by J Dune

SCP-5061, outside of its protective casing.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5061 is to be stored inside Area-179's Secure Media Archive.1
Access to SCP-5061 is limited to the researcher assigned to Project-5061-Telephone. Interaction is to be carried out once every 24 hours for the purpose of collecting information regarding SCP-5061 and Entity-5061-1, and all interaction is to be recorded.2
Description: SCP-5061 is a 35 mm film reel encased in an unlabeled container. SCP-5061 holds approximately 305 m of film3- all of which is blank.
Despite holding the equivalent of 11 minutes worth of film, SCP-5061 will run indefinitely when played. Upon projection, SCP-5061 displays the image of a dressing room, in which Entity-5061-1 will be present. From information provided by SCP-5061-A, this dressing room is located on the set of the 1942 Warner Brothers production Yankee Doodle Dandy. SCP-5061 can be projected once every 24 hours. Attempting to play SCP-5061 after stopping the projector will result in a blank screen. This will continue until the 24 hour period between projections is over.
Entity-5061-1 is a young woman that is present during projections of SCP-5061. The entity can be interacted with by those viewing SCP-5061, and has given no indication of anomalous origin or intent. Entity-5061-1 refers to itself as 'Elizabeth Connors', and has provided a mass of information regarding itself and the nature of SCP-5061. No such name appears in the credits for Yankee Doodle Dandy, nor does the likeness of Entity-5061-1 appear in any known cut of the film. Search of records from various acting agencies and studio archives from the era to match the likeness and description of Entity-5061-1 is ongoing.
Information provided by Entity-5061-1 and upon acquisition of the object4 indicates that projecting SCP-5061 acts as a conduit between two separate points in time- one in the present, and one in 1942. Because of the viewpoint provided through projection and references by Entity-5061-1 itself, it is known that Entity-5061-1 can 'see' its viewers through its dressing room mirror. Regardless of what time SCP-5061 is successfully projected,5 Entity-5061-1 will always perceive the event as occurring around 20:00.
Addendum 5061.1: Acquisition
SCP-5061 was acquired by MTF Mu-3 ("Highest Bidders") from an auction held by Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. on 5/10/2020. An excerpt from the bidder's guide is displayed below.
B8O45/GTS72/54V8X | |
Status | Selling |
Demand | High |
Value | 85000USD |
Availability | Unique |
Identifier | The Woman in the Reel |
Description | A film reel that- when played- accesses a window to the past- specifically, the dressing room of a 1940s actress by the name of Elizabeth Connors. The viewer is able to interact with Elizabeth, and vice-versa. Elizabeth is able to be talked to once every 24 hours for an indefinite amount of time, or- at least until she has other things to do. To cease interaction, simply turn the projector off, and remove the reel. |
Marshall, Carter and Dark, LLP |
Addendum 5061.2: Project-5061-Telephone
In order to gain information about and to thoroughly investigate SCP-5061, Project-5061-Telephone was established and assigned to a sole researcher- Dr. Edward Dune. Transcripts of Dr. Dune's logs are listed below.
Project-5061-Telephone.5/11/2020 Video Log Transcript
Date: 5/11/2020
Subject: Entity-5061-1
Interviewer: Dr. Edward Dune- Senior Researcher, Area-179
Foreword: Project-5061-Telephone interactions are conducted in Area-179's Media Viewing Theater. Per written request of Dr. Dune, protective glass separating the screen and the viewer has been removed.
Note- Dr. Dune: My eyesight's bad enough without the annoying glare. I seriously doubt MCD would sell an item without informing bidders that there's a risk something's going to jump out of the screen and kill you. Actually- I wouldn't put it past them. Whatever. Remove the glass. If anything happens, I could probably deal with it anyway. - Dr. Edward Dune
<Begin Recording>
<The image of Entity-5061-1 removing cosmetics is projected onto the screen>
Dr. Dune: This is Doctor Edward D-
Entity-5061-1: <subject yells in surprise> Jesus Christ- not again! You know, I was getting used to not having strange men stare at me in my dressing room.
Dr. Dune: You can hear, correct?
Entity-5061-1: Oh, he's British. Yes, I'm able to hear you. I can see you too, you know.
Dr. Dune: Figured. I'm assuming you prefer 'Elizabeth'?
Entity-5061-1: It's my God-given name, sir. And you haven't even introduced yourself!
Dr. Dune: Right, right- Doctor Edward Dune. I'll be talking to you for the next couple of days. Is this alright with you?
Entity-5061-1: I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do I?
Dr. Dune: You don't. Let's start with s-
Entity-5061-1: Questions, right? Always questioning. Questioning me, treating me like I'm thick- "Can you leave the room? What day is it?"- Yes, I can leave the room! I'm as real as- well, as real as I think you are.
