Item #: SCP-3550
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3550 is to be contained at Site-42 in a modified humanoid containment chamber without an observation window. All observation of SCP-3550 is to be made indirectly, through camera feed. Access to SCP-3550 and its chamber is restricted to Dr. Rosetta and janitorial staff.
Along with standard sanitation and minimal furniture requirements, SCP-3550 has been issued a computer with limited internet access with approval of Site Overseer and Ethics Committee. The only approved use of this computer is writing a diary (requested for therapeutic reason by Dr. Rosetta) and to access the '██████ support group chatroom for cancer patients and survivors.' Chat logs are to be monitored for the sake of information security. The profile SCP-3550 uses is anonymous, and will continue to be.
Requests for leisure items should be filed to the Site-Overseer and will be approved or denied at the discretion of Site-42 Security Overseer and Ethics Committee.
SCP-3550 has agreed to wear custom-made blacked out goggles during therapy sessions or when in visual contact with security personnel. Physical contact with SCP-3550 is strictly prohibited without use of protective gloves.
Food must be supplied through a feeding hatch situated near the entrance of the containment chamber. While SCP-3550's diet has no special requirements, SCP-3550 has refused to eat several times since initial containment. When undernourishment is judged to be present, Fortisip or intravenous food drip can be administered at the discretion of both Dr. Rosetta and the Ethics Committee. SCP-3550 is to be restrained only when absolutely necessary.
Accommodations to improve SCP-3550's mental health have been requested and approved, such as reading material, radio and television. Dr. Rosetta has evaluated that SCP-3550 has a medium to high risk of suicide. The containment chamber contains no furniture higher than SCP-3550's waist, and no sharp objects and edges are allowed inside the containment cell. SCP-3550's garments are devoid of items that may assist in self-termination such as shoelaces, belts and ties.
SCP-3550 receives weekly therapy sessions on Wednesday at 18:00 performed by Dr. Rosetta in treatment of clinical depression and general anxiety disorder. SCP-3550 is required to take 20mg 40mg of fluoxetine daily as prescribed by Dr. Langford.
To the public, the abnormal rate of diagnoses of cancer in ██████ has been attributed to radiation poisoning through accident at the ████████████ nuclear power plant situated near the town.
Description: SCP-3550 is a female human, born in 1996. SCP-3550 is physically healthy with the exception of mild malnutrition. There are several places on its scalp where the hair has been forcefully removed. It has a history of severe psychological problems since its initial recovery. █ suicide attempts have been recorded since containment began in 200█ (see extended psychiatric evaluation).
Exposure to SCP-3550's direct line of sight will result in malignant cancerous tumours appearing in the body of the viewer in 100% of cases. This extends to physical contact. Cancer cells are typically discovered in the liver or brain of affected persons, and metastasis has been reported to occur within a period of between two weeks and one year. This has resulted in the loss of the majority of SCP-3550's family, friends and over 58% of the population of ██████, SCP-3550's home town.
This anomaly has started relatively recently, possibly manifesting after SCP-3550 became adolescent. SCP-3550 is aware of its anomaly, and expresses severe distress and feelings of remorse when mentioned. Based on SCP-3550's reports, it is theorised that the speed of its anomalous effects on a subject is proportional to the degree of SCP-3550's emotional attachment to the subject. In keeping with SCP-3550's continued mental stability, this information is withheld from it. SCP-3550 has shown complete cooperation with its containment but frequently requests to be terminated.
04/03/200█ - Started on 20mg fluoxetine daily for the first six weeks, titration up to 40mg recommended over 6 months. ~ Langford.
07/03/200█ - Pregabalin added to prescription (75mgx2 daily). Move up to 300mg if needed. ~ Langford.
29/04/200█: SCP-3550's psychological state drastically reduced during initial weeks, but improved over time. Cause is suspected to be confinement. Sustaining prescription. ~ Langford.
04/05/200█: SCP-3550 has been administered Class-C amnestics in an attempt to improve its mental condition. SCP-3550 appears to be immune to its effects, even stating that its memories are actually more vivid. Subject took approximately 3 weeks of intense therapy to recover. Further testing with amnestics is not recommended. ~ Langford.
12/06/200█: Dosage elevated to 40mg. ~ Rosetta.
Interviewed: SCP-3550
Interviewer: Dr. Langford
Dr. Langford: So, your dosage has been upped a little. Do you notice the difference?
SCP-3550: A little fuzzy, but I feel better I guess. Thanks doc.
Dr. Langford: I know that it's hard to be here sometimes but I'll try what I can-
SCP-3550: I know, doc. Look, you've been really nice to me. Security is a little scary but you already gave me a lot. I know you're trying really hard.
