Item #: SCP-3136
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3136 is to be stored within the document tube it was initially found in. The document tube and SCP-3136 are to be locked in a secure, lead lined case. The case may only be unlocked by researchers involved with SCP-3136, or by O5 authorization.
Description: SCP-3136 is a Mercator projection world map1 that measures approximately two meters by three meters in area; it lacks symbols, or identifying marks of any kind. Upon adding any marking inside a body of water, SCP-3136's anomalous property activates. An aquatic organism matching the dimensions of this marking — designated as an instance of SCP-3136-1 — will manifest at the corresponding geographical location of this marking. The instance will manifest proportionally smaller by a factor of ██. The figure's position on the map shifts to reflect the instance's current location. Once this instance dies, the drawing immediately vanishes; until this occurs, all attempts to mark or draw upon the map will fail.
Instances of SCP-3136-1 are aquatic organisms that possess fully functioning organs. When removed from the ocean, these organs immediately fail. These organisms do not have to exist to be created, as SCP-3136 will add suitable organs according to the needs of the instance.
Recovery: On February 18th, 2016, an SCP-3136-1 instance was discovered off the coast of Australia. Prior to this, Foundation web crawlers flagged a video SCP-3136 posted to Facebook by a student at Loyola Marymount University, California. The video showed the anomalous property in which markings disappear from the map paper.
SCP-3136 was recovered from the home of one Dr. Adebagbo, a professor of history and cartography. The link to SCP-3136-1A was discovered due to the lobster symbol moving in tandem with SCP-3136-1A.
Testing Logs:
Artist | Artist's Depiction | Test Results | Containment/Death |
Dr. Adebagbo | A small black creature comparable to a lobster with 10 legs. Drawn with an antique ink pen | 30m jet-black lobster devoid of irregularities. | Suffered from total organ failure during transfer to a Foundation secure facility. |
Class-C Personnel | A small circle with fins and a mouth, drawn in an oceanic net in Foundation Site-1028. The drawing was done with a sharp pencil. | Imperfectly spherical creature with seal-like skin, and was 5 meters in diameter. | Died of total organ failure 16 days after creation. |
Class-C Personnel with artistic experience | Researcher had artistic experience and reference pictures of blue whales. Picture appeared to be a perfectly proportional blue whale. Drawn with an outline pen and colored pencils. | Blue whale with an exoskeleton composed of chitin. Has massive shape irregularities when compared to a regular blue whale. | Harpooned multiple times to see the effect of premature death on SCP-3136-1 instances. After slight vocalizations,SCP-3136-1C died and disappeared from the map. SCP-3136 could not be drawn on afterwards for approximately 11 days. |
Class-C Personnel with artistic experience | Two near-identical squids, a male and a female. Drawn with dull pencil. | Two squids at half the expected size. One complete set of squid organs was evenly distributed between the two instances. | Died upon creation due to lack of vital organs. |
Class-C Personnel | Drawn by a Foundation researcher. Instructed to draw a straight line on SCP-3136 within the containment area. Drawn with a permanent black marker. | A 44 meter long eel-like creature with a chitinous shell that rendered it immobile. SCP-3136-1F possessed shape irregularities corresponding to inaccuracies in the Mercator projection. | Died of malnourishment within a week due to its inability to eat and lack of Foundation assistance. SCP-3136 could not be drawn on for 7 days afterwards. |
Mechanical Arm | Whale that conforms to map distortions as calculated by researchers. Drawn with blue crayon. | Large whale-like creature, with skin similar in composition to that of a gorilla, and thick blue fur. Displays intelligence and is taught to answer polar questions. | Has survived in containment for 2 months. Is to be fed via food dispenser triggered by SCP-3136-1G. Researchers are not to attempt Skinner box experiments upon SCP-3136-G due to aggression. MTF-Theta-7 ("Whale Watchers") are to be armed with specially manufactured tranquilizer darts and are to avoid causing the instance harm in any way. |