Item #: SCP-3726
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3726 is to be kept in a Secure Containment Locker at Site-26. Testing on SCP-3726 requires permission from personnel with Clearance Level 3 or above.
Description: SCP-3726 is a 300-page leather-bound codex. Forensic tests have dated SCP-3726 to the 14th century. Despite being buried under sand for an extended period of time (see Addendum 3726-A), the codex remains relatively intact.
SCP-3726's anomalous properties manifest when any narrative with at least one anthropomorphic non-sapient being (designated SCP-3726-1) and at least one human (designated SCP-3726-2) is written on SCP-3726. Upon closing and reopening SCP-3726, the narrative is rewritten, but the handwriting remains the same. The rewritten narrative describes the discriminatory acts by SCP-3726-2 performed on SCP-3726-1, which invariably results in negative outcomes for SCP-3726-1, for a variety of reasons1. SCP-3726 can affect the same narrative multiple times, which can prompt the narrative to be rewritten differently; however, the course of events will not be altered. No new characters are introduced in the rewritten narrative2.
Individuals exposed to affected narratives show increased empathy to non-sapient beings. It is currently unknown if they possess memetic properties.
Addendum 3726-A: Recovery
SCP-3726 was found buried along with two mummified cadavers in the middle of the Karakum desert while investigating on another anomalous phenomenon. The two cadavers, one human and one resembling a Macaca Fascicularis (Long-Tailed Macaque), were found holding SCP-3726 in a tugging position. Examinations of the clothing suggest the human to be a merchant.
Several narratives in the form of diary entries had been written in SCP-3726 at the time of discovery. It is currently unknown if they were affected by SCP-3726 or not. The narratives are transcribed below; grammar mistakes have not been corrected.
not write before
monkey read book learn write
master book is good
master beat monkey read book
monkey read book master sleep
monkey happy can write
monkey tell donkei
master not good
master alway beat monkey and donkei
monkey not understad
monkey is mother make
donkei is mother make
master is mother make
mother make thing nature
why master beat monkey and donkei
monkey give food master
monkey give fast
monkey not fast msater beat
donkei not fast master beat
monkey is hurt
donkei hurt too
why beat monkey and donkei
master sleep
monkey scared
monkey tell donkei run
donkei hurt
donkei not can run
monkey not fast
monkey is scared
donkei scared too
master sleep
master have not food
master kill donkei
master eat donkei part
master not give monkey
monkey want eat
master not give monkey
monkey is scared
mokey is scared master eat monkey too
why master not good
master sleep
monkey want run
monkey want book
monkey run
monkey is scared
master not sleep
A skeleton of an Equus Asinus (Common Donkey) was later found buried approximately 250m away from the two cadavers.