Dr. Dune: Wasn't doubting your existence, Elizabeth. I'd just like to ask you some questions.
Entity-5061-1: How about I ask you some questions?
Dr. Dune: That'd be sufficient.
Entity-5061-1: Sufficient. You're quite distinguished, aren't you, Doctor? Just, answer me this- are you, or, all of you people- oh- it's ridiculous. I couldn't-<sobbing>
Dr. Dune: Fucking Christ. Calm down. Look, look- the 'why' behind our communication is just as much of a mystery to me as it is to you, but that's not important. I need to figure out what you are, exactly-
Entity-5061-1: What I am? What are you talking about, sir? T-
Dr. Dune: What year is it, Elizabeth?
Entity-5061-1: Year?
Dr. Dune: I'll approach it this way. For me, it's 2020.
Entity-5061-1: You're insane. What do you mean? No, I thought about this- and, oh God. You're government, right? It has to be government. I'm an experiment, aren't I? Men from the future, and- oh, it's just ridiculous!
Dr. Dune: Why don't you try to tell me about yourself, or where you are? Just, close your eyes and tell me about yourself. Things that are true to you. If you're in distress, we'd be able to help, Elizabeth.
Entity-5061-1: Distress? Heavens n- um, okay, I'll try. My name is- uh, Elizabeth Connors. I'm an actress, or at least- that's what people say. It's bit roles and extra work, mostly. I'm not a Barrymore, or a Stanwyck, but I- I like what I do. The cameras, meeting new people- it's pleasant- when the work's there, of course. My uncle's a producer- Oh! I think I'm getting ahead of myself.
Dr. Dune: You're doing fine, Elizabeth.
Entity-5061-1: It's okay, sir. I'm not as fat-headed as I may look. I've been thinking about it for awhile, and, well- you're from the future. You said it yourself. They've all said it. I'm accepting it. For me- it's January 3rd, 1941. For you, it's two-thousand and-?
Dr. Dune: Twenty.
Entity-5061-1: Heavens.
Entity-5061-1: You seem a little more talkative than the others.
Dr. Dune: How many people have you talked to?
Entity-5061-1: Just a few. Asked me all sorts of strange questions. I was doing my hair, and then all of a sudden four men were in my mirror. Gave me quite a shock, sir. They were always brief- came around for only a couple minutes a night.
Dr. Dune: Mirror, huh? Ah, that makes sense.
Entity-5061-1: It only happened for a week or so, right around the middle of December. Same time every night, right around 8 o'clock. I thought I was going mad! Eventually, I just accepted it. At first, I wanted to talk to a doctor, and- oh, well- I guess I'm talking to one now.
<Dune writes on his notepad>
Dr. Dune: Shit works out, doesn't it?
Entity-5061-1: <gasping> You're a vulgar doctor, too- talking like that to a woman! I presume manners and a professionalism aren't a staple of the scientific community in 2020, either.
Dr. Dune: Hmm? Oh, sorry.
Entity-5061-1: <laughing> I'm playing with you, sir. If you heard the things I hear everyday on set, your ears might fall off.
Dr. Dune: I doubt that. So, can you-
Entity-5061-1: You're not going to be much fun either, are you?
Dr. Dune: Probably not. I'm here to study you, Elizabeth. Your compliance makes this a lot easier. The sooner you answer my questions, the sooner you won't have to deal with strange men in your mirror.
Entity-5061-1: Well, you haven't been asking me much, sir. You don't have to be so rude when ta-
Dr. Dune: Alright, that's enough for tonight. Think about what I said. I have papers to revise. We'll be talking daily.
Entity-5061-1: Joy.
Dr. Dune: Hold on- I have to get up- reel's still in.
Entity-5061-1: What?
<Dr. Dune leaves his chair and moves towards the projector>
Dr. Dune: Nothing, don't worry about it.
<End Recording>
Project-5061-Telephone.5/12/2020 Video Log Transcript
Date: 5/12/2020
Subject: Entity-5061-1
Interviewer: Dr. Edward Dune- Senior Researcher, Area-179
<Begin Recording>
<The image of Entity-5061-1 is projected onto the screen>
Dr. Dune: Elizabeth?
Entity-5061-1: Right on time.
Dr. Dune: Hm. Do you remember what time we talked yesterday?
Entity-5061-1: Around eight?
Dr. Dune: What time is it now? Exactly?
Entity-5061-1: <glancing to the right> 7:55.
Dr. Dune: Interesting.
<Dune writes on his notepad>
Entity-5061-1: Why?
Dr. Dune: Observations. More for me than you.
Entity-5061-1: Why are you studying me, Doctor?
Dr. Dune: I said before, we're studying the means of communication between us. You just happen to be on the other end.
