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Item Number: SCP-3980

Object Class: Keter (provisional)

Special Containment Procedures: The former Forward Operating Base Locke has become the de facto containment site for SCP-3980. The above-ground portions of the base have been razed; the subterranean areas have been entombed beneath several thousand tons of concrete and paved over. Physical containment beyond these measures has been deemed unnecessary.

All transmissions from FOB Locke are to be disregarded. There were no survivors.

Several former personnel from FOB Locke have been detained within Site-51 Site-087 until the perpetrator behind Incident LOCKE/3980 has been identified. Innocent parties may be released if and when this occurs. The guilty party is to be executed; the method of termination has yet to be decided.

Description: SCP-3980 is an unidentified anomaly responsible for the loss of FOB Locke and the deaths of 107 Foundation personnel on 2/14/2000; this event has been designated Incident LOCKE/3980. Due to its recent acquisition prior to this date, the destructive nature of the event in question, and the loss of physical documentation as well as all hands on-site, its exact nature and properties have yet to be definitively ascertained.

Currently, all information on SCP-3980 has been gleaned through the first-hand accounts of the personnel who were stationed at FOB Locke and had been off-site at the time of the event. These former personnel suffer mild to severe impairment of their mental faculties and memory, possibly due to previous interaction with SCP-3980. Despite this, all personnel are in agreement that Incident LOCKE/3980 is the result of sabotage on the part of one of their number. Each suspect claims to know who this saboteur is, but are incapable of providing this information when prompted; the suspects are otherwise wholly compliant with their imprisonment.

The following is a summarized list of traits that have been ascribed to SCP-3980 by former FOB Locke personnel. Parentheticals denote sources of each claim:

  • SCP-3980 is either self-replicating (Researcher Bond), self-sustaining (Security Chief Matteus), or possibly ectoentropic (Doctor Walters)
  • There may be as few as five (Doctor Peterson), or as many as ten thousand instances (Private Awde) of SCP-3980
  • SCP-3980 is infectious, being transmissible between human subjects (Researcher Bond)
  • SCP-3980 is a space-time aberration (Researcher Queste)
  • SCP-3980 requires either a willful human operator/host (D-774), or conspirator (D-209) to enter an active state
  • SCP-3980 exists in a purely metaphysical sense and is a potent informational hazard - full cognizance of SCP-3980 is sufficient to kill subjects (Director Kim)
  • SCP-3980 is physically uncontainable due to its size of ~100 picometers (Commander Narup), or 1.6 billion kilometers (Doctor Lafayette)

The following interview was conducted on 8/1/2014, at the request of FOB Locke Director Kim, who claimed to have new information on Incident LOCKE/3980

Video File - 3980/#442


[Interviewer is seated in the interrogation chamber. Director Kim is led in by two armed guards. They are placed in their seat.]

Interviewer: Greetings, Director. How have you been holding up?

[Director Kim responds, assuring the interviewer that their time in custody has been relatively comfortable.]

Interviewer: Excellent, I'm glad to hear that. Now, I've heard there's something you wish to share with us?

[Director Kim explains a recurring dream they have been experiencing as of late. They slouch in their seat.]

Interviewer: I see. That is certainly something, isn't it? W- [Interviewer becomes visibly distracted by the presence of a fly, and swats at it.] Damned things!

Interviewer: Erm, yes. What do you think the significance of this is?

[Director Kim slouches further in their seat, the flesh around their lips can be seen sloughing off. They begin to recount their final day on-site, one day prior to the incident.]

Interviewer: Go on.

[Director Kim details their remembrance of the anomaly to the best of their knowledge. As they do, the interviewer becomes preoccupied with the killing of several more flies. This continues for several minutes. Director Kim shouts animatedly at the interviewer, redirecting his attention. They state three words.]

Interviewer: No. That - that can't…

[The interviewer expires. Security guards enter the chamber, and drag Director Kim back to their quarters.

The interviewer is led to the Site morgue for postmortem examination. Four guards were necessary to restrain him.]


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