JakdragonX, as a gift to
Gabriel McQueen
Title: SCP-3476 - A Place to Sever Stranded Heartstrings // Alex's Fountain
Other Works:
The following document contains scenes, logs, and depictions of extreme violence and death. While the Foundation is aware that the majority of our personnel may have already been briefed and/or exposed to these types of explicit content before, your safety continually remains our top priority.
If you experience any severe discomfort or stress as a result of reading this document, please immediately report to your on-site Mental Health Physician or Therapist for assistance. Alternatively, you may return this document to your Supervisor. Thank you.
— Dr. Jakob Reigen, Site-119 Coordinator

Image depicts Dr. Malcolm Stevenson undergoing the anomalous effects of SCP-3476. The picture has been filtered and re-colored in order for better viewing of the individual SCP-3476-1 instances surrounding Dr. Stevenson's body.
Item #: SCP-3476
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-3476's location, Site-119 is hereby responsible for containing the anomaly. The McQueen Estate, located within Bend, Oregon, is to remain permanently closed from the general public. A small perimeter is to be enforced around the property itself at the discretion of Site-119's current policies and procedures. Local residents who are determined to have entered the McQueen Estate or the vicinity of SCP-3476 are to be interrogated, amnesticized, and subsequently re-integrated into the general public following standard protocol.
Description: SCP-3476 is a series of phenomena that occur within a 4.5-meter vicinity of a cement structure resembling a fountain, located at the McQueen Estate in Deschutes County, Oregon. Around the base of SCP-3476, a series of thaumaturgic symbols have been discovered, although their meanings have yet to be identified. Whenever a subject who has experienced the death of a family member or close individual enters the vicinity of SCP-3476 for an extended amount of time, several instances of SCP-3476-1 will emerge from the subject. SCP-3476-1 is the designation given to a series of incorporeal red "strings" that will extend themselves upward at an indeterminable length.1
Individuals who have experienced the anomalous effects of SCP-3476 report feeling "tired" while under its influence. This also appears to be amplified by both the length of time the subject experiences SCP-3476, and how recently their aforementioned close individual has passed. Despite these negative effects, however, subjects have also attested to feeling physically closer to their deceased individual while in the vicinity of SCP-3476, which may cause some to continually stay nearby the anomaly. The underlying purpose and cause of these particular phenomena remain unclear, but it has been assumed by Foundation researchers that SCP-3476 may be siphoning chemical energy from affected subjects via SCP-3476-1 through currently unknown means.
SCP-3476 was discovered after an incident involving the residents of the McQueen Estate prompted a criminal investigation by local authorities and integrated Foundation personnel. During this investigation, Foundation personnel were also able to retrieve a journal by Alex McQueen — the son of the late Jason McQueen who had owned the Estate prior — which had been buried near SCP-3476. A series of camera recordings were also captured and provided to Foundation personnel. Both have since been added to SCP-3476's documentation as they appear to indicate the origins of the anomaly.
Addendum 3476-1
Recovered Documentation/Forensic Investigation
Date: 2006/09/05
Dear D you know what? Fuck that, I'm not some kid—I'm 23 years old for God's sake. Why did he even recommend that I start it with that?Well anyways, It's been a hell-of-a-day. Frankly, I'm astounded that I even got out of the house, even after Laura2 convinced me that I probably wasn't doing myself any favors by staying home. She was always good at convincing me to do shit. Enough to have it even be slightly irritating at times. Doesn't she get that I'm just tired? Eh, whatever. I can't complain honestly, she usually ends up being right after all.
The check-in at the Doctor's office went exactly how I expected it. I guess staying secluded in your house for as long as I have really fucks with your head. Hell, pile that alongside losing your half-decent Dad over the summer and you can expect how things'll go. I mean… damn. It's already been a few months and I still get chest pains just thinking about him.
