Only known photographic material of the Eisner mansion, taken from the diaries of Josef von Eisner. The persons are believed to be Hans and Leon von Eisner, ca. 1913.
Item #: SCP-294-DE
Object Class: Memet
Secure Containment Procedures: SCP-294-DE-03 to -08 are contained by the area designated as SCP-294-DE-01. In addition, civilians are unknowingly repelled by SCP-294-DE-01 due to its anomalous effect, rendering Foundation protection of the area unnecessary. Nevertheless, SCP-294-DE-01 is monitored by drone at all times. All anomalies in SCP-294-DE-01 are documented and reported to the site manager of Site-DE10. Depending on the situation, it will be decided whether an expedition to SCP-294-DE-01 should be conducted by MTF DE20-𝔇 (20-Delta, "Die Dachse").
All personnel working in connection with SCP-294-DE, as well as all personnel granted access to the file of SCP-294-DE, will be administered a mnestic which negates the anti-memetic effects of SCP-294-DE-01.
SCP-294-DE-02 is stored in the morgue of Site-DE10. No other security measures are necessary for SCP-294-DE-02.
Description: SCP-294-DE-01 describes a circular area with a diameter of 200 metres. In the centre of SCP-294-DE-01 is the "Eisner mansion", a mansion of the noble family von Eisner. SCP-294-DE-01 is located about 2 km north of the Bavarian municipality Emskirchen. With the exception of the Eisner mansion, only forest is located in SCP-294-DE-01.
SCP-294-DE-01 possesses an antimemetic anomalous property whereby any person who looks at an object in SCP-294-DE-01 (whether physically or through recordings) does not realise the existence of that object and the brain automatically blocks out any information pertaining to the object. A secondary anomalous characteristic is subconscious aversion, whereby individuals never feel the desire to enter SCP-294-DE-01. In all cases so far, hikers have subconsciously sought detours to avoid SCP-294-DE-01, but are never aware of it afterwards. Research and comparison with a spell book found on SCP-294-DE-02's corpse have revealed that this is a documented ritual of the Mages Academy.
The following is an excerpt with the relevant ritual:
Cost |
200 T |
Level |
Grandmaster |
Element |
Spirit |
Type |
Field |
Components |
Carbon black; human ████████, quantity depending on the desired radius (see effective range) |
Duration |
Until negation spell is used |
Effective Range |
Radius of x metres, where x corresponds to the number of ████████ used in the ritual |
Words |
████████████████ ████████ ██████ ████████ ████████ █████████████ ███ ██████████████ ██████ ███ ███████ █████ ██████ ███ ██████ ████████ |
Use |
The caster paints the fifth magic circle of Mars (see chapter "Magic circles", pages 267-285) with a diameter of about 3 m using the carbon black. The desired amount ████████ is placed on it and the words are spoken. |
Effect |
A cylindrical field is created that surrounds the magic circle. Every object that is in this field is under a cognitive lock from that moment on. Everyone except the caster will not realise the existence of all objects and persons within the field. In addition, people outside the field will unconsciously avoid the field. |
Countermeasures |
See Spirit Negation Spell (page 224). If the symbol of the 33rd of the 72 demons, Gaap, is on the body of persons outside the caster (whether through jewellery, clothing or on the skin directly), they are excluded from the cognitive lock (see chapter "Demon Symbols", pages 286-312). |
It should be noted that people who are within the field, but who have no protection against it, usually suffer from a total mental breakdown, as they are no longer aware of their own self. Therefore, it is of inconceivable importance to give a symbol of Gaap to all persons who are within the field of effect at the time of the ritual, or to ask them to leave the field of effect. |
All versions of SCP-066-DE in the Foundation's possession do not include this ritual. It is therefore assumed to be a separate book with different spells.
SCP-294-DE-02 to -08 denotes the German noble family von Eisner, consisting of:
- Josef von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-02), born in 1855, acquired anomalous properties in 1917 at the age of 62, died in 201█ at the biological age of 64.
- Josef's son Alois von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-03), born in 1880, acquired anomalous properties in 1917 at the age of 37.
- Josef's son Theodor von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-04), born in 1883, acquired anomalous properties in 1917 at the age of 34.
- Alois' wife Regina von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-05), born in 1881, acquired anomalous properties in 1917 at the age of 35.
