DATE: 06/12/2020
- Dr. Eric Trenton
- Jr. Researcher Angela Starse
- D-128
NOTES: First incursion into SCP-5093. One D-Class personnel (D-128) was equipped with recording equipment, a two-way radio, and an emergency ration. D-128 was instructed to investigate SCP-5093 while maintaining communication with control.
D-128 enters SCP-5093.
Dr. Trenton: Check?
D-128: Check.
Researcher Starse: Check?
D-128: Check.
Dr. Trenton: Can you stop?
Researcher Starse: (Laughs) Sorry. Cass, you good?
D-128 reluctantly moves forward, examining SCP-5093.
D-128: Yep. What's, uh, what should I expect?
Dr. Trenton: Don't know yet. Figure it out, champ. You got this.
D-128: Well, it… looks normal. (Gestures) Nothing's jumping out at me, my brain doesn't want to burst out of my skull, I think it's just a room. We done?
Dr. Trenton: Nope. Feeling okay?
D-128: Peachy.
Dr. Trenton: Check the windows.
D-128 approaches a window.
D-128: Windows. Blue tint, buildings everywhere. Kind of look like the studio.
Researcher Starse: (Turns to Trenton) Then that's… yeah. All the buildings are identical?
D-128 walks to the opposite side of the room and observes a window.
D-128: All the same.
Dr. Trenton: Try opening a door.
D-128 approaches the door in the upper right corner, and attempts to open it.
D-128: Locked.
D-128 attempts to open the other three doors found inside SCP-5093, consecutively failing.
D-128: I could pick them, maybe. Looks like a regular lever handle.
Dr. Trenton: (Pauses) Uh, sure. Go for it.
D-128: With what, dumbass? The plastic fork?
Dr. Trenton: Alright, relax. (Turns to Researcher Starse) Ang, can you get her something?
Researcher Starse: Paper clip good?
D-128 examines the door handle.
D-128: Yeah, that's fine.
Researcher Starse leaves her position from the control set-up. Dr. Trenton and D-128 have a conversation. Extraneous dialogue has been removed.
Researcher Starse: (Yells) Eric, come back here! I can't reach the box.
Dr. Trenton: (Gestures to screen) Stay put. (Yells) Coming!
Dr. Trenton averts his eyes from the control set-up and stands up. He briefly pokes his head around the corner, where Researcher Starse is positioned. At this moment, the video feed is lost and SCP-5093 de-manifests. The door leading to SCP-5093 shows the ordinary exterior of Provisional Site-5093. Dr. Trenton looks visibly confused. He touches the radio he's equipped with. D-128's voice is heard.
D-128: Doc?
Dr. Trenton: Uh, hello?
D-128: Doc, the door just disappeared. Like, the one I came in through. It's not there anymore.
Dr. Trenton: Hello? Who is this?
D-128: Great joke. Seriously, it's not there anymore. What the fuck do I do?
Researcher Starse enters the control room.
Researcher Starse: Is Cass ready?
Dr. Trenton: I… I need a second to think here. Who am I communicating with?
D-128: (Yells) It's Cass! D-128! You want to fill me in on what's happening over there?
Researcher Starse: That's her. Wasn't she with you?
Dr. Trenton: (Pauses) I thought so too.
Researcher Starse: Cass, where are you? We're about to start testing, get back to control.
D-128: (Yells) You already started! I'm literally in the room.
Dr. Trenton: I… don't think you are. We haven't manifested the anomaly yet. Can you just come to the room you were in two minutes ago?
D-128: Look, look. You manifested the room. It took a couple tries, but you got it. I geared up, and you sent me in. Look at the computer. You can't see me?
Dr. Trenton stares at the door SCP-5093 manifests itself in. Researcher Starse takes a seat at the computer terminal. Trenton begins examining the various equipment strewn around the room.
Researcher Starse: Black.
Dr. Trenton: Equipment's gone too, shit. I guess we did send you in there.
D-128: Maybe it's one of those… things.
Dr. Trenton: What things?
D-128: Like, you guys definitely have a word for them. Like an amnestic, but it's a thing. You see it, and you forget about it.
Dr. Trenton: An antimeme?
D-128: I guess.
Researcher Starse: First time working with one of those.
Dr. Trenton: Probably not. Anyway, what happened after you were in?
D-128: Tried to open the doors. Couldn't. Ang said she'd get me a paper clip. Couldn't. You left to go help her.
Dr. Trenton: (Pauses) We both left.
D-128: Yeah, and now I can't get out.
Researcher Starse: Hang on, we're manifesting the room again.
Dr. Trenton sits at the computer terminal.
Dr. Trenton: Wait. Video feed auto-archives. (Pauses) There, feed's up.
Dr. Trenton successfully pulls up a playback of the recording prior to its disruption.
D-128: You can see me?
Dr. Trenton: (Shakes head) Old footage. Ang, come here.
Researcher Starse: God, this is weird. That's the room?
Dr. Trenton: Look away, and don't look back until I tell you to.
Researcher Starse looks away from the terminal. Trenton begins counting with his fingers while still facing the screen. After 10 seconds, she appears visibly confused and looks at Dr. Trenton without prompting.
Dr. Trenton: What's the room look like?
Researcher Starse: I… didn't look at it yet.