I used to remember all the townsfolk telling me about him while I was growing up. It was always the same thing: "Mr. Jason McQueen, huh? Yeah, he was a real charmer. The only businessman who could resurrect ole' Bend with a bit of charisma and a lot of luck." He had everyone around his finger, just ready to share their praise of him. Honestly though, he wasn't all that great.
Anyways, after the check-in, they gave me the run-down of everything they noticed. Anger problems, extreme anxiety, the whole nine yards. It's pretty clear that I'll eventually have to come back and probably talk to some more therapists or something at a later time. They also gave me some stuff that'll help me out and this nifty journal to keep handy (I bet they figured I'd be able to write my feelings down instead of doing something else). I explained that I really didn't know what to do with the journal, so Doc said that if I did write I should treat it like I was writing to "a stranger" or "an old friend." Honestly, who knows what that even means. All my conversations usually just start and end after "hello." Hey, maybe that's how I'll start things next time. Good idea, me.
Johnathon was supposed to stop by. Said that he wanted to hang out and watch the game. He's been my best friend since junior high. I was hoping to see him but he probably has his own problems—especially with that girl he's been dating. At least my high school sweetheart turned out better than his, though I suppose having a kid does make things tough. I just hope Jonathon is alright and prepared for whatever happens. I doubt they'll make it through the end of the year.
Seems like I lost track of the time again. I hope Jaiden hasn't gotten into everything. She's an absolute handful, being an 8-month-old toddler and all. But damnit…. don't I love her. Alright, shit, I should probably go check on her before Laura gets on me. I don't want to stress her out anymore than I probably have already.
Date: 2006/09/06
I remember when the police told me how my father died.I still can't shake the memory off even after 8 months. Apparently, it happened during the night, with an unfortunate late trip to his warehouse up near Redmond. A classic run-and-gun, or so I'm told. The dumbass had practically unloaded the entire magazine into Dad before he ran off. The fucking coward. Luckily they found the guy a little bit afterward. Some wild-looking creep from Tumalo or something. Man, just thinking about it now? I really wish they'd just snap his neck in half, and leave it at that. But… knowing the fucker will be behind a few prison bars for the rest of his miserable life is adequate for me.
The news of his death put a lot of baggage on my shoulders. How was I supposed to live up to the legacy of a self-made millionaire and owner of the biggest business in Oregon? It came as a huge surprise to hear that he had willed his entire fortune onto me, including the house. Now here I am, moved in with a wife and child to stay for the foreseeable future. Of course, the place is great and all. I guess it kinda helps with the pain of losing him. Although, even if it's a bit cliche, I'd much prefer the flesh-and-blood of the man that somewhat raised me. He definitely wasn't perfect. There even was a long time where I didn't have him at all. But, especially when I got older, we kinda grew together. If that makes any sense.
It's been a pretty good day (and decent week) so far. Laura and I are slowly getting comfortable with the new arrangement and Jaiden seems to be accustoming well to her new room. Johnathon also shot me a text earlier this week, apologizing about last time. So, everything seems to be working back into place. Now the only thing that needs to happen is for me to get out of my head. Hell, sometimes I wish I could just forget everything, or pretend like I haven't been feeling any pain, you know? Hell, maybe such a thing does exist… a "forget everything" pill. Or maybe even a magic spell or something. Like Dad used to talk about.
Damn… Dad and his magic. There's no way in hell that I could forget about that. He practically had an obsession with it, always making new intricate symbols on pieces of paper or whatever else he could get his hands on. He taught me a lot about it a few years ago, occasionally gave me lessons or whatnot. Obviously, I haven't had much time to really sit down and figure it all out yet, but it's nice to know where I get my tendencies from. Like father, like son, yeah?
Well, anyway. I got a life to get back to, and Lord knows how much I'm using this journal as an excuse to procrastinate. Until next time I suppose.
Date: 2006/10/02
Laura and I got in some stupid fight today.This sometimes happens and we usually get past it but honestly, they're just so annoying to deal with. It wasn't even a meaningful argument, just one of those "who-did-what-with-Jaiden" fights. Nothing productive ended up happening. Well, that's not really true—I didn't explode on her or anything. There wasn't even an urge to get that angry. It seems like that trip to the Doctors really worked out after all. I guess the journal has also been effective in keeping the temper down, huh?
