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Item #: SCP-3615

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3615 is to be secured at Site-36 in a containment chamber outfitted with an Automated Exorcism System. A 5-meter tall ladder must be available in the room for ease of access to the top of SCP-3615. The chamber is to be flushed with insecticides on a weekly basis.

Procedure N11 is to be executed on a daily basis to prevent the manifestation of SCP-3615-1. As a precautionary measure, operatives carrying out the procedure are to be equipped with antistatic BSL-2 protective equipment and accompanied by a security guard. Although this procedure calls for the use of human meat, porcine meat can be substituted without consequence.

Should SCP-3615-1 manifest due to the incomplete or improper execution of Procedure N1, personnel are to pull the alarm situated at the entrance of the chamber to activate the AES and sprinkler system. Security personnel are authorized to use lethal force to defend themselves in the meantime.

As per Anomalous Sapient Entity protocol, SCP-3615-2 is to undergo weekly psychiatric evaluation.

At SCP-3615-2's recommendation, no pregnant persons are to enter the containment chamber.

Description: SCP-3615 is a stone altar, measuring 9.15 m x 9.15 m x 4.57 m, that dates back to 586 BC. The artifact's style and construction imitates that of multiple Middle Eastern cultures from said period, with several modern modifications. These alterations include alchemical formulae, thaumaturgic sigils, graffiti of political nature, and a thin layer of human feces. All attempts at removing this coat of excrement without damaging the object have failed.

SCP-3615 has a constant buildup of static electricity, with no apparent source for this charge.

SCP-3615 anomalously attracts and alters flies2. Affected flies undergo accelerated development, progressing through their lifecycle within hours. This causes them to breed and die at an exponential rate, leading to a build up of fly corpses on the object itself, as well as any nearby surfaces.

If Procedure N1 is not carried out, SCP-3615 will undergo a Type-H Event. In a Type-H Event, SCP-3615 will emit an aerosol of fecal matter, ignite, and materialize SCP-3615-1. Two to three days later, an acid rain shower will manifest over the site of the Type-H Event.


Recovered material, believed to be a representation of SCP-3615-1. Note similarity to content from Dictionnaire Infernal.

SCP-3615-1 is the Level I Tartarean Entity that manifests in Type-H Events. SCP-3615-1 is an amorphous mass of flesh weighing approximately 500 kg. The entity has an assortment of dipteran, avian, feline, ranine, ovine, bovine, and humanoid features and appendages. The subject has a marked aggression to all forms of life, but otherwise shows no signs of sapience. Despite its mass and tartarean nature, the entity is vulnerable to small arms fire.

SCP-3615-2 claims that its senses are connected to SCP-3615-1's senses, but that they are otherwise unconnected.

SCP-3615-2 is the designation for the entity that is contacted through Procedure N1, or through the activation of a Type-H Event. It is theorized to be a Level I Pistiphage Entity that is currently situated in a dimensional space adjacent to baseline reality. SCP-3615-2's voice emanates from the center of SCP-3615 during Procedure N1 and Type-H Events. SCP-3615-2's voice has been described as "hoarse" and "multiple voices speaking in unison."

SCP-3615-2 identifies by the mythological epithet "Baal", a name ascribed to various deities in the Middle East, spanning from 3500 BC to 500 BC. Attempts to narrow down its identity have thus far proven inconclusive, and provoke emotional distress in the subject.

SCP-3615 was discovered in a Foundation raid on [REDACTED], a suspected Serpent's Hand stronghold. Recovered materials from the raid indicate that the organization had created SCP-3615 in its present form. After the object underwent its first Type-H Event, Procedure N1 was devised from these materials.

Addendum: The following interview was conducted with the aim of ascertaining the nature of SCP-3615-2.

Addendum: On 2016/██/██, a Foundation raid on [REDACTED] resulted in the internment of several Serpent's Hand members. Among them was PoI-24152, David Mercer, who was confirmed to be involved in SCP-3615's creation.

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