SCP-5151: Chivalry Never Dies
Author Page: Meet The Interviewer - WhiteGuard
Special Thanks to
Milo DeFrisco, Marcelles_Raynes does not match any existing user name,
Recette, and

Item #: SCP-5151
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5151 is to be housed in a large humanoid containment cell at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3. No electrical devices are permitted inside of the cell except for an audio-recording device. All lights in the containment cell have been replaced by oil-fed lamps built into the walls.
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, MTF Pi-7 ("Honor Bound Knights") is to enter the containment cell to train and spar with SCP-5151 for 7 hours. Every Sunday evening, a wooden table with eight wooden chairs of are to be placed in the center of the containment cell. All members of MTF Pi-7 are required to seat themselves with SCP-5151 at the table. Personnel is instructed to prepare and serve various types of bread, pies, roasted pig, poultry, stews, and soups along with a variety of wines and ales to those seated at the table.1 MTF Pi-7 is allowed to leave the containment cell after SCP-5151 becomes incapacitated from the alcoholic beverages.
Description: SCP-5151 is a male humanoid covered in a chain mail hauberk of Polish origin from the medieval era with a laurel wreath2 around its head. It identifies as "The Black Knight," although it references having many other names and titles in the past. SCP-5151 does not require rest, food, or water for survival, although it consumes food and beverages for pleasure. When SCP-5151 deems a subject dishonorable, SCP-5151 will stab through the subject's aorta with its longsword, and then proceed to anomalously drain the victim's blood from their body completely.
Despite the appearance of having clothing and armor, every aspect of SCP-5151's body, garments, armor, longsword, and other adornments is made up of the same composition. This composition can pass through material objects and is impervious to physical damage. The entity has the capability to adjust this composition as it desires. These anomalous characteristics make containment of SCP-5151 through conventional means difficult.
During its discovery, the entity was found to be capable of forming an anomalous mark onto a subject's hand when said subject forms a blood-pact3 with the entity. This mark is referred to as SCP-5151-2. When forming a blood-pact, SCP-5151 can establish an SCP-5151-2 instance with several subjects at the same time by creating a pact with their leader. SCP-5151-2 causes a mild burning sensation that varies in strength based on unknown factors. Affected individuals have had a noticeable increase in feelings of inadequacy and dread, as well as an increase in stress levels. It is unknown at this time as to whether or not SCP-5151-2 possesses any mind-affecting properties or if these factors can be attributed to the nature of this assignment combined with frustrations due to the current inability to remove SCP-5151-2.
Addendum 5151.01: Initial Discovery Log
SCP-5151 was discovered after the Foundation received reports of anomalous vigilante murders across the Alsace, Lorraine, Champagne, and Orléanais provinces of France. MTF Pi-1 ("City Slickers") were deployed to investigate the separate murders of E████ ██████ and G█████ ████████, two out of three men responsible for the murder of 4 adults as well as the kidnapping and trafficking of 18 children into child slavery from an orphanage in █████████, France. MTF Pi-1 agents found that each man had recently expired due to exsanguination.4 Both men possessed large stab wounds through their aortas; however, each man's body and clothing, lacked any visible or forensic traces of blood. This description followed the same pattern of the previous vigilante murders, and the MTF agents apprehended the third man responsible for the orphanage incident, R██ ███████, following a brief search in the region.
On 08/08/2019, at 03:17 AM, during the transport of the subject to Site-06-3, MTF agents encountered SCP-5151 standing in the path of their vehicles. SCP-5151 began walking towards the vehicles as MTF agents attempted to make contact with the entity. The entity continued walking towards the vehicle despite warnings from the MTF agents. MTF Pi-1 proceeded to open fire on SCP-5151 to no effect. When the entity began to approach the vehicle which contained the subject, MTF agents attempted to restrain the entity physically; however, the agents were unable to grab the entity due to its ability to pass through matter. SCP-5151 stabbed the subject through his aorta with a longsword. After killing the subject, SCP-5151 proceeded to stare at MTF Pi-1-█ before lunging toward and killing him with the same process. SCP-5151 proceeded to sheathe its longsword and raise its hands in a submissive manner while the MTF agents continued to discharge their weapons in the entity. When MTF Pi-1 ceased their fire, SCP-5151 proceeded to greet them, "Brave fellows, do not worry about him. I disposed of him as I have with others of his lot. Loyalty is a virtue, and the lack of it will lead to the death of chivalry. My presence is a testament that chivalry will never die. With this being said, I understand you have been searching for me. Pray tell what you might need of me?" This statement led to MTF Pi-1 surrounding SCP-5151 and contacting Site Command.