Well besides our dispute, Jaiden is doing perfectly well. All she ever does is crawl around like a mad-man and play with her toys. It's always fun to watch, especially when there's nothing else to do. Sometimes I feel like I could just watch her all day and never be bored. It's a good feeling to have. Deschutes may not be all that interesting, but having my little girl around living life to her fullest will never get old.
Speaking of getting old, I guess it's about time I went back to work. I mean, I don't really need too. Especially not after Dad dying. But I can't live off someone else's success forever. And besides that, it's only right that I get out of the house and provide. It's what he'd want if nothing else. To take his place and become the responsible adult? It would be killing two birds with one stone and honestly, that makes me a little excited to get started.
Oh yeah, I've been reading up on some of his magical stuff too. He had kept some notes of all the stuff he was working on in his room. The shit is absolutely insane. There's mention of "defensive barriers" and "summoning spells." I think I even saw something about necromancy in one of his journals. I should try and see if any of this still works or not. Should be an interesting time.
Honestly I still can't stop feeling like everything is about to go wrong. It's like a constant knot in my stomach, never loosening or untying. Maybe it's just the pessimism kicking in. Regardless, I just have no idea what to do. I'll maybe talk to Laura about it all, and see what she thinks. Hopefully, she's calmed down since our talk. Wish me luck.
Date: 2006/10/24
Johnathon and I finally went to the bar last Tuesday. I hadn't seen him for practically months. So being able to sit down, drink a beer, and chat about life was refreshing. I couldn't help but notice that he looked a little tired though. The dark circles around his eyes really stuck out like an eyesore. I thought about saying something to him but, in fear of potentially upsetting him, I decided against it. Well, for now. Just in case: here's my little reminder to try and talk to him about Janet next time I see him. I'm sure he's fine but I still think it's only fair that I try and help him out.Laura and I are doing fine. Fights are becoming less frequent, but more intense. I honestly can't tell whether or not that's an improvement. But all relationships have their hardships, yeah? It's just one of those things you got to work through. I just try and remind myself to be thankful that I have her and Jaiden at all, even if there were some moments where I wish she'd stop acting like she was right all of the time. It almost makes it hard for me to express myself around her like she doesn't even care. It's just so goddamn frustrating sometimes.
Things could always be worse, I suppose. I'll come back to this again whenever something pop's up.
Date: 2006/11/02
Hey again.I'm surprised. Ever since that check-in, everything has been somewhat smooth. It's been several months and I have yet to burst into any sort of rage. Plus, life just seems to be looking up to me right now. I got money in the bank, a beautiful wife and child, and a beautiful home. Seems like the world really can turn you on your head.
Oh, speaking of which. I tried asking Johnathon about Janet. He did what I exactly thought he'd do: avoided it completely. Okay look, I respected his decision to stray away from that subject. But it still doesn't make me worry any less about him. I mean, that's my dude. Johnathon has been there for thick-and-thin and it's just frustrating that he's being so secretive. I was secretive once too, but that was until I lashed out and attacked someone I cared about. nevermind, it's irrelevant.
Well, other than Johnathon, everything else seem's to be normal. Jaiden has been trying to go outside more recently with the help of Laura. She just discovered the fountain in our backyard—her mother's and my old get-together spot back in-the-day. We'd use to hang around there for hours, talking about the school assignments or the new music and everything else. It was our little hidden spot. Man… I should probably see if I can't fix it up, huh? It stopped working years ago after a fight between me and our old dog, Obi, broke the nozzle. Wow, what a bad day that was. You couldn't imagine how many times I had to apologize to my Dad. He didn't really even care, which was probably the saddest part about it all.