- Alois' and Regina's son Hans von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-06), born in 1898, acquired anomalous properties in 1917 at the age of 19.
- Alois' and Regina's son Leon von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-07), born in 1898, acquired anomalous properties in 1917 at the age of 19.
- Theodor's wife Eva von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-08), born in 1890, acquired anomalous properties in 1915 at the age of 25.
Josef von Eisner (SCP-294-DE-02), ca. 1898. Painter unknown
SCP-294-DE-02 to -08 possess the anomalous property of slowed ageing. One year corresponds to about one week for the cell structure of SCP-294-DE-02 to -08, which increases the average life expectancy to about 4200 years. Crosschecks with SCP-066-DE have not been able to find any ritual of this kind. The family acquired this ability in 1917 through Josef von Eisner himself (see Addenum 2). Rosa von Eisner, Josef's wife and Alois and Theodor's mother, died before the family acquired their anomalous effects in 1917 and is thus not classified as an SCP. There also exists a Magdalene von Eisner, born in 1905, who is the daughter of SCP-294-DE-04 and SCP-294-DE-08. She fled the Eisner mansion in 1915 and moved in with her maternal grandparents. Magdalene von Eisner died of a heart attack in 1977 (See Addenum 2 for more information). ████████ █████████ Ulrike von Eisner, █████ 1905 ██████ █████ ███ ██ ██████ ████ ███ █████ █████████ ██████████ ██████
For unknown reasons, SCP-294-DE-03 to -08 are unable to leave the Eisner mansion. Drone footage of the villa shows unknown rune markings on all entrances and windows.
Discovery: The SCP Foundation became aware of SCP-294-DE in 201█ when SCP-294-DE-02 took his own life by magic in Emskirchen town centre. A large-scale class A amnestic was administered to all witnesses and the body was taken to Site-DE10 for examination. SCP-294-DE-02's body showed no anomalous effects and was moved to the site morgue. On his person he carried a copy of the "little spell book", dated 1910, as well as a book documenting forbidden rituals. In addition, he carried two diaries through which the Foundation became aware of SCP-294-DE. Initially, Gaap symbols were used for all those employees who worked with SCP-294-DE, but in 201█ the Foundation succeeded in developing a mnestic which negates cognitive locks of the Mages Academy.
Addenum 1: The following is an interview with Dr Matthias Crowley, a former scientist of Site-DE10 and agent of the Mages Academy, who was uncovered during the discovery of that GoI and has been in imprisonment since.
Interviewed: Dr. Matthias Crowley
Interviewer: Dr. Bell Ainsworth, Dr. Erik Thompkins
<Begin Log>
Dr. Thompkins: Are you familiar with the name "Josef von Eisner"?
(10 second silence)
Dr. Crowley: My professor told stories about a von Eisner.
Dr. Ainsworth: What stories?
Dr. Crowley: Never anything concrete. Just… just that von Eisner was the most brilliant mages my professor had ever known.
Dr. Ainsworth: Anything else?
Dr. Crowley: We were warned again and again about the dangers of magic. We were warned never to research forbidden spells. They lead to madness.
Dr. Thompkins: And von Eisner made use of these forbidden practices?
Dr. Crowley: So they say, yes. One day he disappeared without a trace. He didn't show up for work, the lecture hall remained empty, and people were naturally worried at first.
(Longer, 16-second silence)
Dr. Crowley: But he was never heard from again. There are theories as to what happened to him, one of the first missions of the AISPS when it was formed was to track down von Eisner, but even they could not find anything without further clues.
Dr. Ainsworth: So the search was abandoned.
Dr. Crowley: They had to give up the search, yes. Why the questions, has anything been found about him?
Dr. Thompkins: I think we can end the interview here.
<End Log>
Addenum: SCP-4684 was contacted after this interview and all archived files on Josef von Eisner were handed over to the SCP Foundation. See Addenum 2.
Addenum 2: The following are all files on SCP-294-DE-02 by SCP-4684.
One of our first missions is to unravel a somewhat older mystery of the Mages Academy. About 60 years ago, in 1915, an important, high-ranking academic and professor of the Munich Mage Academy disappeared and it is still not known where he went. He himself has most likely passed away by now, but his sons disappeared with him, as well as his grandchildren and daughters-in-law, who may still be alive today. It is assumed that von Eisner disappeared with the help of forbidden rituals, which is why this mystery is now in our hands.