After MTF Pi-1 contacted Site-06-3 concerning the entity, Site Director T███ ███████ decided to send Senior Researcher Sylvain Moreau along with site security to speak with the entity. After his arrival, Dr. Moreau proceeded to conduct an interview with SCP-5151.
Upon approval from Site Director T███ ███████, MTF Pi-7 ("Honor Bound Knights") has been formed to accommodate the current containment procedures of SCP-5151. These seven agents were chosen based on their skill in hand-to-hand combat as well as on their character compatibility with SCP-5151. After investigation of Pi-1-█'s belongings after the events which occurred, it was found that Pi-1-█ had several classified SCP documents as well as a note instructing him to steal SCP-████. It is believed that Pi-1-█ had a connection with the Chaos Insurgency.
Addendum 5151.02: Discovery Follow Up Interview
Several experiments were conducted to remove SCP-5151-2 from the research team members. Each experiment resulted in failure; however, several aspects concerning the nature of SCP-5151-2's nature have been discovered. SCP-5151-2 can not be removed from the subject's hand by physical means. This includes removing the appendage in which SCP-5151-2 is attached. Due to the incident surrounding the detachment of Junior Researcher Damien Dupree's right hand, SCP-5151-2 was found to have relocated to his right arm. It was also found that researchers who demonstrate higher stress levels due to the existence of SCP-5151-2 were susceptible to greater burning sensations emitted by SCP-5151-2. Further research concerning SCP-5151-2 will be delayed until the nature of SCP-5151 is better understood. - Dr. Moreau
Addendum 5151.03: Names and Titles of SCP-5151
Research Log 5151.RL.01
SCP-5151's appearance replicates the known records of Zawisza Czarny. From the fact that SCP-5151 relates Zawisza Czarny to be one of its previous names, it can be inferred that SCP-5151 has a strong connection to this figure. This information can mean either SCP-5151 replicates this figure's appearance and nature or that SCP-5151 was this figure in history.
In Interview Log 5151.IL.02, SCP-5151 mentioned that it knew several languages and that it had the following names and titles from the past:
- Zawisza Czarny (1370 AD - 1428 AD), "The Black Knight", Polish
- Edward Plantagenet (1330 AD - 1376 AD)5, "The Black Prince", English
- Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (1043 AD - 1099 AD), "El Cid" or "El Campeador", Spanish
- Charles Martel (688 AD - 741 AD), "The Hammer", French
These figures in history were all famous military-minded men who performed some great feat for their people or made some great cultural impact on their people. Another similarity between these men is their respectful nature. Each of these men was respected for holding to their values, and Zawisza Czarny specifically is known to have been the epitome of a chivalrous knight in medieval history. This information correlates with what we have already discovered concerning the nature of SCP-5151.
Researcher Nathanael Namreg
Addendum 5151.04: MTF Pi-7-1 Interview
Addendum 5151.05: Incident Report 5151.IR.01
Addendum 5151.06: Research Update
Updated Containment Procedures: SCP-5151 has been moved to Integrated Containment Site-54. MTF Pi-7 has relocated to Site-54 to provide further accommodations to SCP-5151. All other prior accommodations to SCP-5151 are still granted; however, the walls of the containment cell have been constructed with a grid pattern of electrical wiring inside. This grid pattern aligns with the door to the cell when closed to complete the circuit. An electrical current of 1,000 amps is passed through this wire grid at all times. MTF Pi-7 will be armed with experimental Nemtyshkin EDA's6.