Good evening, Director Barrett.
Loading File: SCP-5194-CL4….
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Description - Level 4 Clearance: SCP-5194-A is an autonomous, submersible, mobile data-storage and relay vessel utilized by the Foundation during R&D Initiative Waning Moon - Ceta. SCP-5194 was launched by the Foundation on 03/11/1994 for the purpose of remote storage of memortic data, transmitted from SCP-5194-B. On 21/04/1997, following the suspension of all projects conducted under Initiative Waning Moon - Ceta, SCP-5194-A was given orders to self-terminate; SCP-5194 transmitted confirmation that local data stores had been cleared and that it would undertake immediate self-scuttling actions. No further transmissions from SCP-5194 were detected, until its appearance near Site-184 on 04/09/2020.
SCP-5194-B is an autonomous, memortic sink capable of interpreting, translating, and transmitting memortic data into binary code. SCP-5194-B is currently located on the Earth's Moon at selenographic coordinates: 25.2103oN, 39.0126oW. SCP-5194-B was installed by the Foundation at its current location on 17/10/1997 and designed to operate indefinitely. Although deactivated during the suspension of Initiative Waning Moon - Ceta, the physical disassembly of SCP-5194-B was deemed unnecessary and a misallocation of Foundation resources.
Foundation Response to the Appearance of SCP-5194-A: Following the appearance of SCP-5194-A, an inquiry into Initiative Waning Moon - Ceta was opened. Foundation records have identified the following personnel as directly involved with the creation and operation of SCP-5194-A and SCP-5194-B. Efforts to locate Dr. Yost Minen for questioning are underway.
Foundation Personnel: |
Role in Initiative Waning Moon - Ceta: |
Current Status: |
Research Lead: biological effects of Oros-Class Amnestic.
Research Lead: applied memortics.
Junior Analyst: memortic data conversion and transmission.
Research Head: Initiative Waning Moon - Ceta.
Location unknown, last seen 10/03/2015.
Addendum I-01: The following interview was conducted after the discovery and containment of SCP-5194-A.
DATE: 11/09/2020.
NOTE: Dr. Gregory Werner had been placed on house arrest following the opening of Ethics Committee Investigation - Case Number: 11A82N. Agent Murphy had been assigned with interviewing Dr. Werner on his affiliation with SCP-5194-A and SCP-5194-B.
Agent Murphy: Dr. Werner, my name is Agent Murphy. Director Barrett has requested I interview you regarding your involvement in Foundation Research and Development Initiative Waning Moon - Ceta.
Dr. Werner: Director Barrett? What, are they not giving Rogers access to the Ethics Committee interviews? At the moment, I'm not too inclined to repeat myself to save Barrett some paperwork.
Agent Murphy: I appreciate your candor, Dr. Werner. Unfortunately, recent events have necessitated me being here. Am I correct in assuming this is familiar to you?
Agent Murphy offers Dr. Werner an envelope containing SCP-5194-CL-4's file. Dr. Werner proceeds to read through the file before responding. Dr. Werner remains silent for a period of time after placing the documents on the desk.
Dr. Werner: I, well… This doesn't make sense; DS3 - SCP-5194-A now, I suppose - shouldn't be operational. But even if it were, there's no reason why its data storage would be full -
Agent Murphy: I'm glad to see that you are taking this seriously, Dr. Werner. Perhaps we can start at the beginning. What were, in your understanding, the goals of Waning Moon - Ceta?
Dr. Werner: It was to be an answer to a problem. The amnestics we've been using for decades - they're all dependent upon a subject's biological response. Waning Moon was an attempt to surpass this limitation utilizing memortic theory.
Agent Murphy: You hadn't mentioned memortic theory in your previous interviews, Dr. Werner. I find that slightly alarming - could you elaborate on this concept and its relation to SCP-5194?
Dr. Werner: It was hardly relevant to the questions I was asked previously. Dr. Morrison was the expert on applied memortics, and as she explained it, an individual’s memories are not solely biological; they exist on a different conceptual level. Memortic-layer was the term she used.
Agent Murphy begins to write in a small notebook, Dr. Werner leans backwards in the chair and watches him, smiling for a moment before resuming a neutral expression.
Agent Murphy: You can continue, Dr. Werner.
Dr. Werner: Well, she suggested that sentient individuals exhibit a force of attraction on this memortic-layer, with the strongest bonds existing between them and memories essential to their self-identity. Sure, we had the tools to affect a person's ability to remember certain events, but conventional amnestics leave memories conceptually present and tethered to the subject, causing the problems we see with their long-term effectiveness.
Agent Murphy: Returning to my initial question, Dr. Werner. What does this have to do with SCP-5194-A and -B?
Dr. Werner: Everything. Dr. Morrison theorized that objects with sufficient gravitational pull warp the memortic layer in a way analogous to their influence on space-time. She suggested that, a black hole for example, wouldn't just pull physical matter and light into it, but upon a certain threshold, an individual’s memories and self-identity would be consumed and lost. It was Yost Minen's project, Waning Moon - Ceta, that fully saw the possibilities this theory offered - he thought all they needed was to get that thing onto the moon.
Agent Murphy: You're referring to SCP-5194-B? Foundation records state it was deactivated-
Dr. Werner: But it's still there, isn't it? What you're calling SCP-5194-B was an attempt to amplify the natural force exerted by the moon on the memortic layer toward certain, targeted memories. Oros-Class Amnestic was the signal: a way to identify such memories.
Agent Murphy: My understanding is that Oros-Class Amnestic was never widely utilized. Why was that?
Dr. Werner: The whole thing didn't work. There was a break-down in the chain of connections. We went through our funding - then the additional funding - then command shut us down.
