
Item #: SCP-366-DE

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-366-DE is stored within a password-protected security locker at Site-DE21. Access to the documents is only authorized for the purposes of testing and to personnel of level 4 or higher. Its usage requires native or at least very good knowledge of the Hebrew language as well as a fundamental understanding of ritualistic thaumaturgy.

The creation of SCP-366-DE-A instances for test purposes is only permitted with approval by the head researcher and written description of the tests conducted. The subjects created in the process may not leave the testing area and must be terminated using large quantities of water or other liquids, or by destroying the inscription at the forehead via brute force.

Description: SCP-366-DE designates a sheet of checkered paper in DIN-A-4 format that was written on on both sides in Hebrew script using a pencil. An image of a vaguely humanoid figure as well as an illustration of a ritual circle are situated next to the written part.

SCP-366-DE is an instruction manual for the creation of SCP-366-DE-A, which, among the object, requires the following objects1:

  • At least four physically strong persons to shape the figure as well as a fifth to recite the required formula23
  • Chalk for creating the circle
  • A torah
  • Flour
  • Honey
  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • Eggs
  • Baking soda
  • Various mixed seasonings like nutmeg, cinnabar, anise, ginger, cloves and allspice
  • Large quantities of icing or liquid meringue, as well as nuts and other decorative materials for shaping a face and the forehead seal4
  • Hebrew notes for the orders.

During the ritual for creating SCP-366-DE-A, the persons must knead a dough from the ingredients, which they then shape into a tall, humanoid figure and place within a ritual circle drawn on the floor. The fifth person subsequently begins to recite the formula written on SCP-366-DE, while the remaining four ritualistically dance seven times clockwise around the figure in the style of the Hora5. If the ritual is conducted correctly, the dough figure will start to get hot, steam and turn into a gingerbread figure. Once the figure has been "baked" completely, the fifth person will add a face and other decorations using icing, meringue, nuts and other typical gingerbread embellishments, with the last step being to write the Hebrew words for "truth"6 on the forehead. Afterwards, all persons help to stand the gingerbread man upright, who is designated as SCP-366-DE-A.

SCP-366-DE-A are tall, vaguely humanoid figures resembling oversized gingerbread men. Instances of SCP-366-DE-A can reach sizes of 2.10 to 3 m and a weight of 200 – 400 kg, depending on the quantity of used ingredients. Their appearance mirrors the one they had in their raw state. According to the original concepts, SCP-366-DE-A feature a massive body without a neck and short, thick legs lacking knees, but with elongated arms extending to the calf area, without nose, ears, hair or clothing7. Despite the fact that they consist completely of gingerbread dough, they are capable of human-like locomotion, albeit with limited speed8, and are unable to run, jump, climb or perform similar movements due to their weight9. They possess unlimited stamina and require neither nutrients nor sleep or other vital functions, making them perfect working creatures.

SCP-366-DE-A display neither high intelligence, nor free will, language, or other means of direct communication. They follow the orders given to them by their creators in the form of Hebrew instruction slips. To achieve this, the creator places the slip in the mouth of the subject, who absorbs it. SCP-366-DE-A will execute the order given as far as possible. Orders may include, among others, obtaining items, lifting objects10, guarding places or objects or terminating targets, which is carried out by brute force in the form of striking with their arms. They will execute the given instructions until the latter is either fulfilled or they are destroyed, while also showing a tendency to remove objects from their path by force. These tasks can also involve actions SCP-366 can either not perform or could lead to its own destruction, where the subject will attempt to follow the task as good as possible, even when no objective for completing the task was stated beforehand11.

SCP-366-DE-A feel no pain and are exceedingly robust in spite of the material they consist of, making them able to withstand even strong punches via a sledge- or jackhammer completely unharmed and can even resist simple firing weapons. The usage of explosive weapons or extremely strong physical force can destroy the entities, but other methods of termination were found to be more efficient.

The simplest method is the utilization of large water volumes or other liquids, causing the dough body to soften and loose its body shape. Another method is the order of the creator to self-destruct, which leads to the instance breaking apart. The third method is the removal of the first letter from the three at the object's forehead, so that only the Hebrew word for "death" remains12. If this is the case, the instance will remain motionless and is neutralized13 Tests revealed that the object falls into a kind of frenzy when the wrong letter is removed, causing it to ambush everything in its vicinity and even ignore the orders of its creator in the process.

The gingerbread dough SCP-366-DE-A instances consist of is consumable after the object's removal and shows no anomalous or hazardous properties. Those who have eaten it, however, report that the dough was very dry and hard in some parts and that they have eaten better.

Discovery: The Foundation initially became aware of SCP-366-DE-A at the 23.12.2023, when police department in Nuremberg received a distress call about a "giant rampaging angry cookie man". At first, this was dismissed as a joke, but multiple calls reporting similar events were received a few minutes later. Agents arriving at the afflicted location discovered a 2.40 m tall SCP-366-DE-A instance chasing a woman in business attire, with the instance knocking over cars, tearing down walls, damaging historical structures and striking away persons in its path using its fists, sending them flying in a high arc and severely injuring them upon impact. After informing the nearest site and requesting backup, the agents subsequently opened fire on the object, which, however, ignored the bullets and lead the woman into a dead end where it terminated her via brute force.

An older man had followed the subject, repeatedly yelling towards it to stop, but it only stood still once its target had been battered beyond recognition. He subsequently placed a note inside the instance's mouth, causing it to disintegrate into crumbs. The man then surrendered to the agents without resistance.

The man was Mister ██████████, a 75 year old Jewish baker who has been running a traditional bakery in Nuremberg's Old Town since he was 20 years old and produces gingerbread for Christmas, among other things. He is considered the creator of SCP-366-DE, which he used to create SCP-366-DE-A for physically demanding tasks within his bakery.

The woman struck dead by SCP-366-DE-A was Miss █████, the new landlady of the bakery who wanted to close it for financial reasons, which prompted Mister ██████████ to use SCP-366-DE-A in order to "get rid" of her, but the instance led to the lady's termination.

Mister ██████████ was subsequently taken into custody by the agents. They could seize SCP-366-DE as well as other occult objects inside the bakery.

The witnesses were given amnestics and the events disguised as an accident during an unsuccessful Christmas advertising campaign.

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