Entity-5061-1: But you're still studying me- taking notes and all.
Dr. Dune: What kind of researcher would I be if I didn't?
Entity-5061-1: Who are you?
Dr. Dune: Doctor E-
Entity-5061-1: Edward Dune, right. You work for the government, the military- something of the sort?
Dr. Dune: You could say that. I work for an organization that investigates things that aren't…normal. Right now, it's the way we're communicating. We study these things, keep them out of the wrong hands- allow the masses to spend their time watching films, or enjoy a day in the park. There's a veil of normalcy that has to be kept, and we're the ones in charge of keeping it.
Entity-5061-1: Well, you're quite important.
Dr. Dune: Very.
<Dune writes on his notepad>
Entity-5061-1: No time for film, or a day in the park, or being kind when you're responsible for protecting the world from God knows what, right?
Dr. Dune: Not really. Anyways, can you tell me a bit about your everyday routine?
Entity-5061-1: What is wrong with you? It's like you've never talked to another person before! You're rude, sir.
Dr. Dune: Alright, fine. I'll…I'll stop. I need to know about the nature of your world.
Entity-5061-1: The nature of my world? How about the nature of yours, sir? I'm not quite sure what you want from me. You're from the future, right? Just go look up 1942 in an encyclopedia if you're so curious about the nature of my world!
Dr. Dune: It isn't like that-
Entity-5061-1: Well, what is it like? Keeping secrets doesn't help anyone.
Dr. Dune: Fine- I have to figure out whether your 1942 and my 1942 are the same, or if we're looking at something more complex.
Entity-5061-1: What do you mean, "my" 1942? What kind of talk is that?
Dr. Dune: The kind of talk we specialize in, Elizabeth. Why don't you list off some significant events that have happened recently?
Entity-5061-1: Well, I'm not one for politics- but even I know the United States just entered the war.
Dr. Dune: I assumed from the accent, but you are in the United States- right?
Entity-5061-1: Burbank, California.
Dr. Dune: Do you know what prompted the entry into the war?
Entity-5061-1: Why, of course! Everyone knows that. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor just last month.
Dr. Dune: That's good, Elizabeth. Means there's a possibility that we're operating on the same timeline, or a similar one, at least.
Entity-5061-1: Oh, right. Good.
<Dune writes on his notepad>
Entity-5061-1: Look, I understand that conversation isn't exactly your thing, so why don't I take the wheel?
Dr. Dune: It's not th-
Entity-5061-1: Just relax. Forget about the paperwork, or whatever you have to do after this. Let's just talk. If you're from the future, and- well, if we're on the same brainwave, or whatever you said- can you tell me what happens? With, uh, the war and all.
Dr. Dune: Well, It's not exactly protocol for interacting with time anomalies, but I think you can keep a secret, right?
Entity-5061-1: I never kiss and tell, sir.
Dr. Dune: I'm speaking English, aren't I?
<Entity-5061-1 smiles and holds its hands to its mouth>
Entity-5061-1: No. I didn't even thi-
Dr. Dune: Mhm.
Entity-5061-1: That's wonderful! I- I felt guilty about doing all of this, when the world's in chaos, and people are struggling- and I'm just here- dancing, singing, smiling. There's a war out there, and all I can do is play pretend.
Dr. Dune: Rosie the Riveter a thing yet?
Entity-5061-1: Who?
Dr. Dune: Oh, you just wait. No, Elizabeth- don't feel guilty. There's a saying where I'm from- about dying in the darkness, so others can live in the light. You're living in the light, Elizabeth. There's nothing wrong with that. World needs a little light sometimes.
Entity-5061-1: <sighing> Right. I suppose making people smile is a noble goal.
Dr. Dune: You're taking their minds off of what's going on out there. What you're doing is important. People like you- they're needed.
Entity-5061-1: Thank you, sir. I just felt-
Dr. Dune: Don't. Look, I'm sorry. In my line of work, I deal with a lot of inhumanity, literally and emotionally. Usually when I'm communicating with something- it's planting a memetic trigger in my cornea, or lashing out at me. I just wasn't sure-
Entity-5061-1: It's okay, sir. You didn't know if I was safe to talk to, or if I was a real person. I understand.
Dr. Dune: It's the reality of the job. I should've approached you more humanely. I realize you have hopes, fears, and you're undoubtedly living a life of your own.
Entity-5061-1: You're fine. Why don't we just talk? You can get your information, and I can have someone to talk to this late at night.
Dr. Dune: That'd be su- that'd be fine.
Dr. Dune: You said you're on a movie set, right?
Entity-5061-1: Mhm, a Warner Brothers production. If that means anything to you.
Dr. Dune: Warner Brothers? Oh, Elizabeth- it does. They're still as big of a studio now as they were back then.
