[✓] Verification complete. Confirmed Level-3 3157-Clearance.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3157 is to be kept fenced off and guarded by at least eighteen security officers at any one time (two officers for each sector of the park). Roadways leading to SCP-3157 have been closed and relocated as necessary.
Any knowledge of SCP-3157's nature or existence following Event-3157-B, as well as access to the site and any pertaining documents, is strictly prohibited to any staff member either below Level-3 clearance and/or those confirmed to have a personal connection with any of the individuals named in Document-3157-A, access to which requires at least Level-4 clearance. Those who are of Level-3 clearance or above, and have no confirmed connections to any individuals named in Document-3157-A, are granted full 3157-Clearance, equal to their general security clearance level. Access to SCP-3157 itself requires direct permission from another staff member with 3157-Clearance of Level-4 or above.
It is to be upheld to members of the general public and staff members not granted 3157-Clearance, that SCP-3157 was destroyed in a gas explosion which killed all those on site at the time. It is also to be upheld that any bodies from the site were either unidentifiable or unrecovered, and any requests to see remains are to be denied. Any claims found to contradict this story are to be investigated and suppressed. Individuals who make these claims or display knowledge of SCP-3157's current existence following Event-3157-B, are to be questioned and administered amnesiacs as necessary to revert their claims.
Any individuals entering SCP-3157 must be kept under external video observation at all times. Any members of staff attempting to enter SCP-3157 without authorisation are to be dismissed immediately. Any members of the public or staff members without confirmed 3157-Clearance who are found trespassing SCP-3157 are to be detained, administered Class-A amnesiacs, and told they were illegally trespassing on private property.
Photographs, videos, or any other visual record of SCP-3157 following Event-3157-B are prohibited. All necessary visual records, such as camera surveillance footage, are to be deleted on a 24-hour basis, unless access to such records is requested and granted to a staff member with confirmed 3157-Clearnence of Level-4 or above. Any equipment found being used to access or take record of SCP-3157's current existence are to be destroyed, and their operators located, questioned, and administered amnesiacs as necessary. Any aerial records of the area including SCP-3157 within them are to be retrieved and altered to disguise the site's existence before being released in any capacity, and any individuals involved in their creation administered amnesiacs as necessary.
Should any spatial anomalies occur similar to Event-3157-A, staff on-site are to immediately establish a perimeter around the site's fence, with an officer positioned every 0.25km around it until the site returns to its original position. If it returns, SCP-3157 is then to be searched by MTF Epsilon-15 ("Health and Safety"), and any anomalous items found documented and put into storage. If any survivors return with SCP-3157, they are to be psychologically evaluated before being interviewed and, if necessary, administered Class-A amnesiacs. Anyone who does not return with SCP-3157 is to be declared deceased.
Description: SCP-3157 is the Holmeswood Towers Amusement Park resort following the anomalous Events 3157-A and 3157-B. The site measures approximately 3.7 km² and is located in Staffordshire, England. The park itself is divided into nine separate sectors, each with a specific theme which rides, buildings and pathways are decorated to match. A system of footpaths link all the park's sectors, although a monorail and cable car system also operated across several sectors.
At 10:32 AM on 16/05/16, SCP-3157 and all individuals on-site disappeared, an occurrence since designated Event-3157-A. At the time of disappearance, witnesses say that an auditory shock wave, similar to a thunderclap, oscillated towards the centre of the park across an estimated radius of 1.93km. Following the event, a crater was left in SCP-3157's place, with all cables, water pipes and phone lines left exposed, seemingly severed. No anomalous features were found on the site following Event-3157-A. After the Foundation began investigations, the site was fenced off, and the remaining cables, pipes, etc, were removed. The cover story of a gas explosion was released by the Foundation to local authorities and media outlets. Document-3157-A was compiled, which lists all individuals confirmed to have been on site at the time of Event-3157-A. All staff members confirmed to have any personal connection with any of the individuals named in Document-3157-A were administered amnesiacs to erase memory of any Foundation involvement with SCP-3157.
At 3:40 PM on 07/05/17, SCP-3157 returned to its original position, an occurrence designated Event-3157-B. Again, an auditory shock wave was reported by Foundation personnel on site at the time, however this wave was observed to have radiated from the centre of the park as oppose to towards it. Similarly, this shock wave oscillated across an estimated radius of 1.90km.
MTF Epsilon-15 was immediately deployed to search the newly recovered SCP-3157. No survivors, bodies, or anomalous properties were found. Despite numerous searches and investigations, it remains unclear how Events-3157-A and B occurred or what happened to the survivors in between.
No further anomalous events have occurred in or around SCP-3157 since. A Risk Class of Notice has been issued to SCP-3157 as a result, however a Disruption Level of Vlam has been issued to accommodate the possibility of a similar spatial anomaly occurring again. If this does happen, the Risk Class may be risen to accommodate.
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"SCP-3157" by TheTowers, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-3157. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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Filename: purgatory.jpg
Name: Thorpe Park rides from the lake
Author: Clint Mann
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
Source Link: https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4405459