Item #: SCP-3115
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3115 is to be locked inside a Standard Item Storage Locker at Site - ██. This locker is to be placed centrally within a containment cell measuring 5mx5mx5m and secured to the floor with standard steel bolts. The cell is to be lined with soundproofing material with an STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating of greater than 60.
At no time should the USB of SCP-3115 be inserted into an electronic device except for the purpose of an approved test. All tests must be approved by no fewer than two Level 4 personnel stationed at Site-██ and the on-site 'Memetics Department'. TESTING HAS BEEN SUSPENDED PENDING POST-INCIDENT REVIEW BY ORDER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SECURITY. SEE INCIDENT REPORT IR3115-A FOR FURTHER UPDATES
Researchers wishing to observe testing with SCP-3115 may do so only with the aid of a video feed. No audio transmissions are permitted to leave the containment chamber whilst testing is in progress due to risk of containment breach (See Testing Log).
Description: SCP-3115 is a set of standard audio headphones consistent with those manufactured in the early 21st Century. The headphones contain no external markings and show signs of slight use. The headphone portion of SCP-3115 is 'plugged in' with a standard double ended USB cable which was present with SCP-3115 at acquisition.
When connected to an electronic device via the USB connector, SCP-3115 will begin to play audio snippets from various radio stations from around the world. Testing has confirmed that the radio broadcast from SCP-3115 matches that which the particular station it is tuned to is broadcasting at the time. To date, no technology capable of receiving said signals has been found in or on SCP-3115 and its means of receiving these signals is unknown.
SCP-3115's anomalous effect manifests when a human being places the headphones over his ears and connects SCP-3115's USB to any electronic device (The device's ability to transmit audio data appears irrelevant, SCP-3115's anomalous properties would manifest even if connected to a USB compatible charger).
When a human subject places SCP-3115 over his ears a noticeable change in the audio output will occur. The subject will continue to hear broadcasts from a random radio station, however all talking, singing and other vocalizations will now be narrated by an unknown male sounding entity known as SCP-3115/A.
SCP-3115/A is described as talking with a formal English accent and has a seemingly jovial tone. SCP-3115/A will continue to narrate and sing all content broadcast from the radio station currently being broadcast by SCP-3115 in real time for approximately 15 minutes of use.
SCP-3115/A will continue to narrate broadcast audio after 15 minutes of SCP-3115 being worn by a human subject, however will now include additions to the standard broadcast.
The anomalous effect of SCP-3115 ceases when the headphones are removed from the human subject and the voice of the transmission will return to that of the DJ/Artist.
Addendum 3115-02 : Notes on Acquisition
SCP-3115 was acquired by The Foundation in 2006 when the object was discovered sitting on the approach road to Site-19 by Research Staff on their way to work. A review of the CCTV footage from around Site-19 shows an unknown male walking into the middle of the approach road from out of the surrounding woodlands before placing SCP-3115 down on the tarmac.
CCTV from inside the wooded area where the male appeared does not show the male or any other traces of human life in the area and no breaches of the outer perimeter fence were discovered.
The male disappeared back into the woods moments before the personnel discovered the item.
Note from Researcher Katash
An excerpt from the CCTV footage captured at the acquisition of SCP-3115 was shown to D-88743 prior to his termination. He has confirmed my suspicions that the male who delivered the SCP to us matches the description of SCP-3115/A. Given that SCP-3115/A is likely a real individual and more than likely the creator of SCP-3115, his capture and interrogation are of high priority. We need to know this guy's motives, after all we could have just brought a memetic weapon straight into one of our facilities. Recommend improved screening of all such 'deliveries' in the future - Researcher Katash