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Analysis of this file has confirmed it displays no unusual properties. All information present in it can be taken as a literal statement of fact.

— Eli Forkley, Director, DoMC

Item #: SCP-5034

Object Class: Tiamat

Special Containment Procedures: Due to budgetary concerns1, it has been determined that containment of SCP-5034 is not currently possible. When SCP-5034 is discovered in an antique store2, Agents are to immediately proceed to said store and begin experimentation.

Use of standard testing equipment is authorized in regards to SCP-5034. All tests must be approved by the Foundation Experimentation Committee3.

Description: SCP-5034 is the collective term for a china bowl4 containing seven red marbles5.

At all times, SCP-5034 will consist of the china bowl and the seven red marbles within it. If a marble is destroyed or removed from SCP-5034, it will disappear and a new one will reappear inside the bowl. Attempts to contain marbles outside of SCP-50346 have similarly failed. All attempts to interfere with these marbles have had an extremely negative impact on the Foundation's budget7.

SCP-5034 exhibits a secondary anomalous effect. All individuals who observe SCP-5034 will be aware that it is a china bowl containing seven red marbles, even if they lack prior context8. However, this awareness does not appear to directly impact information one step removed from SCP-5034. For example, an individual observing SCP-5034 will be aware it is a china bowl, but an individual observing evidence left behind by SCP-5034 will not9.

Addendum 5034-1 (Experimentation Log):

The following is a log of all experiments conducted with SCP-503410.

Experiment 5034-1

Conditions: Upon discovery of SCP-5034, Foundation personnel attempted to remove and contain three marbles from the bowl11.
Result: When removed, all marbles disappeared and reappeared inside the bowl. Containment failure12. Foundation budget severely impacted.

Experiment 5034-2

Conditions: Upon rediscovery of SCP-5034 in an antique store in Chennai, India, Foundation personnel attempted to remove one marble from the bowl and smash it with a sledgehammer13.
Result: Following successful destruction of the marble, it reappeared inside the bowl. Destruction failure. Foundation budget severely impacted.

Experiment 5034-3

Conditions: After tracing the sale of SCP-5034 through a number of private collectors, Foundation personnel attempted to contain one of the marbles while keeping it within the bowl.
Result: Containment successful for six days. However, on the seventh day, Security Officer enters the containment chamber and accidentally releases the marble from the bowl14. Containment failure. Foundation budget severely impacted.

Experiment 5034-4

Conditions: Upon rediscovery of SCP-5034, all available Foundation personnel attempt to smash the marbles with sledgehammers.
Result: Five marbles successfully destroyed15. However, they subsequently reappear inside the bowl. Destruction failure.

Experiment 5034-5

Conditions: Upon rediscovery of SCP-5034, all available Foundation personnel16 attempt to smash the marbles with sledgehammers.
Result: Six marbles successfully destroyed. However, they subsequently reappear inside the bowl. Destruction failure17.

Experiment 5034-6

Conditions: Upon rediscovery of SCP-5034, all Foundation personnel attempt to destroy the marbles with whatever tools are on hand.

Result: All seven marbles successfully destroyed. They subsequently reappear inside the bowl18.

Addendum 5034-2:

As the Foundation budget is now approaching bankruptcy, further experimentation is not possible19.

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