Dr. Langford: Okay. Do you think we can talk about yesterday?
SCP-3550: [PAUSE] You heard about that. Yeah I… I don't know.
Dr. Langford: We're trying to make it as comfortable as possible. I'd be very sad if you… weren't with us anymore. You know that, right?
SCP-3550: I mean, yeah. I don't want to hurt you like that. I know it's probably a hassle to deal with me like this.
Dr. Langford: Never think so. You can't help it, remember?
SCP-3550: Yeah…true.
Dr. Langford: So anyway, about your drawings.
SCP-3550: I made new ones! Do you want to see them?
Dr. Langford: I'd love to.
Interviewed: SCP-3550
Interviewer: Dr. Langford
Dr. Langford: So obviously your profile will have to be anonymous, you know we don't want people know about our work here.
SCP-3550: Are there more people like me here?
Dr. Langford: I can't tell you about that, I'm afraid. You know how it goes, confidentiality.
SCP-3550: Right, I guess that makes sense.
Dr. Langford: Why this chatroom, specifically?
SCP-3550: They're a support group for survivors in ██████, where I came from. They think it's something like a nuclear waste accident. I guess your people told them that, right?
Dr. Langford: They did. Of course, you can't mention that in the chatroom.
SCP-3550: I figured that. It's just… it reminds me of what I did, but I need to stay connected to the people I left behind.
Dr. Langford: Are you sure you want that reminder all the time?
SCP-3550: Don't know. It's better than pretending it didn't happen. [PAUSES, SIGHS] Can we talk about something else?
Dr. Langford: Alright, like what?
SCP-3550: I feel a bit bad. We only talk about myself all the time. How are you doing, doctor?
Dr. Langford: I… that's sweet. I'm very well, thank you. Don't worry about me okay?
SCP-3550: I'm not worried. I just wanted to know if you're doing alright. It's a shame I don't know what you look like. Or anyone here for that matter. Steven sounds like he's nice.
Dr. Langford: You mean Steven Nilus, the head of security?
SCP-3550: Yeah, him. He doesn't sound like a commander. I've never heard him yell at someone. I thought they had to be super strict, like in the movies.
Dr. Langford: When did you talk to him?
SCP-3550: I didn't. He had to get his team to give me food drip on Monday.
Dr. Langford: Again? We talked about this, you have to eat properly for your medication to work.
SCP-3550: [LAUGHS] Yes, mom.
Dr. Langford: Why didn't you eat on Monday?
SCP-3550: [PAUSE] Because… I mean, I don't know.
Dr. Langford: You don't know?
SCP-3550: The pills make that I'm not sad anymore, but I still don't get why you bother keeping me…going.
Dr. Langford: Come on, don't think like that.
SCP-3550: Why not? Can you think of a reason? Anything? Doctor, it's been eight years since I last saw someone's face. Since I last held someone, hugged someone. I'll never be able to see or feel anyone for the rest of my life.
Dr. Langford: This isn't the solution to that.
SCP-3550: In a way, it is.
Dr. Langford: Don't do anything drastic on your own, ok? Can you promise me that?
Dr. Langford: Lily?
SCP-3550: Sorry. I don't think I can. Can we talk again later? I don't want to talk right now.
Note: Dr. Langford has been reprimanded for unauthorised designation of SCP-3550 in the last therapy session.
Interviewed: SCP-3550
Interviewer: Dr. Langford
SCP-3550: Thanks for the books, by the way.
Dr. Langford: It's good to have some distraction, right?
SCP-3550: Right.
Dr. Langford: If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you about the origins of your condition.
SCP-3550: Do we have to? I don't really want to. Can't we just look at the pictures again? I made one about you! Well, I don't know what you look like, but I guessed!
Dr. Langford: I…they want me to- [PAUSE] the people taking care of you asked me to question you about this. We're doing this at your pace. We're trying to understand what happened to you.
SCP-3550: Okay. Can we do it afterwards?
Dr. Langford: Look at the pictures? Sure, as long as you want. It looks like your condition surfaced when you were about 16. Does that sound right?
SCP-3550: Maybe. Some of my friends took years to notice what I did to them.
Dr. Langford: And you weren't aware of it at the time?
SCP-3550: [PAUSE] Are you asking me if I knew that I was giving them cancer? That I was murdering them on purpose?
Dr. Langford: Right, no, I didn't mean to say that-
SCP-3550: I ruined their lives. No, worse. Their families… Molly's father talked to me at her funeral. He told me that she's in a better place and that I was such a good friend to her-
<SCP-3550 becomes visibly distressed and starts to weep.>
SCP-3550: Doctor…can we stop this now?
