SCP-5243 Video Transcripts

43NET Video Transcript Database:

SCP-5243 Holdings

The 2021 occurrence of SCP-5243 did not result in containment failure, and no timeline restructuring event took place. Nevertheless, significant deviations from the typical course of events experienced over the previous nineteen iterations were observed. Relevant incident reports are collated below.

Incident Report AAFD-I-122
Date: 8 September 2021
Officer of Record: H. Kuroki (Chief of Security and Containment)

Summary: Dr. H. Blank encountered an unusual deviation from expected 5243 phenomenon during the execution of his containment duties.

Security Transcript

Camera: REL-022

Static view of Research & Experimentation Laboratory REL-B.

18:20:04 | Dr. H. Blank sits down at his designated workstation. He sighs.

18:21:25 | Dr. R. Wirth appears at his own workstation. Dr. Blank pointedly ignores him.

18:22:06 | Dr. Blank eyes Dr. Wirth solemnly, then checks his watch. He asks, "How are you feeling?"

18:22:13 | Dr. Wirth looks up from his lunchbox, which he has just found empty. "Hungry, I guess," he responds.

18:22:21 | The scheduled rupture of 14 processing tanks is heard from outside the laboratory.

18:22:25 | As scheduled, Dr. Blank remarks, "What was that?"

18:22:32 | "Goddamned Occultists," Wirth mutters as he leaves to inspect the source of the disruption.

18:22:38 | Dr. Blank sighs and rests his head against his desk.

18:22:41 | Camera feed flickers, depicting Dr. Blank in the same position he had been in nineteen seconds prior.

18:22:44 | To no one in particular, Dr. Blank remarks, "What was that?"

18:22:49 | Dr. Blank scans his surroundings in apparent confusion. "Reuben?"

18:22:55 | Dr. Blank leaves his seat, walking toward the exit and leaving camera view.

18:23:00 | Camera feed flickers, depicting Dr. Blank in the same position he had been in nineteen seconds prior.

18:23:03 | To no one in particular, Dr. Blank remarks, "What was that?"

18:23:05 | Dr. Blank jumps from his seat, gasping and wide-eyed. He turns around in a circle, then sprints out of the room.

18:23:19 | Camera feed flickers, depicting Dr. Blank in the same position he had been in nineteen seconds prior.

Dr. Blank is forced to repeat the nineteen-second loop a total of nineteen times, becoming visibly more anxious with each iteration.

18:28:42 | Dr. Blank falls to the floor of the laboratory and curls into a fetal position, rocking back and forth.

18:29:30 | Security and Containment personnel arrive.

Aftermath: Dr. Blank vaguely recalled the events of the former nineteen iterations of the loop, and was treated for anxiety attack symptoms. No apparent containment failure.

Incident Report AAFD-I-123
Date: 8 September 2021
Officer of Record: D. Ibanez (Chief of Pursuit and Suppression)

Summary: Chief D. Ibanez reported an unusual deviation from expected 5243 phenomenon during the execution of her containment duties.

Security Transcript

Camera: SCC-001

Camera view shows the Security and Containment Section bullpen. Chief D. Ibanez is leaning on the wall, alone.

18:23:20: | Agents A. Mukami, J. Gwilherm, and S. Radcliffe appear in their 2002 locations, mid-conversation. Agent Mukami is in the midst of exclaiming: "—inks D-class personnel are sold en masse to the Foundation by an anomalous smarmy salesman with a spray tan, who only shows up if you write up a really wasteful experiment schedule."

18:23:32 | The agents laugh. Chief Ibanez feigns laughter.

18:23:39 | Chief Ibanez shakes her head, and says "Thank god he's never gonna be responsible for anything important."

18:23:45 | The agents resume their paperwork. Chief Ibanez watches each of them in turn, frowning.

18:24:20 | The S&C bullpen redline rings. Agent Gwilherm presses the intercom button, and acknowledges the call.

18:24:21 | A high-pitched gargling sound overlaid on a low-pitched wail fills the air for three seconds. Chief Ibanez stares at the telephone in shock.

18:24:24 | Agent Gwilherm says "Go ahead, sir."

18:24:25 | The sound resumes for five seconds. A crackling sound, like dry twigs being snapped, is now underlaid beneath the gargling and wailing.

18:25:30 | Agent Gwilherm says "Yes, sir," and deactivates the intercom.

18:25:31 | Chief Ibanez stares at her agents. They stare back at her, apparently confused by her lack of action.

