Item #: SCP-4016
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedure: SCP-4016 is currently contained in a specialized chamber at Site-32, equipped with furnishings similar to those present in its location of discovery. Access to the entity is restricted to Level-2 personnel and above.
Testing with SCP-4016 must be approved by one Level-3 personnel member. SCP-4016 is not allowed to directly interact with any member from the order Rodentia.1
Researchers assigned to SCP-4016 are to rotate visits to its chamber on a weekly basis, and provide SCP-4016 with a set of simple tasks to accomplish during the time between visits. Tasks that have resulted in a positive response from SCP-4016 include preparing vegetables for Site cafeteria use (e.g., peeling potatoes, removing husks from corn, slicing onions), keeping its chamber clean, and repainting small decorative items with faded colors.
Any interactions of note are to be recorded and submitted to the head researcher for the SCP-4016 project.
Description: SCP-4016 is a sapient humanoid construct made of twine. The entity stands at approximately 15 cm in height and weighs approximately 10 grams. SCP-4016's primary anomalous effect is its ability to manipulate the twine composing its body to create various tools for different uses, including cleaning implements, artistic styluses, and simple weapons.
Despite not possessing any identifiable sensory organs, SCP-4016 is able to respond to both visual and auditory communication. It is able to interact with humans through a combination of pantomime and symbolic representation using its twine.
Addendum-4016-1: Recovery
On June 28th, 2003, local town authorities in Pinetucky, Alabama were alerted to a 'rotting stench' emanating from an old farmhouse. Foundation personnel posing as police officers were sent to investigate. Upon entering the farmhouse, said personnel discovered approximately 50 deceased house mice, 0.25 kilograms of kokedama jute twine, and SCP-4016 within the unstacked hay scattered around the building. The lead investigator, Doctor Everwood, was able to convince SCP-4016 to accompany her to a Foundation safehouse (see transcript of Recovery Log).
Investigation into the identity of SCP-4016's creator, as well as any other existing instances, is underway. Foundation personnel remain stationed at the barn in case of any returning homeowners; the dog tags and twine piles recovered from the barn were moved to Site-32.
Addendum-4016-2: Testing and Behavioral Observations
Upon SCP-4016's initial transfer to Site-32, entity was observed to be frequently agitated, and would compulsively pantomime requests for some form of work to carry out (cleaning, guarding, etc.). After researchers observed the twine composing the entity beginning to deteriorate, it was proposed that SCP-4016 be given its former task of exterminating mice.
SCP-4016 was presented with a domestic house mouse in its containment chamber. Upon noticing and identifying the mouse, SCP-4016 manifested a twine whip and restrained the rodent. However, SCP-4016 then paused in its actions and retreated from the mouse. SCP-4016 then returned to stand next to the researcher present. When asked if it wanted to continue, SCP-4016 repeatedly shook its head, placed the twine whip on the floor of the cell, and held both of its hands out towards the researcher.
The mouse was removed from the containment chamber, and researchers assured SCP-4016 that they would find new tasks for it to perform. Various items were later brought to SCP-4016's containment, taken from the farmhouse adjacent to the barn SCP-4016 was first discovered in. SCP-4016 seemed most interested in the foodstuffs and small decorative keepsakes, and manifested various tools to indicate its intent to assist with the objects.
As of early 2004, most of the deterioration damage SCP-4016 suffered upon initial site transfer has been repaired. A small portion of twine over its chest remains slightly frayed, but appears to be recovering at a steady, if slow, pace.