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The following file contains information pertaining to a Basilisk category anomaly. By proceeding and reading the following file, you consent to:

  • Be permanently and compulsorily assigned to SCP-3249, regardless of current assignment, physical or mental state, and/or clearance level.
  • Waive the privilege to request reassignment for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and/or social reasons.
  • Waive the privilege to be reassigned due to physical, mental and/or social impediment, both temporary and permanent.
  • Waive the privilege to terminate your Foundation employment by request.
  • Waive the privilege to have your Foundation employment terminated through retirement.
  • Waive the privilege to have your Foundation employment automatically terminated due to death.
  • Waive the privilege to interact and/or communicate with non-Foundation personnel in any and all capacities.
  • Waive the privilege to interact and/or communicate with Foundation personnel not assigned to SCP-3249 for reasons unrelated to the Special Containment Procedures of SCP-3249.
  • Waive the ability to intentionally impede containment efforts pertaining directly or indirectly to SCP-3249.
  • Unconditionally follow instructions from the research head assigned to SCP-3249.
  • Have all of the above enforced by use of a contractual geas, wherein accessing the following document serves as an acceptance of the geas' conditions.
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