
Bigger Than God

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Memetic Agents Deployed. Beginning Response Test.

I want your body but your soul makes me sick.

Negative response for previous exposure. Accessing document.



Photo of a concert by "Tyrannosaurus Flex", prior to the existence of SCP-3933

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation web crawlers are to monitor for mentions of SCP-3933 or any related persons or effects. Such data should be removed under standard data censoring protocols. Remaining physical media referencing any aspect of SCP-3933 is to be retrieved and either stored for documentation or destroyed as appropriate.1

SCP-3933-B is to be held in a standard humanoid containment chamber, and should be supplied with any amenities or medical treatments necessary to ensure its comfort.

For archived containment procedures, see documents 3933/1, 3933/2 and 3933/4.

Description: SCP-3933 is the collective designation for a song titled "Toxic Soul" (SCP-3933-1), written and released in 1980, and the original four members of the Glam Metal band "Tyrannosaurus Flex" (SCP-3933-A through SCP-3933-D), who wrote and performed the song.

When exposed to SCP-3933-1, affected individuals forget all knowledge they had of the band, their music, its members and anything related to them, and become unable to retain new information gained on those subjects. Exposure constitutes listening to approximately 25% of the song in a single contiguous period. These effects are only present in versions of the song performed by SCP-3933-A through SCP-3933-D.

Exposed individuals also become completely unable to perceive SCP-3933-A, B, C and D, nor can they perceive actions taken by them. For example, an affected individual watching SCP-3933-A move an object between two positions would perceive the object as functionally teleporting from one location to another; they would not see it floating between the two points. To date, no method of reversing the effects of exposure have been found.

History: Formed in England in 1971, Tyrannosaurus Flex achieved significant commercial and critical success, with their projected earnings set to overtake those of The Beatles2 by the early 1980s3. During a concert timed to coincide with the launch of their 13th album the band played the first song from the album, SCP-3933-14, to a crowd of approximately 65,000.5

Due to the nature of its effects, the Foundation did not become aware of SCP-3933-1 until approximately two weeks after its release, at which point a significant majority of the viable population6, along with an estimated 70% of Foundation personnel, had been exposed. Due to the difficulty in containing such wide-spread anomalies, by the time containment was achieved it is believed that exposure was almost global.

While approximately 2,000,000 copies of the album containing SCP-3933-1 and 100,000 copies of the single release were retrieved, it is estimated that between 300,000 and 500,000 copies of the album were sold or otherwise distributed and remain unaccounted for. Due to the specific nature of SCP-3933-1, this is not believed to represent a significant security risk.

Incident 3933-1
On 05/02/1980, SCP-3933-1 was played to a crowd of approximately 65,000 people, in its first (and only) live performance. Recovered video footage shows that approximately one minute into the song, the crowd began showing signs of confusion and agitation; based on the observed effects of SCP-3933-1, it is assumed that from the perspective of the people in the audience they suddenly found themselves at a concert they had no memory of travelling to for a band they could neither see nor hear.

Approximately a minute after the effects began, people started becoming violent and large portions of the crowd attempted to leave the concert. The resulting stampede lead to a large number of fatalities and injuries, and the related violence spread to the surrounding streets, causing further casualties. The resulting riot lasted for approximately two hours before dispersing through a combination of law enforcement action and natural attrition. Knowledge of the riot was eventually successfully suppressed as part of the ongoing containment efforts.

Following their containment, interviews were conducted with each of the band members; transcribed below is the interview with SCP-3933-D. The other interviews can be found in Interview Log 3933/3.

The remainder of the interview revealed a similarly repeating pattern of events. They ultimately made their way to the residence of SCP-3933-A, where containment teams found them approximately two weeks later. Interviews with the other band members contain corroborating details of the incident.

Addendum 1
SCP-3933-A was found dead in its cell on 28/04/1980, having died from blood loss due to a self-inflicted injury. It is now believed that no new instances of SCP-3933-1 can be produced.

Interview 3933/17-C
Periodic interviews with the members of the band have revealed some behavioural concerns with SCP-3933-C. Transcribed below is its latest interview.

Doctor Harper's recommendation following this interview was more frequent meetings between SCP-3933-B, C and D, and a more tailored entertainment regime. Permission is pending.

Addendum 2
On 19/01/1995 SCP-3933-C died from liver failure resulting from liver disease, presumed to be caused by significant abuse of drugs and alcohol prior to containment.

Addendum 3
On 23/12/2005 SCP-3933-D died from pneumonia, caused by complications resulting from Huntington's Disease, with which it was diagnosed 16 years prior.

Addendum 4
SCP-3933-B has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and has an estimated life expectancy of two to three months. For the sake of posterity, a final interview was conducted.

Following the death of SCP-3933-B, SCP-3933 is to have its classification downgraded to Safe. Primary containment procedures will remain unchanged, though with the death of the last person responsible, SCP-3933 is largely self-containing.

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