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Depiction of SCP-3207 from the unpublicized writings of Leonardo da Vinci.

Item #: SCP-3207

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3207 is currently kept in a 8m x 8m x 6m containment chamber located at Site-10. SCP-3207 is not to be activated except under strict testing conditions. Any potential movement on the part of SCP-3207 when unpowered is to be prevented via steel restraints binding its wheels and base.1 Maintenance of the organic and non-anomalous portions of SCP-3207 are to be performed twice a month by an on-site team of engineers and medical doctors briefed on the details of SCP-3207’s construction.

All testing of SCP-3207 is to take place at AWTR2 41, located a short distance from Site-10, and must be approved by at least one member of Level 3 personnel.

For information on the initial disinformation campaign involving SCP-3207, see Addendum 3207-1.

Description: SCP-3207 is a mobile war machine, five meters in diameter, believed to have been created in 1488 through a collaboration between inventor Leonardo da Vinci and an obscure artisan in the employ of the Duke of Milan named Marco Saul. It is constructed from a mixture of technology available at the time and anomalously advanced technology, the origins of which have yet to be determined. Investigation suggests that although SCP-3207 was completed, it was not deployed due to a falling out between its two creators.

In terms of construction, SCP-3207 consists of a conical ‘shell’, composed of wood and reinforced with metal plates, covering a main body. A number of cannons are placed around the rotatable perimeter of the machine, allowing it to fire in any direction. Perceptive devices are also present around SCP-3207’s perimeter, allowing its control unit to inspect the area and hear sounds around itself. Apart from these, most of SCP-3207’s anomalous features are present on the interior of the machine or when it is activated, and are thus not immediately obvious from outside observation.

When active, SCP-3207’s cannons are capable of firing blasts of an unknown form of energy, red in colouration and capable of vaporizing organic matter on contact. These blasts have also proven capable of heavily damaging stone fortifications, often blasting them apart with ease - however, most metal structures seem to present a great deal of resistance to it.

At the core of SCP-3207's interior is a metal power unit of unknown origin. A switch on the side of the power unit activates and deactivates it. Although it has not been detected emitting significant amounts of radiation, individuals in the vicinity report feelings of nausea and sickness when near SCP-3207, which grow more severe until they are removed from its presence.3 A repelling field invisible to the naked eye, which protects SCP-3207 from attack and adverse effects of high temperatures, is also deployed when SCP-3207 is active. Repeated impacts on a single section of SCP-3207 will temporarily deactivate the repelling field for up to thirty seconds.

SCP-3207’s control mechanism consists of a human brain and nervous system, stripped from an unknown donor and hooked into the machine’s mechanisms, the brain thus directing them through a method that is not yet understood. Testing with the control mechanism indicates that its only means of perceiving the outside world are through the perceptive devices on its exterior.

The control mechanism is soaked in a wax-like substance that acts as a life support system and slows cellular degeneration4, also shielding it somewhat from the negative effects of SCP-3207’s active power unit. Analysis of SCP-3207 has revealed that while its control mechanism is conscious, this is only the case while the power unit is active. While it is deactivated, the brain goes into a dormant state and SCP-3207 does not respond to stimuli.

Addendum 3207-1 (Discovery and Initial Disinformation Campaign): SCP-3207 was first located after a collection of da Vinci’s unreleased writings concerning speculative anomalous designs, along with several confidential letters (See Addendum 3207-2), came into Foundation custody along with several other items after a successful raid against a Marshall, Carter and Dark auction house. Foundation historians analyzed the writings and followed directions contained within to locate an underground workshop on the outskirts of Milan.

Although the door to the workshop’s unique locking mechanism had been tampered with, making entry extremely difficult, a Foundation search team were able to make their way in with digging equipment. Investigation of the workshop revealed an inactive SCP-3207, which was then also brought into Foundation custody.

As a preventative measure against possible information regarding SCP-3207 being present in as-of-yet undiscovered da Vinci writings, a disinformation campaign was decided upon. The initial disinformation campaign consisted of inserting altered designs for SCP-3207 into da Vinci’s publicly available writings, presenting it as a much more simple and less advanced machine more consistent with its time of construction. However, errors by staff assigned to this task5 resulted in the presented design having severe flaws which made it unworkable - flaws which would have been easily recognized by an engineer of da Vinci’s skill level. Thus, additional disinformation was necessary in order to suggest that these flaws were intentional on da Vinci’s part as an effort to protect his work.

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