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Item #: SCP-2825

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Observation Post 30 has been established on the perimeter of SCP-2825, and maintains surveillance and barriers surrounding SCP-2825. Collaboration with Marloth Nature Reserve Rangers and acquisition of property within the reserve has assured that no hiking trails lead nearer than 5km of SCP-2825. Containment of SCP-2825-B instances has been permitted, to further understand biological modifications to affected species.

Description: SCP-2825 is a valley located in the Marloth Nature Reserve of Swellendam, South Africa. An estimated 22km3 (22 trillion liters) of human saliva and phlegm has currently flooded SCP-2825. With the current amount of saliva produced, the saliva "lake" possesses a peak depth of 189m and reaches 790m in altitude; 5440m2 of forest and grasslands are encompassed by bodily fluids within the valley. ~20% of SCP-2825's liquids is also composed of phlegm, usually appearing as yellow, highly viscous, spherical pockets of fluid suspended in saliva. No major topographical changes have occurred around or inside of SCP-2825, despite the anomalous presence of saliva.

SCP-2825-A refers to a 90-meter-wide open human mouth, located within what was previously a stream at the bottom of SCP-2825. Organs and tissues within SCP-2825-A appear average for a human adult, aside from their size. SAL-Type Mk. II "Waterfowl" drone has confirmed that SCP-2825-A is alive; breaths are noted to occur in 20-minute intervals, and the mouth has been noted to sporadically make expressions as though grinning or frowning. In spite of its "open" position, no saliva or phlegm is able to enter SCP-2825-A, and remains suspended over the orifice. It is presumed that SCP-2825-A is the generative source of the valley's saliva, due to matching STR copies between DNA of both mouth and saliva.

SCP-2825-B refers the various flora and fauna residing within SCP-2825, following the manifestation of SCP-2825-A. All instances of SCP-2825-B bear anomalous physical and behavioral adaptations to the presence of saliva within SCP-2825, including highly altered respiratory systems and a resistance to the digestive enzymes present within all bio-fluids. Other adaptations include noticeable increases in nesting within trees for mammalian and reptilian organisms, more pack mentality and herding within predator and prey, and lower reproductive rates among all organisms.

A small group of plant and fungi SCP-2825-B instances have also incorporated miniature versions of SCP-2825-A within areas such as the bark, stems, and pileus. Generally, these human mouths consume saliva for the organism, presumably in place of water. See Supplementary Document PAV-2825: Animal/Human Bio-Adaptations (Deupree, Taylor) for further information on stimuli, usage, and symbiotic relations between SCP-2825-A tissue and various species of SCP-2825-B.

DNA profiling of all saliva originating from SCP-2825 tests positive for one Jacob Perhacs, an accountant previously residing in Beverly Hills, California, before passing away on June 4, 1998. Interrogation of one living relative, Linda Perhacs, has produced no information on involvement with anomalous organizations or individuals. Further investigation of relationships between Jacob Perhacs and Lucibelle Perhacs of SCP-2695 is pending approval.

Partial List of Catalogued SCP-2825-B Species

Species Summary of Altered Behavior

Circaetus pectoralis

(Black Chested Snake Eagle)
B6, along with a few other avian species, have adopted a "corkscrew" method of movement through saliva. Specifically, B6 has been viewed spinning at ~90 rpm, moving at speeds of 90 km/h. Nesting also occurs within phlegm pockets of SCP-2825, for their density and ability to conceal their young. Consumption of phlegm has been noted in young instances of B6, currently for unknown purposes.

Dama dama

(Fallow Deer)
Specimens of Dama dama have no legs, and propel themselves in various directions through unknown means. When fleeing from predators, B11 have been noted to accelerate to speeds of 68 km/h; recordings suggest that B11's tail functions as a rudder to some extent, in terms of controlling direction.

Canis anthus

(African Gold Wolf)
Despite the fact that African Gold Wolves are found solely in North Africa, several packs have been spotted within SCP-2825.

Warnings of [REDACTED] within two most notable packs of B13. B13 have shown no interest in Observation Post 30 personnel. Clandestine neutralization of all instances of B13 is currently top priority.

Anhydrophryne rattrayi

(Hogsback Frog)
Many amphibious instances of SCP-2825-B, including B16, appear to struggle when swimming through saliva. B16 has been noted to adapt to its relatively slow movement through saliva with its increased tongue length and dexterity when hunting.

Cactoblastis cactorum

(Cactus Moth)
B24 has adopted a behavior similar to the Sea Moth, remaining close to the ground when in movement. Two additional pairs of legs have grown on the abdomen, further assisting ground movement.

