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Item#: 5152
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Item #: SCP-5152

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5152 is to be stored in a Class 1 Anomalous Object container at Site-29 when not undergoing testing or use by Foundation personnel. Access to the object must be approved by at least two researchers of Level 2 clearance or higher. Testing of SCP-5152 must be monitored by Site-29 medical staff in the event of psychological and behavioral abnormalities in subjects post-exposure to SCP-5152. Under no circumstances are personnel that has been administered amnestetics to be allowed access to SCP-5152 (See Addendum 5152-A).

Description: SCP-5152 is a black eye mask composed of silk, polyester, and rubber. The object exhibits no unusual physical properties apart from its tensile strength, which resembles that of hardened steel. The mask itself is consistent with the Manta brand of sleep masks produced between the years of 2005 and 2012. However, the mask itself lacks the company’s manufacturer markings.

When worn, the wearer is transported to a corridor stretching beyond the subject's range of vision, with doors lining its walls. Various tests indicate that the number of doorways and the physical length of the corridor change depending on the subject, with the only consistency being that of the corridor’s apparent stonework. The corridor appears to be constructed of a marble-like substance, with each of the doors constructed of similar material. However, attempted testing of the material in question has resulted in failure, as samples appear to be unstable outside of the anomaly1. All GPS tracking of subjects entering SCP-5152 has proven ineffective, implying that the corridor may exist in a separate reality.

Subjects report tranquility and increased curiosity inside the corridor, pushing them to navigate it. After three minutes, the subject will attempt to open one of the doors and proceed within. Subjects report observing a third-person perspective scene of an event from their past within, with a majority of these scenes prompting a positive response from subjects2.

Subjects have also observed vocalizations (hereby designated SCP-5152-1) post conclusion of the observed scene. In all cases, SCP-5152-1 will attempt conversation with the subject in regards to the scene. In all cases, SCP-5152-1 prompts an overall positive outlook from the subject and is often described as a voice similar to that of a close friend or family member related to the subject. Most commonly, SCP-5152-1 will take on the voice and mannerisms of an individual involved within the specific memory of the subject3.

When SCP-5152 is removed, subjects return to their location prior to interaction with SCP-5152 with no observable deterioration in physical or mental health regardless of time elapsed. It is of note that individuals suffering from PTSD4 or other stress-related conditions observe the most significant change in overall demeanor post-exposure to SCP-5152. Testing into the potential use as an antidepressant or therapeutic device is ongoing.

Discovery: SCP-5152 was discovered by Foundation field agents on 5/7/20██ following numerous reports of a new anomalous mental health treatment program developed by DreamScape Pharmaceuticals™, based in Tampa, Florida5. Foundation agents confirmed the anomalous nature of SCP-5152 after field agents arranged appointments with the clinic in question, and a demonstration of the procedure was observed. Class-B amnestetics were supplied to all staff at the clinic and all documented individuals that underwent treatment via SCP-5152 were subsequently questioned, amnesticized, and released. SCP-5152 was later transported to its current containment at site-29.

Addendum 5152-A: Due to the substantial breach of confidential information spanning various clearance levels due to SCP-5152, any further testing of SCP-5152 utilizing individuals that have undergone amnestetic treatment is unanimously prohibited by the O5 Council (See Experiment III for details).

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