Entity-5061-1: Heavens! Really?
Dr. Dune: Of course. What's the movie? One of those gangster ones?
Entity-5061-1: Oh, it's not a crime film. It's a musical- Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Dr. Dune: Yankee Doodle? I think I've heard of that one before. I don't really have time for-
Entity-5061-1: <gasping> Really? I'm in a popular musical in the future!
Dr. Dune: Well, I wouldn't say popular.
Entity-5061-1: You've heard of it.
Dr. Dune: I've heard of a lot of movies, doesn't mean I've seen them.
Entity-5061-1: <laughing> You are so bitter.
Dr. Dune: Hard not to be when you're in my position.
Entity-5061-1: Oh please, I have to deal with Mr. Curtiz on a daily basis. You're just like him! You're on a deadline to get something done, so everyone else has to suffer.
Dr. Dune: I do not make people suffe-
Entity-5061-1: Why'd you get so short with me back there, hm, Mr. Curtiz?
Dr. Dune: I already apologized! It wasn't right.
Entity-5061-1: Mmm, I'm not convinced.
Dr. Dune: <laughing> I apologize, Elizabeth. I deal with my fair share of assholes above me, too. I don't want to be another asshole above you.
Entity-5061-1: <laughing> He is a bit of an- uh-
Dr. Dune: A what?
Entity-5061-1: An asshole. <laughing> I'm so sorry, I just- <laughing> I try not to talk like that.
Dr. Dune: If the man's an asshole, the man's an asshole- simple as that.
Entity-5061-1: <laughing> That's so bad! It's true though. We've been reshooting the same scene for the past week or so. A dance number. You'd think we'd have never danced in our lives from the way he talks to us. And don't even ask me about Joan- that bitch- the Prima Donna herself.
Dr. Dune: 'That bitch'? <laughing> You'll have to tell me about her.
Entity-5061-1: Oh, I think I will, sir. Tomorrow night. We're doing another shoot at 10 o'clock sharp, and it's one of her scenes. But, I think I'll be getting to bed now, if you don't mind.
Dr. Dune: No problem at all, Elizabeth- we got some good info from this one.
Entity-5061-1: And?
Dr. Dune: And?
Entity-5061-1: You had a pleasant conversation.
Dr. Dune: Yeah. I did. Thank you. Sorry about being a dick to you, yeah?
Entity-5061-1: It's okay. You're kind, when you want to be.
Dr. Dune: Now, don't say that. <laughing> Get some rest.
<Dune gets out of his seat to turn off the projector>
Entity-5061-1: Wait, sir. I have another question.
Dr. Dune: <Dune steps away from the projector and gestures> Shoot.
Entity-5061-1: Is it all worth it? This, I mean- Elizabeth Connors. Does that name mean anything to you?
Dr. Dune: Yes, it does.
<Entity-5061-1 smiles and nods. Dune stops the projector and faces the camera.>
Dr. Dune: Elizabeth Connors.
<End Recording>
Project-5061-Telephone.5/15/2020 Video Log Transcript
Date: 5/15/2020
Subject: Entity-5061-1
Interviewer: Dr. Edward Dune- Senior Researcher, Area-179
Foreword: Dr. Dune and Entity-5061-1 have been maintaining daily communication up to this point. Logs have been omitted from this file for lack of overall relevance.
<Begin Recording>
<Entity-5061-1 is displayed onscreen>
Entity-5061-1: Doctor.
Dr. Dune: Well?
Entity-5061-1: <subject jumps up from its chair> I got into the audition!
Dr. Dune: Holy shit! I knew you had it in you!
Entity-5061-1: I talked to Mr. Zedder and he said he liked mine the best! I- I didn't even think I could get in, but-
Dr. Dune: That's fucking great, Liz. No, really. You earned this one, girl.
Entity-5061-1: A Universal picture! Doctor, could you imagine me- headlining a Universal picture? Ah, heavens- I could just see it!
Dr. Dune: Of course I can! You're a natural. That script you did last night? Top notch.
Entity-5061-1: Ah! I'm so happy!
Dr. Dune: Good thing I came prepared!
<Dr. Dune brandishes a bottle of wine, pops the cap, and begins drinking. He gestures towards the screen.>
Dr. Dune: Drink up.
Entity-5061-1: Directly from the bottle, doctor?
Dr. Dune: Not like I'm sharing it with anyone.
Entity-5061-1: You're sharing it with me.
Dr. Dune: Hmm, in a way. So, I was thinking- if you do get this role, or- hell, whenever this production's over and you move out of the dressing room- how are we going to talk?
Entity-5061-1: I, uh, never thought of that. I mean, I wouldn't mind staying here. It's not like I have anywhere else, and I'm already paying rent, and-
Dr. Dune: You know you can't do that.
