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Special Containment Procedures:


SCP-3743-A-1, approximately two kilometers from Site-91.

SCP-3743-A-1 and -2 are to be under constant electronic surveillance. Any individuals arriving through either anomaly are to be detained, interrogated and potentially amnesticized.1

The Foundation has purchased the York Art Gallery and the land containing SCP-3743-A-1, closing them off from public access. Armed agents are to be stationed nearby on rotating shifts. Any movement towards either anomaly is to be impeded by the joint task force under the auspices of Project Hecatoncheires.

Interferent thaumaturgical charms are to be placed around both anomalies to prevent their use. Members of MTF-Beta-777 (“Hecate’s Spear”)2 shall evaluate the effectiveness of the charms every month.


SCP-3743 is a series of interconnected anomalies with ties to a Hellenistic-era cult known as the "Many Hands Society" (rough translation). SCP-3743-A-1 is a thaumaturgically powered portal3 to an extradimensional space found within the greater Yorkshire area. SCP-3743-A-1 is located in a wooded area approximately two kilometers from Site-91’s perimeter. SCP-3743-A-1 is constructed with branches from the immediate area and thaumaturgically linked to an icon of Eros found hanging nearby.


Single structure found within SCP-3743-B.

SCP-3743-B is a finite extra-dimensional space resembling the arid plains of Greece, measuring roughly eighty-eight square kilometers. Located within the boundaries of SCP-3743-B is a solitary man-made structure constructed from mud bricks, sitting atop a stone block foundation. The structure resembles the construction methods of the Hellenistic-era of ancient Greece. Due to thaumic pollution and relatively high levels of Akiva radiation present within SCP-3743-B, photographs invariably develop without any color present.

SCP-3743-A-1, when activated, using thaumaturgical techniques common to Group of Interest ALPHA-019 (“Serpent’s Hand”), allows for transportation to SCP-3743-B.

Discovery: Routine reconnaissance around Site-91 by security personnel revealed SCP-3743-A-1 on 13 August, 1992. Members of MTF-Beta-777 examined the area and found the aforementioned icon to Eros. Concerned that the anomaly represented an attempted incursion into Site-91, Captain Zadeh of MTF-Beta-777 requested reinforcement from MTF-Tau-9 (“Bookworms”) as said MTF focuses on anomalies related to the Library and the Serpent’s Hand.

Lieutenant Gilroy Laguerre4 of Tau-9 analyzed SCP-3743-A-1 and confirmed that it was an active Way leading to an extradimensional space. The proximity of the Way to Site-91 was ruled to be a clear and present danger. On 15 August, 1992, Director Varga ordered an joint task force exploration into SCP-3743-A-1.


Stele and burial chamber discovered in SCP-3743-B.

Sergeant Kenoshi’s translation of the stele and the scrolls found in SCP-3743-B are ongoing. A preliminary series of excerpts are below:

Scrolls found in SCP-3743-B – Excerpts:
“And again, three other sons were born of Earth and Heaven, great and doughty beyond telling, Cottus and Briareos and Gyes, presumptuous children. From their shoulders sprang a hundred arms, not to be approached, and fifty heads grew from the shoulders upon the strong limbs of each, and irresistible was the stubborn strength that was in their great forms. For of all the children that were born of Earth and Heaven, these were the most terrible, and they were hated by their own father from the first.”8

“Great was Zeus, son of Cronus and Rhea, but not so great as to conquer the Titans alone. A great prophecy was known to him, that the Many Handed were necessary for the success of his war.”9

“Once the battle was finished and the celestial city of the gods was founded on Mount Olympus, the Many Handed crafted the known world. Briareos pooled the blood of the dead Titans and formed the seas. Cottus shaped the formless Earth into plains, mountains and forests. Gyes blew with all his might and shaped the clouds and Sky. The Many Handed together lit a great fire and flung the embers into the Night sky and formed the Stars.10 When Zeus and the Olympians wished to form mortals, the Many Handed shaped their blood and bodies with their many fingers.”

“Their Many Hands guide us in this life. We honor their creation with our blood and bodies. We are their many hands, shaping society in their image.”

Stele found in SCP-3743-B – Excerpt:
"In the year of the Battle of Sphacteria, the Many Hands Society retreated from the world of the Hellenes. After the retreat, the Kings of Sparta took offense at the Society’s implied insult by leaving Hellenic society. It was in the following year that Sparta sent a fighting force, one thousand shields strong, led by the Cursed Brasidas,11 to wipe the temple of the Society from the plains of Greece. The Kings of Sparta desired of our strength and would not allow the Society to exist if it was not within their control.

Our great leader Euboea, Son of Briareos, fought with our congregation against the Spartan aggression, killing hundreds with his spear. When Euboea’s spear broke on the Spartan general’s shield, Euboea performed a great sacrifice of his life’s blood. Our temple was moved to this place outside the Fates’ graces, and so Euboea did treat his surviving followers. Of the hundred priests and priestesses of the Society, only thirteen survived the battle. And yet, despite Euboea’s great will and power, one by one they succumbed to the wounds given by the despicable Spartans.

Here, they lie buried, the thirteen last philosopher kings of the Many Hands Society. Their lights unfairly snuffed out by the aggression of man’s politics. May they rise again one day, to serve the hands of the Hecatoncheires.”

Director Varga suggested the scrolls retrieved from SCP-3743-B be radiocarbon dated. Despite Sergeant Kenoshi’s assertion that the parchment was new, the scrolls were all dated to approximately 425 BCE +/- 30 years.

rating: +107+x

Hecatoncheires Cycle
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