So far, the following theories have been put forward:
- Von Eisner escaped into a pocket or parallel dimension.
- Von Eisner was killed, his death was covered up and his family was kidnapped.
- Von Eisner used a cognitive blocking spell to hide his house and his family is still there today.
If you ask me, Theory 1 is the most likely at this point. Theory 2 is unlikely in that von Eisner was a very popular man in his time. He was celebrated as one of the most brilliant academics of the Munich Academy of Thaumatology. He was also quite popular among students, I'm missing a motive here. I find theory 3 even more improbable, since one would expect either Josef von Eisner himself or one of his family members to show up at some point. Where do they get their food and drink? Why doesn't anyone leave the area affected by the spell? It all doesn't really make sense, we can pretty much reject the theory outright.
Everyone who receives this file is hereby assigned to the Josef von Eisner case. Try to find out where the man lived (which is still completely unknown today, apparently his private life was already a pure mystery back then) and try to find people who knew him and are still alive today. Every clue, every hair, everything that even hints at the whereabouts of this man or his family is immediately reported to me.
Munich, 2.5.1975
Chief of Police Fleischer
Developments in the Von Eisner case are amazingly slow. I've assigned 20 of my best guys to the case, and after three months they all come back empty-handed. I can summarise all the developments in the last few months in two bullet points:
- Students who were alive at the time were interviewed. A good third suffered from dementia, which rendered questioning relatively pointless. Asking the remaining two thirds also revealed very little, only that von Eisner was a good professor who explained things well, and everyone mourned him very much, especially because the replacement professor was bad at explaining things and designed more difficult exams.
- The MAT register was combed for von Eisner's address. The address led to an empty warehouse in Augsburg. The only interesting thing there was a letterbox in which traces of a former teleportation spell were found. However, this teleportation spell was deactivated about 60 years ago, presumably when von Eisner disappeared. In addition, mail from the MAT and concerned colleagues and students was found there, which remained in the letterbox in Augsburg after the teleportation spell was deactivated. Comparisons with the residents' registration office and files at the time revealed that the warehouse was the residence of Josef von Eisner and his entire family. But there is nothing there! And in the letterbox you can only see that there was once a teleportation spell, but not where it led to!
And that was it! That was all. It seems to me that this von Eisner fella is more difficult to find than I thought at first. In any case, things like the letterbox make it clear that von Eisner himself initiated the disappearance. Theory 2 is thus officially disproved.
Munich, 25.8.1975
Chief of Police Fleischer
Detective Fritz Wagler of the Nuremberg PD made an interesting discovery this morning. Something that we all seem to have missed - Rosa von Eisner, Josef von Eisner's wife, was stabbed by a pickpocket in Nuremberg in 1915 and succumbed to her wounds in hospital shortly afterwards. 1915 is also the year he disappeared. Wagler now theorised that the death of his wife would be von Eisner's motive for escape. This would further corroborate theory 1 and 3 (although I still think 3 is a bunch of nonsense).
Munich, 3.9.1975
Chief of Police Fleischer
There has finally been another development in the case. And a rather big one - after endlessly combing through various family registers and citizens' registration offices, we became aware of a "Magdalene Willhelms, née von Eisner" on 20 December 1975. And she was right under our noses the whole time - in Munich itself, in Feldkirchen. We also found her only by luck, while searching all the residents' registration offices of major Bavarian cities for "von Eisner", and found her there. Comparisons with family registers of the von Eisner family have shown that she is indeed a granddaughter of von Eisner. Here, however, is the problem - she refuses to be interviewed. She "does not want to remember that time". So, unfortunately, we were forced to arrest her. The von Eisner case is a matter of personal dignity for our agency - it was one of the first assignments we were given, and if we were to back down now, so close to such a treasure trove of information, it would be a defeat on every level, as well as a terrible setback to our reputation vis-à-vis the Mage Academy.
So far, nevertheless, she refuses to make any statement. If we do not manage to get her to testify now, I will be forced to take more serious measures.
Munich, 23.12.1975
Chief of Police Fleischer
Magdalene Willhelms has now agreed to testify after two days. An interview log follows.
