of Sudanese nationality with cognitohazardous properties. Anyone who made visual contact with SCP-5515 would anomalously gain awareness of the fact that SCP-5515 possessed a vitally important secret known to no other living person.

Those affected by SCP-5515 also experienced occasional intrusive thoughts about possible means of extracting this information from SCP-5515. These thoughts were often violent in nature, but did not compel an affected subject to carry out the action. Attempts to nonviolently ascertain the information possessed by SCP-5515 or determine its possible relevance to the Foundation and its goals were unsuccessful.

Personnel involved in containment of SCP-5515 reported mental fatigue and negative emotional states as a result of intrusive thoughts. Those dealing with such issues were encouraged to write down the thoughts that bothered them as a cognitive therapy exercise and research opportunity. Examples of submissions are given below:

He would tell me his secret if I threatened his family.

He would tell me his secret if I gave him a lap dance.

He would tell me his secret if I beat him within an inch of his life.

He would tell me his secret if I made him eat glass.

He would tell me his secret if I strapped him to the underside of a helicopter and flew him over the Grand Tsingy.

He would tell me his secret if I covered him in honey and stapled live rats to him by the tail.

He would tell me his secret if I stitched his lips to the end of a pool noodle.

He would tell me his secret if I put duct tape on his corneas and pulled.

He would tell me his secret if I slammed a door on his foot until his toes fell off.

He would tell me his secret if I stuck a scissor blade all the way under his fingernail and snipped.

He would tell me his secret if I shoved a razor between each of his teeth til they were wedged in his jawbones.

He would tell me his secret if I pumped him full of drugs and made him eat his wife alive.

He would tell me his secret if I ordered the Foundation to bomb every city on earth one by one.

He would tell me his secret if I pulled the tendons from his hands and sucked them up like spaghetti.

He would tell me his secret if I cut off a little bit of him every day until there was nothing left.

He would tell me his secret if I cut spirals in his skin and peeled him like an orange.

He would tell me his secret if I gave him too much Ritalin and let him watch me drill holes in his bones.

He would tell me his secret if I blowtorched every inch of his body, gave him an escharotomy, and then did it again after his scar tissue grew in.

On 13/03/2020, SCP-5515 confessed to Foundation personnel that he was a closeted homosexual. Special concessions were made to allow SCP-5515 to come out publicly via social media, after which all anomalous activity ceased. SCP-5515 was pronounced neutralized, administered selective amnestics, and later emigrated to Canada with the aid of Foundation resources.

The origins of SCP-5515's anomalous properties remain unknown. SCP-5515 has claimed to have full knowledge of how the phenomenon began, what party was responsible, and what that party plans to do next. SCP-5515 readily offered this information to the Foundation at several junctures; however, no testimony was ever documented due to a lack of interest among presiding staff.

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