18:24:32 | Chief Ibanez says "Uh," appears to rally, then says "You heard the man! You three, double time!" She points at them in quick succession.

18:24:33 | All three agents leave the bullpen. Chief Ibanez approaches the intercom, gingerly deactivates it, then watches it warily for seventeen seconds before leaving the room.

Aftermath: All three agents arrived at their appointed demises on-schedule. No apparent containment failure.

Incident Report AAFD-I-124
Date: 8 September 2021
Officer of Record: H. Kuroki (Chief of Security and Containment)

Summary: An anomalous incident occurred in High-Priority Cold Storage Facility 3, where the remains of Dr. A. Zlatá from five prior occurrences of SCP-5243 (282 half-lemons) are kept frozen.

Security Transcript

Camera: CSF-003

Static view of Cold Storage Unit 14.

18:25:05 | Camera feed flickers.

18:25:09 | Cold Storage Unit 14 buckles outward. A single steel bolt strikes the camera at high velocity, shattering the lens. Feed continues.

18:25:18 | Muffled sounds from within Cold Storage Unit 14.

18:25:29 | Dramatic temperature increase detected within Cold Storage Unit 14. Automatic safeguards engaged. The unit unlocks, but its door does not open due to structural damage.

18:25:29 | The door to Cold Storage Unit 14 opens partially. A human hand can be seen grasping for purchase.

18:25:36 | Something heavy strikes the door to Cold Storage Unit 14 from the inside, pushing it farther ajar. Muffled shouts of pain.

18:25:49 | The door to Cold Storage Unit 14 bursts open. Five individuals in standard issue Foundation researcher apparel emerge, single file, falling into a heap on the floor.

18:26:09 | Security and Containment personnel arrive.

Aftermath: All five individuals were subsequently identified as Dr. A. Zlatá, and treated for severe hypothermia. Psychological counselling is ongoing.

As typical for SCP-5243 occurrences, an instance of Dr. Zlatá materialized in Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D at 18:24 hours and was transmuted into forty-seven half-lemons. Three of the resurrected Zlatás have expressed interest in handling these remains; these requests have been denied pending Psychology and Parapsychology reports on their mental and emotional stability.

Incident Report AAFD-I-125
Date: 8 September 2021
Officer of Record: H. Kuroki (Chief of Security and Containment)

Summary: Dr. W. Wettle encountered an unusual deviation from expected 5243 phenomenon during the execution of his containment duties.

Security Transcript

Camera: RES-017

A regularly-panning camera view shows the primary adjoining hallway to the Research & Experimentation Section, south side.

18:25:35 | The sound of a door opening, then shutting, is heard. The camera pans right.

18:25:43 | Dr. W. Wettle paces into camera view. He is equipped with elbow and knee pads, and a bicycle helmet.

18:25:49 | Dr. Wettle mutters "Just get it over with," repeatedly. He takes a deep breath and proceeds northward down the hallway.

18:25:55 | Agents A. Mukami, J. Gwilherm and S. Radcliffe come around the corner and into view, not yet noticing Dr. Wettle. The camera pans left.

18:26:01 | Dr. Wettle undergoes his scheduled collision with the aforementioned agents. All four individuals fall to the floor.

18:26:10 | The agents recuperate and continue down the hallway, eventually leaving camera view. Dr. Wettle lies still.

18:26:23 | Dr. Wettle gradually sits up, removing his helmet. He glances down either side of the hallway, before pumping his fist into the air. He yells, "NOT ONE SCRATCH, FUCKERS!"

18:26:43 | The camera pans right, then left. Six bright blue disembodied legs have manifested around Dr. Wettle's person. He eyes them warily.

18:26:48 | Dr. Wettle attempts to stand before the legs begin kicking wildly, causing him to collapse on the floor.

18:29:00 | The camera pans right, then left. The legs have de-manifested. Dr. Wettle groans, re-equipping his helmet, and lies motionless.

18:40:00 | Security and Containment personnel arrive.

Aftermath: Dr. Wettle was treated for major bruising. Treatment for minor emotional trauma was deferred.

The cause of these deviations remains uncertain. Site-43 personnel are to report any further anomalous activity on-Site to the Security and Containment Section immediately.

We don't know what the hell this was about, and to be perfectly frank, the ideal outcome is this: we never find out, and it never becomes important. Nevertheless, until further notice, all personnel should consider the Site on permanent Gamma-One alert status.

Maybe the Zlatás will have some insight, once we convince them they're not a pile of lemons anymore.

— D. Ibanez (Chief of Pursuit and Suppression)

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