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Item #: SCP-3706

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Locations with high probabilities of producing or uncovering SCP-3706 instances are to be monitored closely by implanted Foundation archaeologists and paleontologists. Should an SCP-3706 instance be uncovered, non-Foundation personnel present on site are to be administered class A amnestics, and disinformation regarding recent discoveries disseminated in the event of further inquiries.

SCP-3706 instances are to be moved to secure engineering Sites 212A or B depending on size and condition. Functional instances are to be moved to 212A for potential reactivation and reverse engineering. Non-functional instances are to be moved to 212B for proper thaumaturgic disposal, and destruction.

All tests, operations, and information requests for SCP-3706-380 are subject to Level 5 approval. Key personnel who have knowledge of SCP-3706-380 have been granted restricted level 5 clearance to necessary documents pertaining to OPERATION HIGH TIDE. Abuse of this clearance is grounds for termination.

Site 212A

Site 212A is a facility located on the Dunnethead Peninsula southeast of the Orkney islands encompassing an area of 12 km2. Three 500 m2 vehicle storage warehouses are positioned along the coastline, with open access to coastal waters for functional testing of reactivated SCP-3706 instances. A permanent staff of 1000+ individuals, including MTF-Sigma 32 ("Recovery Wizards") are housed on site at all times.

The area directly encompassing 212A has been designated as a No-Fly zone by the government of the UK. This status extends into the surrounding oceanic waters in a 2 km radius.

Site 212B

Site 212B is a facility located on the Western coast of Hoy Island. Site 212B consists of a 50 m x 20 m compound capable of housing and decommissioning non-functional thaumaturgic items. Site 212B has a permanent security staff of 15, and 5 thaumaturgic demolition experts.

Update: As of 04/15/2017 all work at Site-212B has been suspended. See SCP-4700 for further details.

Description: SCP-3706 are a large number of recovered and potential undiscovered vehicles with unique properties, several universal common factors, and varying functional attributes. Each SCP-3706 instance is capable of traversing aquatic environments, either as a submersible, or sea floor based all-terrain vehicle. Each vehicle resembles known species of ocean fauna, though significant deviations from these animal species have been observed in many recovered instances, as is described in Table T-3706-01. Individual vehicles are primarily composed of organo-metallic polymers, with the oldest variants having been carved from stone. Vehicles that do not use appendage based locomotion employ a jet propulsion mechanism involving the intake and rapid expulsion of ocean water through adjustable vents.

SCP-3706 instances are diverse in both appearance and specific function, ranging from automated collection vehicles less than 3 m in length (designed to collect food, minerals, and other materials) to large-scale assault vessels more than 200 m in length. Each SCP-3706 instance is powered via a spatial distortion contained within a crystalline chamber composed of corundum, which produces high energy material bearing marked similarity to that found in SCP-3703. The size of both the crystal and the distortion appears to vary based on the size of the vehicle; however, the crystals of all recovered non-functional instances are either shattered or missing.

When in an active state, all SCP-3706 instances emit a dull "humming" noise. Active SCP-3706 instances possess carved channels where luminescence will "flow" across their exterior surfaces, forming patterns, artistic depictions of the vehicle's history, and Proto-Nordic-like runic script containing instructions on how to properly operate and maintain each vehicle. Additionally, manually piloted SCP-3706 instances tend to have detailed markings, carved by the former operator onto their vehicles, in the form of three-toed hoofprints. These appear to serve a statistical role, similar to the manner in which pilots during World Wars 1 and 2 would track enemy kills by painting flags onto their vehicles.

Table T-3706-01

The following table contains selected entries describing the various instances of SCP-3706. Vehicles are assigned designations based on their type and relative functionality compared to other SCP-3706 instances rather than by order in which they were discovered. Prior documentation included designations based on order of discovery, these designations have been changed database-wide in order to avoid confusion.

Subdesignation Vehicle Type Description
SCP-3706-01 Self-Propelled Automated Collection Collection of vehicles recovered off the coast of the Peloponnese Peninsula. Vehicles ranged in size from 0.3 to 2 meters in width, 0.1 to 1.5 meters in height, and resembled varying members of the infraorder Brachyura.1 Notable common features included replacement of the claws with four slotted limbs possessing varying tools. 3 instances possessed grafted human hands. All instances were functional at time of recovery.
SCP-3706-09 Self Propelled Automated Collection Numerous vehicles recovered in a large number of rivers in the United Kingdom and continental Europe, as well as portions of the North Atlantic, North and Baltic Seas. Vehicles range in size from 0.5 m to 5 m in length, and width. Due to their size, the majority of recovered instances resemble the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, with notable differences in the mouth, which lacks any teeth, and a large cavity at the very tip of the tail, often possessing luminescent markings across the exterior. All instances make a constant humming described as "eerie."
SCP-3706-15 Personnel Transport Vehicle recovered off the coast of Iceland. It measures approximately 8 meters in length, 6 in width, and 5 in height. Vehicle resembles the Dorado/Mahi-Mahi, with notable modifications, including large hollow chambers with sufficient seating for 15 individuals, four large yellow orbs2 arranged equidistantly, with two on either side of the vehicle, and remnants of thaumaturgic power nodes leading to what may have once been weaponry. Inscriptions on the interior of the vehicle have been translated and interpreted to "Place your hand on the triangle, the big green one, and press down. If she doesn't start, bang the fins several times. She's old and cranky."
SCP-3706-230 Personal Combat Vehicle recovered off the coast of the Canary Islands. Approximately 2.5 m in length, 1.4 m in width, and 1 m in height. Resembles Carcharhinus leucas3 with notable modifications to the "nose" of the vehicle which broaden it into a sickle moon shape, possessing four carved grooves with corundum coating the interior. The vehicles' dorsal fins possess inscribed markings in the shape of three-toed hoof-prints, with a total of 60 spread across the vehicle. Proto-Nordic-like runes are inscribed along several parts of the vehicle, with notable differences in the style of carvings. For the sake of brevity, these have been recorded in the section below.
SCP-3706-380 Capital Ship Details have been classified in accordance with tenants of OPERATION HIGH TIDE. Documents have been appended in the addenda below, level 5 clearance required.

Translation T-3706-01:
The following contains an interpretation of the inscribed runes on SCP-3706-230.

"Hey hotshot, congrats on getting your certification. This beauty is named BJÖRT. She's good, but to earn her trust, you're going to have to hit at least five humans in the water, and make sure you get their blood in her mouth." ~Snorre

"Greetings new aquaneer, please disregard the above message. This aeronautic does not require human blood sacrifices to operate. We are not savage primitives." ~Magister Rolf

"No seriously, don't listen to the Magisters. They like to see new guys be unable to operate their machines on the first go. It's just five humans. C'mon, you know they aren't doing anything but tossing spears at each other." ~Snorre

"Please ignore all markings from Aquaneer Snorre. He has been reprimanded for encouraging prejudiced uncivil behavior towards other thinking beings." ~Magister Rolf

"Yeah, well let's see you reprimand me when I take this thing and fly off, you vagr níðingr." ~Snorre

A single set of skeletal4 remains were recovered 1.5 m from the vehicle on the ocean floor. Skeletal remains matched those recovered from SCP-3047.

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