Entity-5061-1: You're right. I guess I'll just have to buy the dresser itself.
Dr. Dune: With what money?
Entity-5061-1: Can't your Foundation anonymously wire some back in time?
Dr. Dune: <laughing> Anomalously. And no, don't think we have one of those yet.
Entity-5061-1: How am I supposed to know? You talk about pictures that kill you, and portals to other worlds- but you don't have a way to drop pennies from heaven?
Dr. Dune: There's a Foundation back in your time, you know. You should find them. <laughing> Maybe they'll pay for the dresser. I'm sure they'd love to interact with a future version of their little pet project. Oh God, that'd be terrible. Please don't do that, Liz.
Entity-5061-1: Wasn't planning on it. Besides, I wouldn't even know where to find you people.
Dr. Dune: Oh, we're around. More common than you think.
Entity-5061-1: Do you like what you do?
Dr. Dune: No. No, Liz. I don't.
Entity-5061-1: If you don't want to talk about it-
Dr. Dune: It's fine. I figured we'd cross this bridge eventually.
Entity-5061-1: Really, doctor- I apologize for asking.
Dr. Dune: Unfortunately, I didn't come to the Foundation by choice. It's family work, in a line of business that death is particularly fond of. You're always left with more questions than answers, and sometimes you go looking for those answers. What you come back with isn't always what you wanted. I'm rambling- sorry.
Entity-5061-1: Why don't you leave?
Dr. Dune: I can't. They want me. Easier to watch me this way. I leave, I end up just like you- a number and a file to be catalogued and stored in the archive. But I'm a useful bastard, and I do my job well enough that the Foundation benefits from keeping me around.
Entity-5061-1: Why would they catalogue you? What's there to study?
Dr. Dune: I'd rather not talk about it.
Dr. Dune: This project isn't so bad, though. Talking to you. It's nice to just unwind. Doesn't even feel like work anymore.
Entity-5061-1: I enjoy it too. Must be a break from the rest of the, um, shit that you put up with on a daily basis.
Dr. Dune: That's not very proper of you, isn't it, Liz?
Entity-5061-1: Been talking to you too much. <laughing>
Dr. Dune: No lab assistants who don't know how to clean equipment, no junior staff fighting for my approval, nothing's actively trying to kill me- it's almost- normal. Funny- that is- normal for me being talking to someone who could be my great grandmother.
Entity-5061-1: I might be.
Dr. Dune: No, you don't have the Dune ugliness. It's our signature trait. Can't get into the family without it.
Entity-5061-1: Don't think I don't know where you're going with this, doctor. You're calling me beautiful. I've been sweet-talked before, and no amount of walking that back is going to save you.
Dr. Dune: <laughing> Don't flirt with me, Liz- I'm supposed to be researching you.
Entity-5061-1: Oh, we're back to the research stage now?
Dr. Dune: We never left it, Liz.
Dr. Dune: Maybe in another time.
Entity-5061-1: Well- what should time have to do with anything? You're in my life every single day! We're real to each other. Why does it matter where we are. I still see you, and hear you, and-
Dr. Dune: Liz, in my timeline, you're dead. I'm communicating with you, and that might be affecting the past, but you're dead.
Entity-5061-1: But every time you talk to me, I'm alive.
Dr. Dune: You know it wouldn't work.
Entity-5061-1: <tearing up> I know. But it would've. I want to know about your world, I want to know about you. Be there for you. You have no one, doctor.
Dr. Dune: I have you, and you're doing a fine job at keeping me sane.
<Entity-5061-1 places its hand against its mirror>
Entity-5061-1: I can't touch you. Oh, God- I can't touch you. <crying> What did I do to deserve this? I can't even touch you.
Dr. Dune: It's alright, Liz. It's okay. Just breathe. You can see me, can't you? You said it yourself- I'm real. You're real. We're talking- sharing things about our day, our hopes for the future. This time shit's just an obstacle we'll have to deal with. No use dwelling on it.
<Entity-5061-1 wipes its tears with a tissue>
Entity-5061-1: Okay.
Dr. Dune: I'm not going to turn the projector off. I'll stay with you as long as you'd like. It hurts me too.
Entity-5061-1: You're a good comforter, doctor. Better than you think.
Dr. Dune: Maybe I am.
Dr. Dune: It's late.
Entity-5061-1: I think you should stay.
Dr. Dune: I think so too.
Entity-5061-1: Goodnight, doctor.
Dr. Dune: You can call me Edward if you want.
Entity-5061-1: Goodnight, Edward.
Dr. Dune: Goodnight, Elizabeth.
