Item #: SCP-3818
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3818 is two human beings with no other known anomalies, and as such have been contained within separate standard humanoid containment suites within Bio-Site 66. All security clearance has been revoked from SCP-3818 at the time of writing; personnel are to be reminded that SCP-3818 is to be referred to as such until further notice.
SCP-3818-A and -B have been fitted with comfortable and locked collars indicating their SCP designations. These collars must be worn at all times.
Description: SCP-3818 is two identical instances of a human male of Irish-English ancestry. It stands 175cm tall (5 foot 9 inches) and weighs 75.75 kilograms (167 lbs).
On ██/██/████, a perfect doppelganger of Agent David Hawk, Level 3 Field Agent, manifested in the agent’s quarters of Bio-Site 66 sometime in the early morning hours while the ‘original’ was asleep. Prior to the manifestation of SCP-3818, Agent Hawk was attached to Task Force 066-Beta, which assists with the management of biological items contained for study at Bio-Site 66; currently, both instances of Agent Hawk have been contained collectively as SCP-3818 at Bio-Site 66 until the nature of this anomaly can be ascertained. The two have been arbitrarily designated SCP-3818-A and SCP-3818-B at this time, collectively SCP-3818.
Physical and psychological examination has revealed that both instances of Agent Hawk are identical. Below is an assortment of observations made during the initial containment process:
- Both instances have the exact same DNA, height and weight, fingerprints, vocal signature, dental impression, tongue print, birthmarks, freckles, footprints, gut flora, and blood type.
- Both instances have evidence of a healed clavicle, previously broken at age 13 while playing lacrosse, as well as independently reported mild memory loss from a car accident.
- Both instances appear to possess the same memories, with knowledge of their login credentials, passwords, and specific knowledge of data on Agent Hawk’s computer.
- Both instances possess the same memories of interpersonal history with other personnel within and outside the Foundation.
- Both instances have an allergy to cumin.
- Both instances have previously taken speech therapy to minimize a lisp.
- Both instances have previously been wounded during an altercation with an instance of SCP-████, as evidenced by [unnecessary data redacted].
- Both instances dislike the nickname “Dave”.
The origin of this anomaly is as of yet unknown; no SCP anomalies associated with Bio-Site 66, any of its researchers, or agents, have any history or effects that are in any way associated with the manifestation of duplicated human beings in the manner displayed in SCP-3818.
Interviews: SCP-3818-A and -B were interviewed separately by Drs Bridge and Seidelman at 9:45 AM on the day of their discovery, and then multiple interviews at different points in time afterward. Below are transcripts of various interviews taken with SCP-3818.
Below are further interviews, both taken eight days after initial containment.
Dr. Bridge and Dr. Seidelman believe that the above interviews are worthwhile keeping in the main SCP-3818 summary file; further interview logs are available upon request.
Follow-Up Summary: SCP-3818-A and -B remain in Euclid class humanoid containment. Both maintain ignorance to the nature of their shared anomaly.
Incident Summary - Security Breach ██/██/████:edited On ██/██/████ at 2:17 P.M. local time, a wide-scale breach occurred across Bio-Site 66, causing the accidental release of multiple Euclid class SCP entities. During this time, a number of containment systems, site and SCP surveillance, and backup power systems experienced rolling failures across the Site.
The incident lasted for approximately two-and-a-half hours. Of note is that all humanoid containment at Bio-Site 66 failed during this breach; however, humanoid SCP objects other than 3818-A and 3818-B remained within containment, for their own safety. SCP-3818-A and -B are unaccounted for during the entire duration of the breach.
During this time, security surveillance was irregular, with camera systems rebooting repeatedly. Due to this, limited visual records exist of the breach. While mostly successful in their efforts, the escaped SCP-████ became especially difficult towards the latter half of the breach and forced the present members of Task Force 066-Beta to scatter.
By 5:02 P.M. local time, several Mobile Task Forces arrived at Bio-Site 66 to lend support from other Sites. System functionality was restored and remaining SCP objects were soon returned to containment.
At 6:22 P.M. local time, SCP-3818-A and -B were discovered in an unused containment chamber. The designation collars had been damaged and removed from both instances; one instance was found dead, with the other bearing wounds consistent with SCP-████ as well as close-quarters-combat.
The remaining instance of SCP-3818 remains in containment; the deceased instance has been given full funerary process, at the behest of Dr. Bridge.
The cause of the breach is as of yet unknown.