I just realized how much easier it is to talk about Dad. Not even just in writing, but with practically everything now. Maybe I've just gotten to that point in the grief cycle? You know, the whole "acceptance" thing? I mean, it feels like I've accepted it. I miss him, sure. But I can't do much for someone who can't be here. That was a hard truth that I spent a lot of time and energy fighting against. But I've learned. Which, is really the only thing anyone can do, so I'm not mad at myself or anything.
I almost just caught my damn finger on fire trying to write this rune. Fuck. I'll have to write in this again later.
Date: 2006/11/22
I can't seem to put my finger on how or why, but Laura has been acting differently recently. She's been more erratic and reserved ever since the beginning of this month. I tried asking her what was wrong, and she just shrugged me off like it was nothing to worry about. I'm trying to respect her privacy but, at the same time, I'm beginning to get nervous that I'm doing something wrong. We're still married and everything but that certificate doesn't always mean a lifetime guarantee. I'm just beginning to get antsy. Hell, even when we sleep she starts to move away from me in the covers.Speaking of sleep: the night terrors are coming back. And now they're worse than ever before. Every night I'm having dreams of monsters finding different ways to slit my throat or dismember me. Sometimes my dreams aren't anything like that at all—but instead, I'm falling endlessly. It's almost like I can feel whenever I'm just about to hit solid ground, but always wake up just before the impact. I wonder if anyone else ever has those types of dreams? Or if it's just me? Maybe I should get some melatonin before I start to lose any more sleep.
Man, I sometimes wonder what the hell I'm gonna do when Jaiden starts going to school in a few years. When she starts to grow up and all that comes with it. What if she gets hurt? What if someone decided that they wanted to hurt her? Hell, what would I even do after hearing news like that? What would I do to them?
Fuck it, I know exactly what I'd do. Tear the motherfucker's arms from his sockets and shove his eye's down his throat so he could watch himself choke to death. Probably cut off his index fingers and shove them so far into his nostrils that the fucker can feel his brain being poked.
Maybe that's a bit too much right now. I guess the lack of sleep has really been getting to me. Maybe even some frustration with Laura and Johnathon. Yeah, him too. We haven't been hanging out as much recently. He's still dealing with some stuff at home, apparently. Janet isn't working out. They're probably splitting apart if they haven't already. But… he still isn't telling me everything. I can feel it. He's really starting to piss me off about it too. Not because I'm trying to be nosey or anything, but the fact that he's hiding a critical part of himself from the dude who wants to help him is pretty annoying. Like, he wouldn't even have to tell me about his situation. I just need to know if he's alright. These little trips to the bar on the weekends aren't going to always help him.
What the hell do I do? I wish Dad had written some magic for making people feel better.
Date: 2006/12/05
I remember back in my childhood when I shoved a burnt, dead cat's head into my bully's mailbox.It wasn't unusual for me to hurt animals. I didn't really mean any ill-intention behind most of it. I was just angry, mad at the world and at all of my problems. I had nothing else to go to whenever I got in my head, you know? I never really had many friends in elementary school or played any sports. For most of my life, I was stuck in this house, doing nothing but thinking. So I guess it was always easier to cope when I knew that something had it worse than I did. If that makes any sort of sense.
I remember this bully of mine, Greg. He used to always pick on me in the hallways before lunch. He even got his friends together to beat my ass before school one day (it was one of the only fights I ever got into). I came home that night so bruised and bloodied that Dad had to help patch me up after work. It was one of the few times he came to my rescue and helped me when I was a young kid.
But that didn't stop the rage in me just begging for revenge. I knew that I had to get back at Greg for what he did. I remember thinking to myself, "how do I make sure this kid never tries to hurt me again?" Luckily, I also knew that Greg had this outside cat, some gray fucker who would always stray away from the neighborhood.
I eventually decided to bike over to his place in search of his wandering pet. It practically took the entire night but I managed to grab him. He was hiding near the backend of the Ceshire's place near Destiny Road. I already had my Dad's kitchen knife ready, stashed in my backpack for safekeeping. I also took the liberty of remembering some of his magical symbols and whatnot, just in case.
