Item #: SCP-3066
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A circular surveillance perimeter with a 500-meter radius is to be established around SCP-3066. Surveillance of this perimeter must be continuous, and Foundation personnel must be on standby to intercept any trespassing civilians. Class B amnestics may be applied to close-proximity civilian witnesses of an Eckhart-Anatol Discharge.
Products of an Eckhart-Anatol Discharge are to be destroyed as rapidly as possible. Flamethrowers and incendiary grenades are to be stocked in a separate structure adjacent to SCP-3066 for deployment during an incident. Management of the ensuing wildfires may be handled by Foundation operatives or local firefighters.
SCP-3066-C are to be terminated or kept in solitary confinement. Testing on SCP-3066-C is not to involve direct contact with more than 5 uninfected persons at a time. To prevent lapses of judgment and loss of productivity, entry into SCP-3066 is strongly discouraged. Entry into SCP-3066-A is strictly prohibited.
Cover stories are to be fielded regarding unusual lights in the area surrounding Brown Mountain, North Carolina. These include vehicle lights, combustion of naturally occurring methane, ball lightning, and extraterrestrial activity.
Description: SCP-3066 is a small log cabin in Linville Gorge, North Carolina. It is dilapidated and appears to have been abandoned in 1937. Much of the roof has collapsed. It is notably one of the only artificial structures in the valley and is entirely isolated. SCP-3066 is surrounded by thick vegetation, heavily obscuring it even when viewed from a distance of 20 meters.
When within SCP-3066, the perception of time is heavily warped. While time-keeping devices work as expected, personnel report a trance-like state of mind, with very few memories of their time inside SCP-3066. Metabolism is also much slower, allowing personnel to spend several days within SCP-3066 with no ill effects.
Underneath SCP-3066 is an airtight cellar, originally used for storing wine. The cellar contains a writing desk that is stocked with hundreds of written pages and journals. Nearby is a circular borehole with a diameter of 3.3 meters. This borehole has been designated SCP-3066-A.
SCP-3066-A has no discernible bottom. Expeditions into SCP-3066-A have managed a depth of 2 kilometers, and experimentation has not been conclusive. At 50-meter intervals along SCP-3066-A, there are large archways leading into separate chambers. The existence of these chambers is known only through seismic analysis, as any cameras or observers entering the archways abruptly stop responding. No personnel or equipment lost in this way have been recovered. Furthermore, incursion into the archways appears to trigger an Eckhart-Anatol Discharge.
At somewhat irregular intervals, SCP-3066-A will produce an Eckhart-Anatol Discharge. These events only occur during the local night. During an Eckhart-Anatol Discharge, approximately 500 tons of matter are expelled into SCP-3066 and the surrounding forest. This matter is usually propelled through the collapsed roof of SCP-3066 and into the upper troposphere once it exits SCP-3066. This process does not usually cause damage to SCP-3066. The products of an Eckhart-Anatol Discharge are often very flammable, and can often be neutralized using incendiary weapons. Due to the flight trajectory often taken by discharged material, the burning material will often fall on or near Brown Mountain, about 7 miles east of SCP-3066. 75% of the discharged mass is composed of 5 × 10 inch sheets of parchment paper. These pages are collectively designated SCP-3066-B. SCP-3066-B are covered in writing or sketches that contain potent cognitohazards. The remaining mass varies between incidents, but will usually consist of a delivery system for SCP-3066-B.
Exposure to SCP-3066-B will invariably result in immediate cessation of all higher mental functions. Affected individuals (SCP-3066-C) will use their own bodily fluids to write on nearby surfaces. These communications are often aimed at convincing observers to move toward SCP-3066. Some instances of SCP-3066-C will also produce nonsensical poetry and prose. None of the writing created by SCP-3066-C is anomalous. When in the presence of non-affected individuals, SCP-3066-C will rapidly approach and begin to vocalize. Audio recordings of this process degrade into white noise before vocalization begins, and any human observers within earshot will become new instances of SCP-3066-C. As a result, the content of vocalization by SCP-3066-C is unknown. The effects of SCP-3066-B may constitute a memetic agent, though further investigation is necessary to classify them.
When present in large groups, SCP-3066-C will alter their behavior. Instances of SCP-3066-C will begin forming convoluted structures out of their own bodies, often extracting and utilizing internal organs as structural components. Note that SCP-3066-C are no more durable than non-anomalous human beings, though they do not have a pain response. The structures created by large collections of SCP-3066-C have the same effect as SCP-3066-B and can trigger the infection of much larger populations.
Addendum 3066-1: Expedition Audio Log
Members of MTF Zeta-9 (“Mole-Rats”) were sent into SCP-3066 after the initial exploration of the anomaly. The purpose of the expedition was to explore SCP-3066-A.
Addendum 3066-2: Log of Eckhart-Anatol Discharges
The following is a complete list of all Eckhart-Anatol Discharges.
Addendum 3066-3: Recovered Journal
The following are excerpts from a journal recovered from the writing desk in SCP-3066.