Item #: SCP-3990
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: 3 automated monitoring/ECM stations have been constructed within the region, which will block SCP-3990 with static interference when it is detected. Regular maintenance is to be conducted 24 hours before each predicted occurrence of SCP-3990.
In the event that the above procedure fails, a website has been created describing SCP-3990 as an abstract art project which sometimes accidentally disrupts other broadcasts. SCP-3990-1 events are to be explained with Disinformation Story 4213-C (Frequencies which cannot be detected by human ears).
Both specimens of SCP-3990-2 are to be captured and contained as soon as possible. A large, outdoor paddock is currently being designed to contain the entities when they are captured.
Containment Update - 05/15/2016: SCP-3990-2B is contained in a large outdoor paddock furnished with foliage. The entity is to be fed on fruit and hay, and given a supply of clean water. When SCP-3990-2A is captured, it is to be contained within a separate paddock with higher fences.
Description: SCP-3990 refers to an anomalous radio broadcast which occurs fortnightly in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The signal often interrupts non-anomalous radio devices while playing, such as car and home radios. Its content consists mostly of incomprehensible grunts and calls, attributed to those made by deer. However, some understandable words have been heard, such as "deer", "grass", "immigrants" and "bears".
The event that occurs as a result of SCP-3990 is designated SCP-3990-1. When SCP-3990 occurs and any members of the family Cervidae are within a 0.5 kilometre radius, the deer will travel to the device playing SCP-3990. Then, they will stand around the source, huddling close together, and make quiet vocalisations. SCP-3990-1 ceases when the radio device stops playing SCP-3990, or it is turned off. Deer involved in SCP-3990-1 events will sometimes treat humans with slightly above average fear or aggression during the process.
SCP-3990-2 refers to two entities (designated SCP-3990-2A and SCP-3990-2B) that are believed to be related to the origin of SCP-3990. The entities are deer of an unknown species, resembling those of the genus Odocoileus, but around 40% larger. SCP-3990-2 move at an extremely fast pace, and can outrun vehicles such as jeeps and helicopters, clocked at a top speed of 135mph. Due to the evasiveness of SCP-3990-2, little is known about either them or SCP-3990 itself.
Addendum: SCP-3990 was broadcast naturally 3 times prior to the construction of the radio towers. On the second occurrence, a portable radio was placed in a forest with a very large deer population. Logs can be found below.
1530: SCP-3990 begins with the sound of an unknown, rhythmic, metallic banging.
1532-1534: SCP-3990-1 occurs. Around 40 deer emerge from the surrounding foliage and crowd around the radio device, awaiting the voiced portion of the transmission.
1535: The main body of SCP-3990 starts. Most of the transmission is incomprehensible deer grunts, but the English word "apple" is frequently heard. When the first instance of "apple" was spoken, the deer were noted to look at each other.
1537: One deer places its hoof on its forehead and holds it for a few seconds, before shaking its head. A few other deer repeat this action.
1538: The topic apparently changes. The word "hunt" is heard within the grunts.
1539: The deer display nervous body language, and many take a step back. An instance moves between the radio and a juvenile.
1540: The deer begin to make glances at the researchers. A few sounds resembling growls are heard.
1542: Another rhythmic banging sound is heard, before SCP-3990 silences. This causes the end of SCP-3990-1, and the deer return to normal behaviour.
Addendum 2: A recent attempt at capturing SCP-3990-2 is documented below. Attempt was carried out by members of MTF-Tau-22 ("Forest Fires").
Addendum 3: On 8/14/201█, an event occurred which involved SCP-3990-2. The event has been designated Incident 3990-03, and affected northwest British Columbia.
Incident 3990-03 affected television devices, and was a broadcast intrusion event resulting in programming being hijacked by SCP-3990-2A. The hijacking lasted for approximately 12 minutes before ending, at which point the televisions returned back to normal with no negative effects to the device.
The broadcast began with SCP-3990-2A running through a forest. The entity's face was slightly rounded, and it possessed SCP-3990-2B's removed antlers inserted into the sides of its head. SCP-3990-2A began with incomprehensible verbalisations. The camera used in the broadcast was heavily distorted and unfocused.
SCP-3990-2A then began to pace back and forth, while stating the phrase "today's headlines" several times. At this stage, several normal deer were seen in the background. The entity then began to speak broken, monotone English about several apparent subjects, such as bears and a water shortage.
Towards the end of the broadcast, SCP-3990-2A tapped the camera with its hoof, which had split into four autonomous "fingers". SCP-3990-2A stared at the camera for approximately 40 seconds before dropping the camera, at which point the broadcast abruptly ended.
In response to this incident, posters have been put up in the region linking the hijacking to the hoax website (see containment procedures). It is unknown if further television hijackings will occur in the future.