It took another hour before I finally had my gift ready for Greg. Who'd of thought that a dull kitchen knife would make such a messy cut? After that though, I finally found the will to make one of those ritual-symbol things that Dad always made. Caused the dumbass cat to explode in flames. I was lucky enough to have been alone—otherwise, the neighbors would've definitely seen the light-show I accidentally caused. It was worth it in the end, finally getting that clump of dead fur in his mailbox. I remember going to school the next day feeling so proud of myself. Greg didn't show up for days. But when he did? He stayed far, far away from me. He even moved away after another month, I think. No more problems from Greg. And nobody else after they heard the story. I was somehow lucky enough to not ever get caught which still blows my mind.
You know, I'm sorry. I don't really know why this thought came into my mind. I'm practically confessing to the murder of some stupid kid's cat after all. I guess this journal is helping me after all if I'm comfortable enough to be dropping memories like this without fearing the consequences. I like to also think I've somewhat changed. Call it growth, or whatever the hell else you can come up with.
Jaiden's getting into the cabinets again. Adios.
Date: 2006/12/15
I'm thinking about installing one of those new security camera units in the house soon. Not really wanting to tell Laura about it yet. She's still been acting a little odd whenever I try talking to her. Originally I thought she was just in a funk about something, but now I can't help but be a little suspicious. I mean, I'm trying my hardest to give her the benefit of the doubt. But it's hard to not be curious after a while.And no, I'm not really trying to spy on Laura or something. That'd be absurd. The biggest reason for installing some cameras around the house would be for Jaidens safety, obviously. This is a pretty big house, much bigger than many other places nearby. I wouldn't be surprised if would-be-burglars tried robbing us. Well, they could try. They wouldn't get too far without getting pumped full of buckshot. What else are guns for, right?
I wonder if I'm ever doing enough. Sometimes I feel like I should go visit my other family down south, for Dad's sake. I mean, I really wouldn't have much reason to anyway. Those fuckers practically ignored me while I struggled back in my early kid years. The only things I really had were myself and my toys. Dad wasn't ever home which meant that I handled all of my own problems for a while. Did I do it successfully? Probably not. But then again, who was ever keeping track of me?
Well, anyway. I figure I should take some time to head their way, at least once. Maybe they've changed after the funeral? One can only hope.
Date: 2006/12/19
I went ahead and installed all the cameras.And you know, I really wasn't expecting much. But after only a few days I'm really starting to see why Laura has been acting weird.
Why in the absolute fuck is Johnathon coming over when I'm not home?
Are you kidding? Are those two fucking insane? There is no goddamn excuse for him to be over when I'm not home with Laura and Jaiden. Absolutely fucking none. Doesn't he have Ryan and Janet?! Why is he coming over then?!
I swear I'm going to kill that son-of-a-bitch if he's doing what I think he's doing I need to calm the fuck down. I have no idea what's happening and I'm pissed off. I'm thinking about taking tomorrow off work, just so I can linger near the house and watch what happens. I won't slam Laura or him with it either. Not right now.
Date: 2006/12/20
I couldn't even sleep beside Laura last night. And then today I managed to catch them again. They still haven't noticed the cameras, the fucking idiots. This time Johnathon was getting all handsy with her, all while Jaiden was still napping in her room. I'm shocked that they didn't wake up the entire goddamn county, with how loud they were fucking moaning in my bed.I'm so utterly dumbfounded. I can't actually believe what I'm seeing. I fucking trusted her, AND him. Why in the hell are they smooching up on each other behind my back?! Why is she doing this to me? Why is he!
A part of me is reminding myself to breathe. Another is telling me to grab my gun and fill both of them full of fucking lead, regardless of what happens. Who'd of thought that Deschutes would be full of goddamn clowns like these two?
Trust me, I'll be getting my fucking revenge soon. Count on it.