<Transcript ends here. SCP-5061 was left projecting overnight>
<End Recording>
Project-5061-Telephone.5/21/2020 Video Log Transcript
Date: 5/21/2020
Subject: Entity-5061-1
Interviewer: Dr. Edward Dune- Senior Researcher, Area-179
<Begin Recording>
<The image of Entity-5061-1 is projected onto the screen.>
Entity-5061-1: Edward?
Dr. Dune: Hey.
Entity-5061-1: I got the notice.
Dr. Dune: Last week?
Entity-5061-1: Mr. Curtiz thinks so.
Dr. Dune: Oh.
Entity-5061-1: All of my scenes are shot, too. I shouldn't even be here.
Dr. Dune: You rented it out for the month, right?
Entity-5061-1: Months almost up.
Dr. Dune: Shit. Did you talk to your uncle?
Entity-5061-1: Hasn't gotten back to me. He'll get me extra work, no problem- but a place to stay? That's on me.
Dr. Dune: I…There's nothing I can do, really. Huh.
Entity-5061-1: It's not your place.
Dr. Dune: Your uncle- he keeps his distance, eh?
Entity-5061-1: Wasn't always like that. I guess he never got over me being a failed child actor.
Dr. Dune: That long, huh?
Entity-5061-1: Oh, it was fine in the silents. It was like playing charades. As soon as talkies came around, they realized I couldn't act- and, they just regulated me to extra work.
Dr. Dune: You can dance, though.
Entity-5061-1: Charades, like I said.
Dr. Dune: Get any word back from Zedder? He might be able to get you a place to stay.
Entity-5061-1: Nothing yet. Funny- he said I'll know by the end of the month. Don't worry yourself, Edward. My uncle's soft enough to let me stay a couple nights to get back on my feet.
Dr. Dune: I'm sure he will, and if he doesn't- just bring him to me. I'll tell him I'm God, or something.
Entity-5061-1: <laughing> I still have another week. Worry about it when we get there, right?
Dr. Dune: Right.
Entity-5061-1: Are you good?
Dr. Dune: I'm fine, Liz. Been a rough day.
Entity-5061-1: What happened?
Dr. Dune: Director's breathing down my neck about outdated files and improperly formatted junior test logs. It's like they know nothing about writing a research paper. I mean, jesus, we're talking about kids right out of school, here. Should be fresh in their brains!
Entity-5061-1: Oh, well- I agree! Fresh in their brains! <laughing>
Dr. Dune: He loves me. Good 'ol Roman. He'll see this, too. Hi Roman, you incompetent piece of shit! <laughing>
Entity-5061-1: He lets you talk like that?
Dr. Dune: Liz, he needs me. I mean, how else would this place keep itself together?
Entity-5061-1: I'm just making sure, I'd hate to see you let go.
Dr. Dune: Imagine that. You might get Doctor Crouch.
Entity-5061-1: Is he the foreigner?
Dr. Dune: He's the space alien.
Entity-5061-1: <laughing> I don't think I'd like him very much.
Dr. Dune: I'm not going anywhere, Liz. You don't have to worry.
Entity-5061-1: Okay. I just-
Dr. Dune: What?
Entity-5061-1: I'm getting used to this.
Dr. Dune: What's wrong with that?
Entity-5061-1: You were right, Edward. Maybe in another time.
Dr. Dune: Maybe. Hey, how's your memory?
Entity-5061-1: Why?
Dr. Dune: Thinking of something. Can you list off everything you've been in?
Entity-5061-1: Uh, I think so. My first film was a silent, obviously, 1928- I believe?
<Log omitted for lack of relevance. Subject provided a body of work alongside various personal anecdotes. Conversation continued for 51:26 before projector was turned off.>
Project-5061-Telephone.5/25/2020 Video Log Transcript
Date: 5/25/2020
Subject: Entity-5061-1
Interviewer: Dr. Edward Dune- Senior Researcher, Area-179
<Begin Recording>
<Entity-5061-1 is projected onto the screen>
Entity-5061-1: Hello, Edward! I thought I wouldn't make it tonight, but- here I am.
Dr. Dune: You're still taking down the set?
Entity-5061-1: It's almost done, but, yeah. It's a lot of work.
Dr. Dune: I'm sure. Last day, right?
Entity-5061-1: Last day. Everyone left a couple hours ago. It's just me and a couple stragglers.
Dr. Dune: So-
Entity-5061-1: I have until tomorrow. Then I either call back Mr. Zedder, or my uncle, or-
Dr. Dune: Why not ask Sandra? You said she was willing to-
Entity-5061-1: I'm not taking handouts. I barely kno-
Dr. Dune: It's not a handout, it's a matter of you having a place to stay-
Entity-5061-1: Edward, it'll work out, okay? Do you know why?
Entity-5061-1: I bought the dresser! I talked to Wilson and he said they were getting new ones in just next month.
