Item #: SCP-3227
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Approximately 1000 kg of live insects with high alkaline content and/or small animals are to be dropped into SCP-3227 on a bi-monthly basis via helicopter or drone. Instances of SCP-3227 are to be encompassed by electric fence and monitored at all times by security personnel, maintaining a distance of at least one kilometer from SCP-3227. Under no circumstances are humans to enter SCP-3227 without proper equipment. Due to the nature of SCP-3227, authorization to conduct research directly will only be granted in the week prior to the bi-monthly feeding. Should there be any issue with the harvesting equipment, repairs must be scheduled during the week prior to the bi-monthly feeding.
Description: SCP-3227 is a 3x3 kilometer portion of jungle originally located on the East coast of Madagascar which is made entirely of the skin of the Dendrobatidae1, colloquially known as the poison dart frog. The color of skin matches the natural color of the flora that it mimics. However, small black patterns that match those of the poison dart frog can still be seen. SCP-3227 is believed to be a single living organism, though the biology of SCP-3227 is unknown as attempts to cut deeper than one meter into SCP-3227 have been consistently met with failure due to the increased toxicity of SCP-3227's deeper layers. Extreme decay of living and nonliving matter occurs when exposed to the toxins that reside one meter or deeper within SCP-3227. The toxicity of SCP-3227's interior has proven constant regardless of when it was last fed.
Within SCP-3227, while there is nothing that resembles the fauna of Madagascar, a variety of flora both native and alien to the Madagascan rainforest can be found. While these 'plants' also consist entirely of poison dart frog skin, their toxicity levels tend to be significantly lower the farther from the ground it is. It is due to that discovery that samples taken of SCP-3227 tend to come from the top of its trees.
SCP-3227's toxins work much in the same way as do those of the poison dart frogs. The toxicity of the skin reflects the amount of alkaloids that it takes in, most commonly through insects. Being cut off from its natural environment, SCP-3227 would slowly die without bi-monthly feedings. Creatures that are killed by SCP-3227 die from over-exposure of alkaline toxins, and proceed to rapidly decay into SCP-3227. When creatures with high alkaline content are consumed by SCP-3227, it results in SCP-3227's skin becoming more toxic than before. However, after approximately one month without consuming any alkaloids, SCP-3227's toxicity will begin to wane.
For larger creatures, such as humans, SCP-3227's toxins cease being deadly on contact after a month and a half without feeding. Instead, direct contact with the toxins from SCP-3227 will only cause a burning sensation. However, prolonged exposure without proper equipment will result in sickness, fatigue, paralysis, and eventually death.
SCP-3227, while normally docile, is able to protect itself or trap fleeing prey when aggravated. SCP-3227's primary mode of defense is through releasing concentrated toxins. If that fails, it is also able to use an appendage closely resembling the tongue of a frog. In emergencies, SCP-3227 will open a large amount of small holes on the ground, plants, and trees, where multiple frog tongues are able to shoot out. One tongue that was severed during incident XX47-B was measured at 15 meters in length, and microscopic analysis revealed millions of small needles containing alkaloid toxins covering the tongues surface. When provoked, up to thousands of tongues have been reported to emerge and weave a web around their target, immobilizing and poisoning them.
Since the discovery of SCP-3227, the Foundation has used the alkaline toxins that secrete from SCP-3227 for numerous projects. The alkaloids have been extremely useful in the creation of amnestics, as well as biological weapons and assisting in the containment of various other SCPs. While containment is a top priority for SCP-3227, the Foundation has also made it a top priority to utilize SCP-3227 to its maximum potential. Currently, Dr. Martin is leading a research effort to establish a large scale farming operation for SCP-3227 on Site-118.
SCP-3227 was originally discovered in 1967 by a group of independent researchers who wandered into the jungle in search of new species of fauna. Locals avoided the area due to the mysterious deaths that occurred within it, which lead the researchers to believe that the deaths were due to an undiscovered species. Of the twelve that entered, only five managed to escape. Those researchers were discovered by the Foundation and were subsequently brought in for questioning.
In 1972, while a sample of SCP-3227 was being brought to Site-118 via airplane along with several other Euclid class SCPs, there was an incident that resulted in a crash above the Talladega National Forest in Alabama. Although the other SCPs were recovered successfully, the sample of SCP-3227 was not found. Five years later, reports of hikers going missing in the area near the crash led to a secondary investigation. It was discovered that the sample of SCP-3227 had managed to survive the crash and grow in the Talladega National Forest, and was the exact size of the original. This instance of SCP-3227 contained all the same species of flora as the original. Attempts to remove this instance of SCP-3227 were initially met with failure and numerous casualties, however, the Foundation succeeded in removing SCP-3227 through the use of firebombs in July, 1978. Following this incident, humans were forbidden to interact with SCP-3227 in any destructive manner2.