Date: 2006/12/22
I wonder how Ryan is doing. I'll probably pay him a visit tonight.Yeah, a nice little visit. Johnathon wants to go behind my back and murder my relationships? Fine, he can fucking do it. I'll just have to remind him of what the, "like father, like son" saying really fucking means. He doesn't think I won't do something drastic like setting them all on fire or something? Or that I won't make sure this fucker doesn't get what he deserves?
Trying to poison my child? As if! This son-of-a-bitch doesn't think I won't make this all look like a double-homicide and suicide, with no note? He should've known better. Damnit I should've known better—when he started to act weird…
He better hope that I calm the hell down before I make it to his house up in Bend. Otherwise, it'll be Hell on Earth for this fucker. Literally. Wish me luck.
Addendum 3476-2
Collective Recorded Footage at McQueen Estate
DATE: 2006/12/22
NOTE: Footage was compiled and recorded directly from the security feed recovered from the McQueen Estate following a forensic investigation. No audio had been recovered. It was also discovered that this feed had been attempted to be deleted, presumably by Alex McQueen. However, Foundation personnel and programmed webcrawlers were able to successfully retrieve most of the recordings before deletion could occur.
<— Camera 01 - Driveway —->
Camera footage begins with perspective panning from the corner of the Estate, overlooking a long driveway. After a few seconds, a black vehicle can be seen slowly pulling into the farthest end of the driveway, its lights shut off. After the car parks, a silhouetted figure, now identified as Alex McQueen, exits from the driver's seat. McQueen then shuts the door and makes his way to the rear end of the automobile. After a moment McQueen can be seen opening the rear compartment, which obscures him from the camera briefly. After a few seconds, McQueen shuts the compartment and can be seen carrying a large black bag over his left shoulder—roughly the length of 1 meter. McQueen travels upwards towards the camera, turning slightly to the front entrance. He arrives and promptly opens the door, slowly making his way inside.
<— Camera 02 - Living Room —>
Camera footage is located within a TV stand that points directly towards the wall perpendicular to the front door, observing a long black sofa and a coffee table. McQueen emerges from the far-right side of the screen and slowly closes the door leading into the Living Room. McQueen then makes his way towards the sofa, throwing the black bag onto it as he does so. Afterward, he pauses, looks at the bag, and shakes his head. McQueen continues, looking around at his immediate vicinity before heading away from the camera and into the Kitchen.
<— Camera 04 - Kitchen —>
McQueen enters the Kitchen from the far-left side of the screen, with the recording observing the entirety of the Kitchen and Dining Room from a potted plant in the far corner. As he appears on-camera, McQueen enters the area beyond the island in the center of the room, towards a series of cabinets and drawers that sit beside the sink and oven. After a brief moment, McQueen can be seen opening and searching these drawers. The camera is obscured by the placement of the island. After an additional 40 seconds, McQueen pulls an unidentifiable object from a drawer, momentarily staring at it. McQueen then retreats from the Kitchen and slowly makes his way towards the Living Room. It should be further noted that the object McQueen carries can be seen after he steps away from the island, which appears to be an ordinary kitchen knife.
<— Camera 06 - Upstairs Hallway - Main —>
Camera perspective overlooks a single hallway, with an opening to a spiral staircase being visible from the corner of the screen. McQueen can be seen heading from the Living Room and up towards the staircase in a slightly crouched position. After a few moments, McQueen makes his way past the staircase and into the hallway itself, which contains a series of closed doors that span across the entirety of the length of the room. McQueen begins slowly walking along the right side of the wall, heading towards the other end of the hallway. He continues on his path, momentarily stopping at several points throughout the recording, presumably out of fear of being detected. McQueen makes his way to a door that leads into the Master Bedroom. He sits there momentarily, his hand on the knob as his breathing visibly quickens. After another second McQueen bursts the door fully open.