Dr. Dune: Seriously? That's amazing! We-
Entity-5061-1: We'll be able to talk! Isn't that just wonderful?
Dr. Dune: Even if you're living in a box by next week- at least you'll have a nice dresser!
Entity-5061-1: <laughing> Oh, don't say that! I'll be fine.
Dr. Dune: I have no doubt in my mind. Uh, I have some news too. Remember those department certifications we were going through this week?
Entity-5061-1: Today was the last day, right? Did you pass?
Dr. Dune: Flying colors. I talked to the inspection team for about seven hours just wrapping things up, but we passed. Area-179 is a top of the line Foundation installation.
Entity-5061-1: Heavens, that's wonderful!
Dr. Dune: Proud of myself. Hell, I'm even proud of Roman. Kept it together pretty well for the suits. You know what kept me going this whole week?
Entity-5061-1: Oh, stop. Don't even go there. <laughing>
Dr. Dune: It's true, Liz. It's cathartic- this.
Entity-5061-1: I tend to have that effect on people.
<Dune lights a cigarette>
Dr. Dune: Should be required for working in this shithole.
Entity-5061-1: I don't think I'd be able to talk to that many people. <laughing>
Dr. Dune: Ah, you'd manage.
Entity-5061-1: Edward, what exactly have you concluded from studying me?
Dr. Dune: That you're a bright, beautiful young woman who has a promising career ahead of her?
Entity-5061-1: How flattering. I'm serious.
Dr. Dune: To be honest with you, not much. Thing just works. No anomalous residue, no memetic effects- it's just a window in time, and you're on the other side of it.
Entity-5061-1: What about me? You asked about my previous work. Why?
Dr. Dune: Well, I can't exactly disclose that information, Liz.
Entity-5061-1: Why not? You already told me that we win the war, why can't you tell me about myself?
Dr. Dune: Think about it this way, if I told you- all the shock would be gone, eh?
Entity-5061-1: Oh, I suppose you're right. I won't push it further.
Dr. Dune: Besides, we're playing with time, Liz. If I told you, it might not happen that way in actuality. Get it?
Entity-5061-1: I do. I don't like it, but I understand. You have your reasons for doing what you do.
Dr. Dune: Yeah. Right.
<phone ringing>
Dr. Dune: For you?
Entity-5061-1: It's a bit late. Hello? Yes, this is she. Oh. Well, thank you for informing me. Tomorrow? Yes, that'd be perfect. Mary, right. Thank you.
Dr. Dune: What was that?
Entity-5061-1: <screaming> Yes! Yes! Yes! I got it! It was Mr. Zedder's secretary! I got a part in the Universal picture! A lead!
Dr. Dune: A lead?
Entity-5061-1: Yes! A lead! I got a lead role! Out of everyone who auditioned- they picked me! Heavens, isn't that amazing?
Dr. Dune: Yeah, that's….amazing. Liz, what did you say the name of the film was?
Entity-5061-1: Something like, He's My Guy? I believe that's it, yes. Why?
Dr. Dune: It's nothing. Data collection, yeah? I'm proud of you, Liz! You earned it.
Entity-5061-1: She said I could come out tomorrow for a production meeting! Mr. Zedder wants to see me again!
Entity-5061-1: What's wrong, Edward? This is wonderful!
Dr. Dune: Of course it is! I was preoccupied, sorry about that! I was just thinking about the certification tests. Mind's still not off it. <laughing> How about I go break out the drink, huh?
Entity-5061-1: Oh, alright! I'll get mine!
<Dune leaves the theater>
<Dune returns with a bottle of wine>
Dr. Dune: A toast to Elizabeth Connors- a brilliant actress.
Entity-5061-1: Cheers! <laughing>
<Log omitted for lack of relevance. Subject and interviewer celebrated and talked for another hour before exchanging pleasantries. SCP-5061 was removed from the projector.
Project-5061-Telephone.5/26/2020 Video Log Transcript
Date: 5/26/2020
Subject: Entity-5061-1
Interviewer: Dr. Edward Dune- Senior Researcher, Area-179
<Begin Recording>
<The image of Entity-5061-1 is projected onto the screen. Subject is clearly in a state of distress.>
Dr. Dune: Liz?
Entity-5061-1: Edward? Edward, I'm scared.
Dr. Dune: What's going on, Liz? Are you okay?
Entity-5061-1: I…I stuck around, just to talk to you. They're moving everyone out of the area, but I stuck around.
Dr. Dune: What's happening? Who's moving people? Liz, you need to talk to me!
<loud noises from outside the dressing room>
Entity-5061-1: <crying> Edward, you said we win. Why would you say that-
Dr. Dune: Elizabeth, you need to talk to me. You need to tell me what's going on immediately.
