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Item#: SCP-4154
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


SCP-4154 instance partially manifesting aboveground at the home of Researcher Teles.

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the scope of SCP-4154 integration in most developed nations and their innocuous nature, containment of domestic specimens on civilian or other non-Foundation properties is to be considered a low priority. However, due to informational, memetic, and counterconceptual security concerns, the homes of all Foundation personnel (excepting D-Class or other provisional personnel) are required to pass inspection for SCP-4154 instances, and, if necessary, decontamination procedures as a prerequisite to employment. Follow up inspections and/or decontamination may be required depending on local conditions. MTF Eta-5 ("Cross-Pollinators") has been assigned these responsibilities.

The D-Class dormitory wing of Esoteric Containment Site-2 contains several dozen SCP-4154 instances, each cohabitating with one D-class as part of a long term psychological study as well as for research into the life cycle and possible practical application of SCP-4154.

Description: SCP-4154 is a conceptovorous, non-sapient subterranean vermiform1 species. SCP-4154 instances do not possess conventional physical anatomy; instead, they are recursive conceptual entities, composed of themselves, the concept of themselves, the concepts of worms, the concept of tendrils, and amalgams of concepts absorbed from physical contact with homeowners and their pets. Despite this, they have physical properties, including mass, that cause them to behave similarly to non-anomalous matter.

SCP-4154 primarily infest outdoor spaces of homes in affluent urban and suburban neighborhoods. SCP-4154 instances display a marked preference for residences that have housed greater numbers of non-sapient pets over their history.

SCP-4154 instances "nest" themselves within the property lines of a home, and can thereafter manifest anywhere within its boundaries. Instances seek out social and physical contact with any extant household pets, and, once accepted by the animal or animals, affix several long, fleshy tendrils onto their head(s). This gives the instance access to the memories, knowledge, and identity of the animal, enabling it to better camouflage itself. A side effect of this is that the non-anomalous animal loses its identity to the SCP-4154 instance and becomes a conceptually vacant entity, essentially similar to an antimeme. Homeowners become similarly compromised when they "pet" the camouflaged SCP-4154 instance, but are at very little risk of identity loss.2

Over the course of their lives, SCP-4154 instances further ingrain themselves into the home dynamic. If residents move, pets die, or other changes to the household dynamic occur, they remain. Incoming homeowners that do not move in with pets become convinced that nesting SCP-4154 instances are their pets.

The reproductive process of SCP-4154 and the process by which they migrate between homes are not fully understood. Transferring SCP-4154 instances into other information mediums is impossible with present technology, but research is ongoing. Preliminary research suggests that any given instance retains a great deal of the conceptual information attained by its parents, though with an unknown degree of fidelity.

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