Agent Murphy: Thank you for your time, Dr. Werner. If you recall anything further, please do be in touch.
NOTE: I am suspicious of Dr. Werner's explanation surrounding the suspension of Waning Moon - Ceta. Pending Director Barrett's approval, I am requesting access to restricted archives which may be relevant to my Investigation.
Addendum I-02: The following document has been attached to SCP-5194-CL4's file by Agent Murphy.
INTERNAL MEMO: SCP WM-C Memortic Sink tests (04/12/1997).
FROM: Dr. Sylvia Morrison
TO: Dr. Yost Minen.
DATE: 04/12/1997.
Dr. Minen,
I am excited to report that operational tests of WM-C MS1 are proceeding as scheduled and thus far appear promising.
We have established a definite memortic-binary link, and WM-C MS1 and WM-C DS3 are showing green across the board. I have Oswald running checks on the data flow to ensure nothing is lost there, and he's told me its all looking stable - for now at least.
Our only hiccup came during testing: our Leporidae subject, 0004, appeared to enter a catatonic state following the administration of Oros Class Amnestic. Dr. Werner is reviewing the chemical compounds to determine the cause. Despite this, all indications suggest that the trial was a success - data from 0004's memortic sphere seems to have been successfully extracted; we should be able to access it via WM-C DS3's transfer shortly.
We're going to be able to see its memories.
— Dr. Sylvia Morrison
Addendum I-03: The following interviews were arranged by Agent Murphy's request to further question Dr. Werner.
DATE: 13/09/2020.
NOTE: Following my investigation into the suspension of Waning Moon - Ceta, I have reason to question the account given by Dr. Werner. My intention is to address his role in the creation of Oros-Class Amnestic.
Agent Murphy: Dr. Werner, when last we talked you had claimed the suspension of Waning Moon - Ceta involved the failure of SCP-5194-A and -B to operate properly; I believe that you intentionally misled me with that assertion.
Dr. Werner: Agent Murphy, I'm unclear on what grounds you have for these accusations.
Agent Murphy shows Dr. Werner the memo attached as Addendum I-02.
Agent Murphy: I've also had a closer look at your history at the Foundation, Dr. Werner. You've been working here for nearly 60 years, and in those decades, you haven't made many friends - tend to keep to yourself, avoiding social gatherings and non-work-related functions-
Dr. Werner: I hardly see how my personal preferences are relevant.
Agent Murphy: Yes, I was getting to that. Although you've stayed distant from your colleagues, you've displayed a surprising attachment to your current position: you've turned down three on-site promotions and four transfer opportunities to other, larger Foundation sites. Some of these potential projects were directly tied to your personal work. We've already established you aren't staying here because of the people here.
Dr. Werner: As I said before, I fail to understand how my personal, life decisions are relevant to your inquiry.
Agent Murphy: Well then there's the matter of your research assistants; it appears that in your role as Head Researcher of Site-184 Aquatic Animal Wing, you've put in an unusual number of transfer and dismissal requests. The most recent of which has led the past to catch up to you. Dr. Werner, it is abundantly clear that you've been hiding something these past years - but why are you still bothering? You know as well as I do that you're likely to be dismissed from your position, and if I can be blunt, it won't be long until you take this secret to your grave. You have an opportunity here, Dr. Werner, to set the truth straight. I assure you things will come to light in time, wouldn't you rather it be done in your own words?
Dr. Werner is silent for nearly a minute before speaking.
Dr. Werner: It was my fault. I couldn't refine Oros-Class Amnestic to only target specific memories, as we intended; I couldn't figure out the biological-memortic transition. And because of that, SCP-5194-B would rip everything from an individual: all their memories, lived experiences, everything that could constitute a self-identity - gone, pulled hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. The subject wouldn't die; their bodily functions still worked fine, but they weren’t people anymore - they were husks. We were shut down because we weren't amnestizing people, we were annihilating them.
Agent Murphy: Thank you, Dr. Werner. That will be all for today.
DATE: 14/09/2020.
NOTE: Following the previous interview, Agent Murphy asked to speak with Dr. Werner again to address a concern noted in the first interview.
Agent Murphy: Dr. Werner, thank you for agreeing to speak to me again. I was reviewing our first conversation, and something you said caught my attention. You mentioned that SCP-5194-A was a data store for Waning Moon - Ceta. Can we revisit that?
Dr. Werner: I suppose so, Agent Murphy.
Agent Murphy: You expressed surprise regarding SCP-5194-A's recent transmissions, regarding the local storage exceeding its capacity. Why is that?
Dr. Werner: Murphy, the existence of SCP-5194-A is a surprise to me. By all accounts, that vessel should be a derelict wreck on the ocean floor. But even if we had left it operational, it wouldn't explain SCP-5194-A reaching its memory capacity.
Agent Murphy: Why is that?
Dr. Werner: SCP-5194-A was built to store hundreds of thousands of hours of memortic data transferred from SCP-5194-B. By the time Waning Moon - Ceta was scrapped, we hadn't utilized over 99.9% of the local storage: storage that should only be filled when it receives a transfer from SCP-5194-B, which should only happen when SCP-5194-B extracts memories from individuals, which should only happen when Oros-Class Amnestic is administered, which - to my knowledge - hasn't happened since 1996.
Agent Murphy: So that would mean -
Dr. Werner: That SCP-5194-A is full of hundreds of thousands of hours of memories, and we have no idea where they came from.
Following this interview, SCP-5194's Disruption Class was elevated to Ekhi and its Risk Class elevated to Warning. Dr. Gregory Werner has claimed no knowledge of the Response to SCP-5194-A's Challenge, arguing that this was only known to Dr. Yost Minen. Efforts to locate Dr. Minen are ongoing.