Magdalene Willhelms: Why do they want me to tell about my grandfather so badly?
Chief of Police Fleischer: It is simply important for us to find out what happened back then. Don't you want to know yourself what happened to your parents?
Magdalene Willhelms: It… It has been 60 years since I was handed over to my grandparents. I travelled all the way to Austria at that time, in the heyday of psychotherapy, to have these therapists there help me, and…. and I was told to come to terms with the fact that I would never see my parents again. I didn't want to give up at first, hired a private detective to track down my family. "Philip Noir" was his name, I think. But even he came back empty-handed! So why, then, why do the police want to hear from me six decades later about my mad grandfather?!
Chief of Police Fleischer: We have reason to suspect that von Eisner was a criminal. Accordingly, it is important for us to know what happened to him. Your information can help us track down the rest of your family.
Magdalene Willhelms: Very well. I realise you won't let me go until I tell you about my time with my paternal family.
Chief of Police Fleischer: Everything can help us.
Magdalene Willhelms: I really only remember this time vaguely, mainly because I have repressed a large part of it. But… but, we all lived in a private mansion somewhere in a forest in Franconia.
Chief of Police Fleischer: Where exactly was this mansion?
Magdalene Willhelms: It pains me to say this, but I don't know any more. It is completely unclear to me. I don't even remember the name of the primary school I attended back then.
Chief of Police Fleischer: Very well. Continue.
Magdalene Willhelms: Grandfather was always a very… hot-headed person. He was driven by his will to understand biology as far as humanly possible. Yet he had a side that no one in the family was allowed to know about. The attic was always locked and not even my father, uncle or even my grandmother were allowed in the attic. And… we were not allowed to tell anyone about our mansion. It would be "secret", our address was officially somewhere in Augsburg, and if we were asked where we came from, we were simply not supposed to answer. We never had visitors, and we were never allowed to bring friends home…
Chief of Police Fleischer: Did you just say biology?
Magdalene Willhelms: Yes. Grandfather was a professor of biology at the University of Munich. Didn't you know that?
Chief of Police Fleischer: Yes, of course. Continue.
Magdalene Willhelms: Whenever the subject of the attic came up, grandfather became a different person. Life left his eyes and he was replaced by a demon. He would sneer at us and say that it was none of our business. …one day Leon and Hans snuck into the attic. and… and… God…
Chief of Police Fleischer: I get the picture. Feel free to skip this part.
Magdalene Willhelms: May I have a tissue?
Chief of Police Fleischer: No.
Magdalene Willhelms: O-Okay… Anyway… one day the police knocked on our door. Grandma had been stabbed, and…. and that day, Grandpa changed. He locked himself in the attic. You'd hear a rumble every few days, you'd hear cursing, and some days he'd leave without a word and come back days later with a large bag. It looked like he was carrying a whole tree, but it always smelled so… so disgusting.
Chief of Police Fleischer: And then?
Magdalene Willhelms: One day my mother told me that I would be picked up by her parents after school. I had never been picked up from school before, and I didn't know my maternal grandparents at all at that time… I was 10 years old… I have never seen my mother or the rest of my family since. I never knew where I came from then, remembered nothing at all, and so I was never able to find the mansion again.
Chief of Police Fleischer: I understand. Thank you very much.
Magdalene Willhelms: If… If you find anything about my family, will you let me know? Please?
Chief of Police Fleischer: Of course.
An amnesia spell was applied to Magdalene Willhelms, with which she forgot the events of the last few days.
Although she presented some interesting clues as to the motive… but nevertheless we did not really learn anything fundamentally new.
Munich, 25.12.1975
Chief of Police Fleischer
We searched every square inch around Munich, Augsburg and Nuremberg. We found nothing. The forests are devoid of any sign of life. Has this man actually transported his mansion and its inhabitants into a pocket or parallel dimension?
Munich, 25.4.1976
Chief of Police Fleischer
As much as it pains me, the von Eisner case is hereby closed. After more than two years of active searching, we have been unable to find anything.
Fortunately, since the commissioning of the Mages Academy, there have been several successes in the punishment of paracriminal thaumaturges. Thus, the defeat in von Eisner's case is only a minor setback.
I wish everyone good luck in solving further cases.