<— Camera 07 - Bedroom 1 —>
Camera is located on an end-drawer, nearby a wardrobe, and a lamp. The perspective overlooks the bed, the door into the bathroom, and the entryway into the room itself. The recording begins with McQueen rushing into the Bedroom, with Johnathon Steele sitting up from the bed. McQueen enters the room yelling, as Steele sits up from his position. The two exchange words as McQueen quickly walks over to the bed. Meanwhile, Steele moves away from the mattress and towards the opposite corner of the room. The covers previously surrounding Steele also slide off of him, exposing his nude body to the camera.
Steele speaks again before McQueen snarls and quickens his pace. His trajectory has now shifted from the bed and towards Steele himself. Steele again tries to say several more words but is cut off by McQueen lashing his left arm to swing at him. Steele raises his arms to defend his face, which suppresses the impact of McQueen's attack. McQueen's hand reels backward. Steele changes positions, clasping his hands together as he appears to beg. Presumably for McQueen to cease his attack.
McQueen attempts another attack, which causes Steele to lunge away and jump back onto the bed. McQueen misses, momentarily spinning before stopping himself. Steele attempts to remove himself from the bed. He is unsuccessful as McQueen apprehends Steele's left foot, dragging him closer. Steele can be seen struggling in attempts to set himself free from McQueen. It is again unsuccessful as Steele is further dragged closer towards McQueen, who has now retrieved his kitchen knife. The two further struggle before Steele lays below his attacker. McQueen readies the knife in his right hand.
McQueen yells briefly before raising his knife and thrusting it downward towards Steele. The knife successfully hits Steele, stabbing him right below the base of Steele's right shoulder. Steele screams, struggling as McQueen successfully pulls himself fully atop of Steele, who is now sprawled on the mattress. McQueen visibly grins as he continues thrusting his knife into Steele. Steele has since ceased struggling. As McQueen continues, a pool of blood begins to form underneath the two, staining the mattress and covers beneath.
After a few seconds of stabbing Laura McQueen can be seen opening the bathroom door, which lies adjacent to the bed where Steele and McQueen are currently positioned. As she does this McQueen quickly jumps off of Steele, who has stopped moving entirely. Laura quickly runs out of the bathroom holding a towel and sees McQueen and Steele. After a moment Laura quickly raises her hands to her mouth, attempting to suppress a scream.
McQueen sees Laura and walks towards her. Laura attempts to vocalize as tears begin to form in her eyes. She steps back into the bathroom. McQueen beckons Laura to come towards him as he tries to grab her. She dodges him by buckling her knees and falling onto the floor of the bathroom.
McQueen becomes more violent, now seizing Laura by her hair and dragging her onto her feet and into the Bedroom. As he does this Laura can be seen struggling, crying as she is pulled towards the bed. Once she is in an adequate position McQueen places his hand under Laura's chin and forces her to look at Steele, who has not moved since the initial interaction. Laura attempts to yell but is cut off by the presence of McQueen's hand covering her mouth. McQueen begins grinning. The two exchange words, which causes Laura to cry more aggressively. Her continued attempts to break free of her assailant's grasp fail.
McQueen pulls Laura away from the bed, towards the door leading into the hallway. Laura attempts to scream and squirm away from McQueen but is unable to. McQueen smiles, wildly tugging her hair as he leads the two from the hallway and towards the staircase. McQueen speaks to Laura throughout the interaction. After several more minutes of struggling, the two leave the area.
<— Camera 11 - Backyard —>
3 minutes removed for brevity.
The camera's perspective overlooks the backyard, a small pathway leading towards SCP-3476, and the backend of the McQueen Estate from a nearby tree. The recording captures McQueen dragging Laura by her hair outside of a sliding backdoor. As they approach, McQueen can be seen conversing with Laura as she continues screaming. McQueen slowly leads the two towards SCP-3476, which is nearly 20 meters away from the McQueen Estate.
The two progress further as McQueen continues to talk to Laura. After a brief moment, Laura quickly responds—causing McQueen to pause. He then slams Laura's body down onto the ground, pinning her down. McQueen smiles. After several seconds McQueen lifts Laura from the ground, once again dragging her towards SCP-3476. They have reached the halfway point between it and the Estate.
