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From left to right: SCP-4250-1, SCP-4250-2, SCP-4250-3, SCP-4250-4, SCP-4250-5, and SCP-4250-6

Item #: SCP-4250

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4250 is to be housed within the E Wing of Site-64 in a standard Euclid Object containment unit. Approval for testing SCP-4250-1 through SCP-4250-61 SCP-4250-5 must be granted by the Assistant Director of Research while tests involving SCP-4250-6 must be approved by Site Director Holman.

For the sake of simplicity, during testing, only one (1) D-Class subject may be used at a time, and only the subject may make direct contact with SCP-4250. All other testing personnel that need to pick up SCP-4250 must do so using an extended claw grabber or sufficiently bulky hand garment. At any time, no less than 400 sheets of college-ruled lined paper may be kept in the testing room, in order to avoid a potential breach by SCP-4250-A.

While under the influence of SCP-4250, SCP-4250-A should remain in a standard medical bed, administered an IV drip to prevent dehydration, and fed via feeding tube every 8 hours until such time that they have completed writing. Once finished, all of SCP-4250-A’s work must be published via a Foundation front company, save for the last page, which should be disposed of as soon as possible via the provided paper shredder in the testing room.

Development of more effective counteragents to SCP-4250’s cognitohazards is ongoing.

Description: SCP-4250 is the collective designation for a set of six (6) colored rolling-ball pens2, designed and manufactured by the Pilot Pens company3. Despite having been used far in excess of a normal pen’s lifespan, each instance of SCP-4250 remains at full ink capacity, with test subjects reporting the ink and flow to be of exceptionally high quality.

The anomalous effects of SCP-4250 become present whenever picked up by a human not wearing any hand garment bulky enough to impair dexterity. When picked up by a subject (hereafter referred to as SCP-4250-A for the sake of brevity), the subject will progress through a series of anomalous behaviors before returning to a non-anomalous state.

After first picking up an instance of SCP-4250, SCP-4250-A will attempt to obtain enormous amounts of A4-sized paper or equivalent4, though they will prefer lined paper (specifically college-ruled) over printer paper.

Once a sufficient amount of paper has been obtained by SCP-4250-A, they will begin to use their specific instance of SCP-4250 to write. The content of what SCP-4250-A writes thematically varies based on which instance of SCP-4250 has been chosen (see Addendum 4250/L), though almost always takes the form of a work of fiction.

The primary threat to the survival of SCP-4250-A throughout this process is the risk of dehydration and exhaustion, as SCP-4250-A will not take breaks from writing until the work is complete, or until life functions cease.

Once SCP-4250-A has finished writing, they will “sign” the last page with numerous lethal cognitohazards5. While nominally lethal, proper intervention with counteragents will reduce or nullify the effects. SCP-4250-A will then attempt to get their work published in some capacity, usually through traditional publishers, though cases where works were transcribed into a digital format and submitted online have been documented. Once this work has been published, SCP-4250-A will return to a non-anomalous state, and behave as normal.

Discovery: SCP-4250 was found on the person of a deceased anomalous humanoid, after Foundation elements within the Portland Police Department became aware of the humanoid’s expiration. Amnestics were administered to necessary civilians and policemen, and the body was transported to Site-64. Cause of death and the official identity of the humanoid remain undetermined.

Addendum 4250/L:

Test Log 4250/T:

Interview 4250/1:

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