Munich, 11.5.1978
Chief of Police Fleischer
Addenum 3: The following are important excerpts from Josef von Eisner's diaries, found on his corpse.
20. April 1899
As much as I appreciate the Mages Academy, the more I am forced to get used to its old-fashioned ways of looking at things. I consider the principle of "forbidden spells" to be quite dangerous. Who decides which spells are "forbidden"? Is this not far more power than any one person should ever possess? Again today I found myself in an argument with Professor Le Fey, about the existence of such spells. Again and again my views clash with the people of the Munich Academy. Fortunately, as a professor and member of the Protectorate Council, I am in a position to borrow "banned" books. No one here knows about my mansion, so they may whisper about me as much as they like, I can do what I like in that respect. The attic serves as a perfect place to experiment with various spells. The only obstacles are my sons and my still rather annoying wife. The twins are still so young that I can teach them never to enter the attic. But with my wife I'm particularly worried - as much as I cherish and love her, the woman can sometimes screech in a way that only my fist may shut her up completely.
21. April 1899
As a first experiment for so-called "forbidden magic" (a still laughable term) I will try the spell of the pocket dimension. However, I need ox blood. Where can I get that quickly?
22. April 1899
I am now in possession of the necessary ox blood. The peasant of the neighbouring villages will probably find it hard to mourn a single ox. And to accuse me, a nobleman? He wouldn't dare dream of it. I could hardly have gone to the butcher, I have a reputation to protect and I don't want to be known as a noble who has to buy blood from the butcher. Especially as I don't like to do business with such lowly farmers.
23. April 1899
Such a pocket dimension is unbelievably sad. I would not send my worst enemy to such a place as a punishment.
3. July 1905
Theodor finally had two children of his own. Unfortunately, they are two girls, and he is convinced that these children are enough. Doesn't he understand the value in society of having a male descendant?! This birdbrain doesn't want to learn either, and I don't even want to start thinking about his bitch of a wife. Unfortunately, he is now at an age where I cannot raise my fist at him without him raising his own back at me. What a fool.
Progress with forbidden spells, meanwhile, is most remarkable. The next one, a sort of cognitive lock, unfortunately demands a higher price. I'll see where I can find the necessary objects.
6. July 1905
I am finally in possession of the necessary items for the cognitive locking spell. I feel sorry for Ulrike, but Theodor and Eva still have Magdalene. Especially since Theodor might learn a lesson from this? It is unlikely, since a simple amnesia spell means that every member of this family has already forgotten Ulrike. As if she had never existed. Quite a positive result for my tests, yet I wish somewhere Theodor remembered her, and mourned her. This womanising money waster would have deserved it. Whoever thinks to marry such a galley-whore, a peasant's daughter, has no place in my household - yet it is important to keep my whole family close…. so my only choice is to treat Eva like the peasant she is.
7. July 1905
The locking spell was successful. I locked Ulrike - or what was left of her - in the barrier field and invited Theodor into the attic. At no time was he aware of what he was watching. Genius. Tomorrow I'll try the same thing, only I'll equip Eva with a Gaap amulet. If all goes well, she'll be able to recognise what's in the blocking field. I need to have everything ready for an amnesia spell….
8. July 1905
As expected, Eva was able to recognise the remains of her daughter. Perhaps a small part of her also recognised her identity? In any case, I felt compelled to let her forget all about it again. It would be exceedingly bad if she told the rest of the family about the whole thing. I should generally turn more to my family - as much as they can annoy me, I care a lot about Alois as well as his wife Regina and the twins.
15. August 1908
As sad as such a pocket dimension can be, which I already had to realise some time ago, I have transported my most important writings into it. On the one hand, it is easier for me to concentrate there, on the other hand, there is also no possibility of someone from my family accidentally looking at such a scroll, or even worse, stealing it.
16. August 1908
My latest experiment involves a ritual in which a living being completely independently produces any substance in its body that is needed for survival. I have stolen a lamb from a neighbouring village - again, the farmer will hardly miss it in any capacity, it is only one lamb. I don't need to buy one, this would only damage my reputation as with the oxblood. To avoid noise in the mansion, I will keep the lamb in the pocket dimension. Let's see - can it actually survive years on its own?