Dr. Langford: It's okay, Lily. We're attempting to find out-
<SCP-3550 covers its face.>
Dr. Langford: Do you need a moment?
<SCP-3550 remains unresponsive for 30 seconds.>
Dr. Langford: If you want, we can pick this up-
SCP-3550: <Strained> The first… time it happened. It was a girl a year above me, at school I mean. She hated me. I… felt… I thought I was controlling it…I thought I could hurt people that were mean to me. But I didn't want her to…
Dr. Langford: I know. You didn't want to hurt anybody. It's not your fault-
SCP-3550: What if it is!? What if I was angry at her and that made it go faster?
Dr. Langford: We can't be sure about that.
SCP-3550: Then it happened to everyone. Nobody knew what was happening. First Molly got sick. Then my teacher… I didn't know if I had something to do with it, but the feeling was gone. The control was gone. There never was control.
Dr. Langford: What happened after that?
SCP-3550: Thomas. My brother. He… they took him into intensive care a few days before Christmas. He… Tommy was dead within three days… it spread to everywhere. After that they wanted to examine mom to be sure. They found-
<SCP-3550 covers its face once again. Despite multiple attempts to calm it down, Dr. Langford concluded the session.>
Closing Statement: Dr. Langford: Her medication has been adjusted.
RE:Closing Statement: Site Overseer: See me in my office at the earliest convenience.
Interviewed: SCP-3550
Interviewer: Dr. Langford
Foreword: Evaluation of mental state. Interview conducted after failed suicide attempt.
** (Irrelevant dialogue removed)**
Dr. Langford: Are you feeling better? I mean, physically? Does it still hurt?
SCP-3550: [Rubs its neck] It's still a little sore. Is Will okay? He sounded really upset.
Dr. Langford: He'll be fine. He just wants you to be safe.
SCP-3550: Yeah. I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt him. Or you, or anyone…you know. I won't do it again.
Dr. Langford: We're aware that you feel responsible for your anomaly, but we know that your…condition is involuntary.
SCP-3550: [Coughs, laughs faintly]. Said very professionally, doctor. I know that you know, but it's not why I did it. I know you want what's best for me, but what I've done isn't something you can explain away. My family is dead, and it's my fault.
Dr. Langford: It's alright-
SCP-3550: <Laughs, becomes visibly distressed and starts to weep> It's not 'alright', doctor. None of this is alright! Why do you keep me alive? Why do you risk your people? Haven't I done enough?
Dr. Langford: We're doing everything we can to-
SCP-3550: And for what? So I can just stay here until I die? Doctor, it's been years. I know how hard you try but you're just wearing yourself out. You can't fix me, I don't think anyone can. I'll never be able to see or feel anyone for the rest of my life. Would you want to live like that?
Dr. Langford: What about William? He'd be devastated if you died. I would- [PAUSE]
SCP-3550: You would what?
Dr. Langford: Nothing. The people here care about you. They'd be distraught if you were gone. Is that what you want?
SCP-3550: You can make them forget, right? It's what you tried to do with me. Make them forget about me. I know you're not supposed to do that or agree with me, but you know that it's better that way. You don't need to say anything, you're not allowed to agree with me. Just…
Dr. Langford: Yes?
SCP-3550: I'm tired, doctor. I'll go to bed. You go to bed as well, I'm sorry for waking all of you up. Just… think about what I said.
Dr. Langford: [PAUSE] Good night Lil- SCP-3550.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Dr. Langford has requested that SCP-3550 be terminated at the earliest convenience, stating that the security risk of containment is unacceptable.
05/06/20██: Termination request by Dr. Langford 05/06/20██: Denied. Object does not pose risk to personnel under current containment procedures. ~ Site Director.
06/06/20██: Termination request by Dr. Langford 06/06/20██: Denied. ~ Dr. ███ - Senior Staff Ethics committee.
07/06/20██: Prescription change to █████ by Dr. Langford: Denied due to risk of lethal overdose. ~ Senior Medical staff.
08/06/20██: Dr. Langford has been reassigned to another project by order of O5-█ and Site Overseer.
09/06/20██: SCP-3550's mental condition has worsened severely. Attempts suicide around 0:23 and has to be restrained by security personnel. No injuries. Security officer ████ requests reassignment. Request approved by Site Overseer.
09/06/20██: Dr. Langford requests to be returned to Site-49 for assignment at the earliest convenience to another object (SCP-████)on-site.
10/06/20██: Dr. Langford has been administered Class-C Amnestics and will be reassigned off-site for the foreseeable future. She will be replaced by Dr. Rosetta effective immediately. ~ O5-█