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Item #: SCP-4112

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4112 is to be kept in Site-120, Containment Wing A, Keter-class reality suppression locker 6B. No additional security for locker 6B is required, though staff should be aware of Containment Wing A's standard security precautions, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Various Berryman-Langford memetic kill agents, administered on failing to provide proper identification.
  • Automated lethal deterrents, activated upon failing to provide proper identification.
  • Other minor safety precautions, listed in the site dossier.

Personnel are to ensure they possess proper clearance before doing so. A list of qualified personnel can be found below.

Description: SCP-4112 is a lyre, constructed of tortoiseshell, bovine intestinal strings, leather, and other assorted apparently non-anomalous items. Radiocarbon dating has placed this object's origin at sometime earlier than 3000 BC, though testing has proven difficult due to the object's first anomalous property: excessive durability. SCP-4112 is capable of resisting all instruments shy of those with diamond tips, in all components. Separated components are attracted to each other, and will, with a speed of up to 10 kph, reconfigure themselves if dismantled, including fragments and pieces reattaching to each other, with no visible join or crease.

SCP-4112's second and more dangerous property manifests when a user touches the object with intent to make a sound. Such movements include strumming, tapping, and more. If said user completes this while intending to produce an effect, whatever effect the operator has in mind will occur, regardless of impossibility, depending upon the complexity of the performance. Previous tests have manifested objects, removed objects from existence, changed the laws of reality, temporally transported the user, and more.



SCP-4112 IN SITE-120.


I know it's most unusual to come before you so.

Item #: 4112

Danger Value: 5/5

Safety Precautions: Item 4112 is to be kept with the Administrator at all times. Item 4112 is not to be removed from the Administrator's possession at any time, at penalty of erasure from reality. Should the Administrator have any need to remove Item 4112 from his person, a copy of the Administrator will be given the device and no one else.

Destruction Protocols: N/A.

Appearance: Item 4112 is an electric guitar, more specifically, a Gibson ES-335, white coloration. No physical alterations or modifications can be observed. Sourcing the model to a specific maker has proved fruitless (no identifying markings or model numbers are present on the object), and testing has proved difficult due to the objects anomalous properties.


  • Excessive Durability: Item 4112 is capable of resisting all instruments shy of those with diamond tips, in all components. Separated components are attracted to each other, and will, with a speed of up to 5 miles an hour, reconfigure themselves if dismantled, including fragments and pieces reattaching to each other, with no visible join or crease.
  • Provides Artificial Ontokinesis: Item 4112's second and more dangerous property manifests when a user touches the object with intent to make a sound. Such movements include strumming, tapping, and more. If said user completes this while intending to produce an effect, whatever effect the operator has in mind will occur, regardless of impossibility, depending upon the complexity of the performance. Previous tests have manifested objects, removed objects from existence, changed the laws of reality, temporally transported the user, and more.

Additional Documents:



ITEM 4112 IN ZONE-01.


But I've found an ancient miracle. I thought that you should know.

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