5. December 1912
Astonishing. Four years later, and the lamb is still alive. Another thing that strikes me is that it hasn't aged a bit in the years. Has the ageing process slowed down? Interesting. This was not documented in the ritual, however, it has also not been used for several hundred years, and back then rituals were not documented so extensively. Still, a complete success. The goat - I have named her "Ulrike" - can continue to live here in the pocket dimension. She will probably live here for the foreseeable future.
12. March 1915
Today at noon, while she was in town to get for me accessories for my next attempt, my dearest, my darling, my beloved was taken from me. By a brutal, savage, pickpocket. Apparently a frustrated soldier who had just returned home from the Eastern Front because he was deemed too "mentally unstable". I write this entry with tears held back. The outside world is a dangerous one. As head of the family, it is my duty to protect my family. Somehow, the murder of my wife was a wake-up call. I send my family into the dangerous outside world, endangering them day after day. This cannot go on. This must not go on.
16. March 1915
I think I have all the spells I need for my plan. I will protect my family, including those I cannot stand. They are nevertheless part of my family and need my protection. The only thing missing now are the necessary items…. I will have to go on the hunt.
18. May 1915
That harlot betrayed me for the last time! My granddaughter Magdalene is gone. And who is responsible for that? That's right, the farmer's daughter! I knew I should never have taken her into my family. What was I thinking, not to object at the wedding? Why couldn't Theodor marry fellow noble like his brother? I don't understand.
I'm not going to kill her. I will not give her the privilege of entering the afterlife. No. I will punish her myself. I have sent her to my pocket dimension - the lonely, barren island in the middle of nowhere, in the black void, even deeper and emptier than this demon's soul. In addition, I have slowed down her ageing, and made her fully self-sufficient. Like the lamb she is with now! People like her are exactly what I want to protect my family from! Rot in the middle of nowhere, you filthy whore! There with her are still the writings of the forbidden rituals, but what will she, a peasant fool, be able to do with them? The scriptures are meant for grandmasters such as myself.
20. May 1915
Theodor demands to see his wife, or to know what happened to her. Pah! I will tell this would-be nobleman nothing of the sort! His wife betrayed this family, and I punished her for it. Now Theodor has exactly what he deserves - pure loneliness. No wife, no children, and he'll never have any of it again!
5. May 1917
I have finally gathered everything I need to perform all the necessary spells. I have branded all the members of the family with a Gaap symbol using an iron, and the autarky spell has also been performed on all of them. Both things were resisted by all, but soon they will all understand that it is for the good of all of them. Tonight I will cast the blocking spell, and place the Baal symbols at all entrances and exits. They will never leave this mansion again, and they will be safe forever.
10. January 201█
Why do I smell sulphur?
For: ed.pcs|htrowsnialleb#ed.pcs|htrowsnialleb
By: ed.pcs|snikpmohtkire#ed.pcs|snikpmohtkire
Regarding: Last diary entry
Dear Dr Ainsworth,
I will honestly admit that the last diary entry gives me no peace. Not only is there an almost 100-year gap in the diary between 1917 and 201█, the last entry is on the day of his suicide. He smelled sulphur and - for completely unknown reasons - went to Emskirchen and took his own life there, with all the items necessary to locate his mansion. I'm going to examine the body more closely. I somehow have the feeling that we have missed something here.
I'll report back to you if I notice anything wrong with his body.
I wish you a good day,
— Dr. Erik Thompkins
For: ed.pcs|htrowsnialleb#ed.pcs|htrowsnialleb
By: ed.pcs|snikpmohtkire#ed.pcs|snikpmohtkire
Regarding: RE: Last diary entry
Dear Dr Ainsworth,
I did indeed manage to find traces of sulphur on the fingertips of his corpse. The reason for this, however, is still relatively mysterious to me - could you perhaps be of further assistance?
I wish you a good day,
— Dr. Erik Thompkins
For: ed.pcs|snikpmohtkire#ed.pcs|snikpmohtkire
By: ed.pcs|htrowsnialleb#ed.pcs|htrowsnialleb
Regarding : RE: RE: Last diary entry
Dear Dr Thompkins,
I have spent the last few weeks reading through the Book of Forbidden Spells and Rituals from SCP-294-DE-02. Sulphur is used in control spells where magicians remotely control other people.
I have a theory. Please come to my office as soon as possible.
— Dr. Bell Ainsworth