
4/4383 LEVEL 4/4383
Item #: SCP-4383


Historical depiction of a Fukushū Event.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4383 is contained in a burial chamber within Shiramine Shrine in Kamigyō-Ku, Kyoto. Two undercover Foundation Agents are to be posted inside the burial chamber's foyer. Unless Onryō Protocol is being enacted the chamber is not to be opened.

Onryō Protocol is enacted upon the initiation of a Fukushū Event, this protocol is to be performed in the SCP-4383 burial chamber. During the Onryō Protocol, the foyer to the burial chamber is to remain locked.

If Onryō Protocol fails to be completed during a Fukushū Event, contacts within the Japanese government are to be notified, and all Foundation sites in Japan are to begin lockdown protocols.

Description: SCP-4383 is the skeletal remains of the 75th Emperor of Japan, 崇徳天皇 Sutoku-tennō, and its burial chamber in Shiramine Shrine.

Fukushū Events occur randomly with no correlation between date or time of day. No Fukushū Event has been documented occurring less than one year apart unless the Onryō Protocol is left incomplete or external interference occurs. The opening of the chamber is the only known way of manually initiating a Fukushū Event.

During a Fukushū Event, the containment chamber holding SCP-4383 will begin to glow a dull shade of red. If the Onryō Protocol fails to be enacted or is interrupted, the following will occur in the country of Japan.

  • The Kagawa prefecture on the island of Shikoku will experience a spontaneous hail storm that lasts for 21 hours.
  • During the 24 hours following the initiation of the event, concepts from traditional Japanese folklore will begin to manifest throughout Japan.
  • Exactly 24 hours after the initiation, some form of national disaster will occur in the country of Japan.
  • If Onryō Protocol is left incomplete, SCP-4383 will remain dormant for 6 months before initiating another Fukushū Event.

If containment is successfully re-established and the Onryō Protocol completed during a Fukushū Event, before the occurrence of the disaster, the event will conclude and no disaster will occur.

The exact nature of SCP-4383's anomalous properties is currently unknown. In accordance with the Fukushū Treaty, testing is strictly forbidden.


The following is a excerpt of a document received by the O5 Council on behalf of Emperor Shōwa in 1946.

To the Honorable O5 Council of the SCP Foundation,

I, the 124th Emperor of Japan, Hirohito Shōwa 裕仁昭和, formally ask for your assistance, in a matter of great magnitude. I fear my country's recent occupation will hinder our efforts to contain a most vengeful spirit of the past. When necessary a sacred ritual for the spirit Emperor Sutoku-tenno must be performed, to appease the horrid curse put upon our nation. Though there is much honor involved, this ritual is a gruesome affair, one that I fear will not be understood by our current occupiers. I formally invite you to my palace to reach an agreement between the Foundation, IJAMEA, and Japan itself in order to facilitate the continuation of these most sacred rituals.


The Fukushū Treaty was signed on 30/8/1946, between Emperor Shōwa, the Foundation, and IJAMEA, for the containment of SCP-4383 along with several other terms.

Fukushū Events:

Date Cause Effects Notes

A small seismic tremor dislodged one of the marble doors to SCP-4383's containment chamber, which cracked in half upon hitting the floor.

At 4:20am on the next day an earthquake occurred in the Nankai Trough, which measured at an 8.5 on the moment magnitude scale. This earthquake caused a tsunami to hit the Nankai region of Japan, destroying approximately 2000 buildings and causing over 1500 civilian causalities. Several replacement doors were created, one of which was installed 3 days after the initial event. The Foundation Engineering Division developed an early warning earthquake detection array to help prepare for a similar occurrence.
SCP-4383's clearance level was raised to 4/4383.

During the Onryō Protocol, a volunteer refused to carry out the ceremony.

At 5:06 am, a flock of avians resembling the classic depictions of Japanese Tengu4 began attacking civilians in Karuizawa, Japan. 24-hours later, the Sakurajima Volcano began a minor eruption, causing mass pollution. All manifested creatures were contained by the Japanese branch of the Parazoology Division. The volcanic activity disrupted civilian life in the area, though no causalities were reported. The eruption disturbed the long-term stability of the volcano; the possibility of a future mass eruption has greatly increased.

The Foundation researcher responsible for SCP-4383, Dr. Renolds, refused to initiate the Onryō Protocol in order to study the anomaly. This led to the continuation of the event.

At 7:28 pm, a 90-meter long octopus appeared off the northern coast of Japan. This creature destroyed three fishing vessels before a Foundation Naval Response Unit terminated it. 24-hours after the Fukushū Event's initiation, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit northern Japan. This earthquake and the accompanying tsunami led to the severe damage of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station. Three days after the event's initiation, Dr. Renolds was removed and the protocol enacted. Dr. Renolds was terminated for directly disobeying the orders of O5 Command forbidding testing of SCP-4383.



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