McQueen suddenly snaps his head backward towards Laura, who appears to have said something upsetting. McQueen's face contorts into a sneer before his left-hand grabs her throat. McQueen shouts at Laura, who attempts to remove McQueen's hand from her neck. After several seconds, McQueen retracts his arm. He then quickens his pace, causing Laura to also speed up in unison.
Laura has now begun sobbing. They have reached the vicinity of SCP-3476. McQueen and Laura pause as they look towards each other. McQueen says something to Laura, who responds by shaking her head. McQueen appears to repeat himself. Laura tries to struggle free from McQueen. She is successful in loosening his grip enough in order to attempt an escape.
McQueen can be seen running after her. After a moment, Laura jumps onto her feet. Following a brief chase, McQueen reaches Laura and manages to grab her right arm. Laura is suddenly jerked backward by the force of his grip, causing her to collapse onto the ground. McQueen smirks as Laura begins to scream again. McQueen drags her towards him. Laura tries to crawl away from McQueen. She is unsuccessful.
McQueen gets atop Laura, who lays with her back facing the ground. As he does so, he once again raises his knife in preparation for an attack. McQueen yells at Laura as she continues to struggle. McQueen then thrusts his knife from above his head and into Laura. The knife plunges just below her diaphragm. She gasps and coughs as McQueen shakes the knife in his hand.
McQueen begins thrusting the knife repeatedly, screaming as he does so. Laura ceases struggling and lays still after several knife wounds. After nearly 2 minutes of continuous stabbing, McQueen's attack slows. He stops after another 34 seconds. At this point, it appears that Laura had been stabbed 11 consecutive times.
McQueen slumps, dropping his head towards Laura as he tosses his knife aside. He remains in this position for several minutes as he begins breathing heavier and heavier. After another minute, McQueen can be seen softly sobbing. McQueen's cries become increasingly more aggressive as he pounds his fist into the ground beside Laura's body.
He becomes still again, which lasts for nearly a minute. Afterward, McQueen sits up, looking around. The camera is able to capture his face which is now smeared in blood and sweat. His gaze shifts to Laura and then towards SCP-3476. After another brief moment of silence, McQueen can be seen smirking slightly. He mutters something to himself, looking towards Laura's body as he does so.
McQueen's smile widens.
FINAL NOTE: At the time of writing, local authorities have been unable to locate Alex McQueen and his daughter Jaiden McQueen despite ongoing searches. When first responders arrived at the McQueen Estate, they were able to recover the bodies of Johnathon Steele and Ryan Steele who were officially declared deceased the following night. However, the body of Laura McQueen remains missing.
Addendum 3476-3
Important Update
On 2007/02/03, Foundation personnel responsible for researching SCP-3476 reported that additional SCP-3476-1 instances were being detected below subjects. These instances were also leading downward, towards the base of SCP-3476 itself. When Foundation personnel excavated the region for further investigation, it was discovered that the SCP-3476-1 instances were leading towards the remains of Laura L. McQueen, hereby designated as SCP-3476-2, which had been presumably buried by Alex McQueen before his disappearance.
Alongside SCP-3476-2, a slight engraving, and several more thaumaturgic symbols had been scratched into the lower base of SCP-3476 itself, with the writing matching that of Alex McQueen:
If anyone that knows me happens to see this, I'm sorry. I didn't think my anger would lead to this. I can fix it I swear. Just please, lend me your strength so I can do what's right and correct my mistakes. - AM
On-site autopsical analysis of SCP-3476-2 has determined that, despite some minor deterioration, rapid cell regeneration and vital organ restoration was detected throughout 73% of the entire body. More research pending as to the correlation between this discovery and the anomalous effects of SCP-3476 on other subjects.
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"SCP-3476" by JakdragonX, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-3476. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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Filename: fountain.png
Image Source Authors: Czeva and Karim Benabdallah
License(s): Scene/Fountain: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International | Man: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
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