Entity-5061-1: <distressed> They're bombing the city. Edward- they're bombing the city! The Japanese, oh my God, Edward. They're outside! I-
Dr. Dune: No, no, no, no, no, fuck-
Entity-5061-1: Edward, please tell me we win- Edward. What's wrong, Edward? Why-
Dr. Dune: Shit. God-fucking-damnit, Liz. I…I'm sorry. Liz, I'm sorry. I lied to you, Liz. I fucking knew it. Shit, it makes sense now.
Entity-5061-1: What's going on? Edward, please. Tell me we win, Edward! What do you mean you lied?
Dr. Dune: I asked you, about your films, all those nights ago. Remember that, Liz? Remember when I asked you that?
Entity-5061-1: Oh my God-
Dr. Dune: Fuck. I should've told you. I should've fucking told you. I-
Entity-5061-1: Told me what? Edward, please!
Dr. Dune: <screaming> I did my research, Liz. I looked. I looked online, I even watched half of the damn things. You're not credited once. Not a single goddamn time.
Entity-5061-1: What the hell does that mean? I was certainly cre-
<loud noises from outside the dressing room>
Entity-5061-1: <screaming> Edward? What do you mean, Edward?
Dr. Dune: This reel. The way we're communicating. God, I'm a fucking idiot. It's not a window in time. It's another dimension. God-
Entity-5061-1: Wh-
Dr. Dune: Your 1942 isn't my 1942, Liz. It's obvious now. Fucking Christ, the Japanese never attacked Burbank, California. That never happened. They don't attack shit! No one does! We drop a fucking bomb on them and it's over.
<Dune throws a chair>
Entity-5061-1: Does that mean, oh my God, Edward-
Dr. Dune: Yes, it's an alternate timeline. Anything can happen. You can lose, Liz. You can lose.
Entity-5061-1: Oh my god, wh- what am I going to do, Edward?
Dr. Dune: Why do you think I was so disturbed last night? There's no Elizabeth Connors in He's My Guy. <shouting> There's no fucking Elizabeth Connors in anything, let alone a lead role. You don't fucking exist. There's nothing.
Entity-5061-1: <distressed> W-Why didn't you tell me? Edward, why didn't you tell me? Why did you lie to me?
Dr. Dune: Because I didn't know for sure! Last night confirmed it. You were happy. What was I supposed to fucking do? You could make something of yourself, Liz. Timelines diverge. You can be a star! Why would I fucking tell you that you don't exist? Can't you think?
Entity-5061-1: Edward-
Dr. Dune: <distressed> No, Liz. You need to get the fuck out of Burbank, now. If they're evacuating, you fucking join them. No, I don't know if you win. Fuck, I don't know anything. But I don't know if you lose, either. You have a life to live ahead of you. Just fucking leave! Go!
Entity-5061-1: I'm staying with you.
Dr. Dune: Leave! Liz! You fucking idiot, don't you dare die for me. I'm not fucking real, Liz. I'm not fucking real. I-
Entity-5061-1: <screaming> Edward, I'm staying-
Dr. Dune: I'm stopping this, right-
<Dune gets up towards the projector>
Entity-5061-1: <shouting> Do it. Turn off the projector. Kill me, Edward. Fucking do it-
<Dune stops>
Dr. Dune: Oh my god, Liz. I- < crying>
Entity-5061-1: Stay with me, Edward. Please, I'm scared- Edward, stay with me.
<Dune repeatedly slams his fist against the wall>
Dr. Dune: I'm not going to do this to you. You deserve life-
Entity-5061-1: Edward, I-
<loud noises>
<screen turns white>
<SCP-5061 stops projecting>
Dr. Dune: <shouting> No, no, no, no, fuck, fuck. WHY? Fuck YOU. WHY? WHY? Why the fuck, god FUCK!
<Dune removes SCP-5061>
Dr. Dune: Please, please, please, please- fucking please-
<Dune places SCP-5061 back onto the projector>
Dr. Dune: Please. Please, please, oh god, please.
<SCP-5061 does not project>
Dr. Dune: <shouting> You fucking piece of shit- why, WHY, WHY WHY-
<Dune knocks over the projector>
Dr. Dune: Liz. Liz, why the fuck? Oh my god, FUCK.
<Log is silent for the next 24 minutes, sans Dune's crying and spouts of brief profanity. Omitted for lack of relevance>
Addendum 5061.3: Project-5061-Telephone: UPDATE
As of 5/27/2020, Project-5061-Telephone has been suspended. See notice below.
Re: Project-5061-Telephone
SCP-5061 has been neutralized.
Our knowledge of the nature of SCP-5061 has changed.
Object class and description update pending.
Project-5061-Telephone has been dissolved permanently.
- Dr. Edward T. Dune, Senior Researcher, Area-179