To compensate for the viscosity of saliva, B24 have resorted to burrowing underground to reproduce. Larva is noted to consume plant life from underground, often tunneling through the cacti to feed.

Ocotea bullata

(Black Stinkwood)
Several mouths located on the bark of B28 ward off prey through consumption and discharge of phlegm packets within SCP-2825. Phlegm is imbued with an odorous, orange sap from within B28.

A small population of B20, Ixodes scapularis (Deer Tick), possesses a commensalistic relationship with B28. Small colonies of B20 will take residence within phlegm pockets imbued with B28 sap, removing all nutrients and rendering the phlegm pocket usable for other instances of SCP-2825-B.

Erica cerinthoides

(Fire Erica)
B38 has been noted to grow to heights of 40 meters, whilst still containing Heath characteristics. At about 20 meters in height, B38 will flower and uproot itself through undetermined means, allowing itself to drift within SCP-2825. A single closed mouth vertically extends around the entirety of B38's stem; currently, it has not been determined what purpose it serves to B38.

Exploration Log 2825-UR [5/30/2012]: Observation Post-30 personnel Steph Cutler and Matt Wilkinson conducted exploration of SCP-2825 through use of prototype Mk. 2 "Waterfowl" drone, utilized for aerial and aquatic movement, especially in an unpredictable environment.

[00:01]: Matt Wilkinson here, Waterfowl successfully dispatched in SCP-2825. We're gonna have to take a look at decreasing the time it takes to transition between water and air later, I think.

[00:09]: Encounter with a pack of maybe twenty B14, typically known as Greater Kudu. For anyone that hasn't read through the whole list, these guys form interlocking walls with their horns while swimming in packs. A few of them left the group to look at the drone, but didn't do any harm to it.

[00:15]: Waterfowl has reached 2825-A, after some trouble with large phlegm clouds. Stuff's as thick as dough, though I ain't touching it myself. 2825-A is open as usual, can't exactly see inside of it from here. Entering now.

[00:17]: First things I can see is, uh, the "throat" further down beneath 2825-A narrows a bit, gradually. Audio's picking up a low humming, nothing else really. Not exactly the most important thing to be looking at now, but 2825-A looks like he has a few molars missing, and a cavity on another, heh. Progressing further down 2825-A now.

[00:17]: Yeah, there's a lot more teeth here than we previously noted. There's a lot of molars that just keep lining the walls here, going back. Tunnel's diameter is about 50 meters now, all sides resemble a throat. Nothing we haven't seen before, really.

[00:18]: Moving less than a fourth of a kilometer down, I have visual on— a uvula. And there's a humanoid grabbing it. It's hanging next to the wall, not like an actual uvula, if you know what I mean. Moving in closer.

[00:19]: White male, maybe 60 years in age? Eyes are closed, he's naked. He doesn't have a mouth— uh— It's sort of attached to the uvula through a length of skin. I'm not quite sure how it works like that, the inside of a mouth being connected to the outside— hold up, hold up. His eyes are open. He's been looking at the drone. No movement yet—

[00:19]: Cutler, he's grabbing it. He's grabbing it! He's holding— holding it away from him, shaking it? There's some sort of grinding noise right now.

[00:20]: He was sawing at his mouth. He was using the shaft on the bottom to sever his mouth— Oh. The humanoid let go of the uvula after using Waterfowl to detach himself, has currently fallen out of view. Cutler recorded the event— Yeah, he got it. Waterfowl is still operable, might have some samples left on the end of it. Moving further down now.

[00:22]: Nothing else to note, but we picked up a swallowing noise coming from below.

[00:24]: Gone down about three fourths of a kilometer now. We have visual on some sort of outcropping in the tunnel wall, we're taking a closer look.

[00:25]: There appears to be a small, plastic wrapped document on the outcropping, which is mostly stone. We'll be grabbing and it bringing it back

[00:27]: Not even just fifty meters down, and the tunnel appears to end abruptly with the same material as the walls. I'm not seeing that elderly man at the bottom, either

[00:29]: We've landed Waterfowl on the tunnel's bottom, and still nothing. We're changing course back to Observation Post 30.

Afterword: Waterfowl was recovered near Observation Post 30 in operable condition. Personnel Wilkinson and Cutler procured the following written note from Waterfowl:

Alizarin is more than halfway done. I thought I would require more to make it, Perhacs-1 and Perhacs-2 proved especially helpful.

Implementation of my system is underway. Don't let me distract you from the phenomena in this valley. You, the researchers and personnel, are simply going to be the first witnesses to my future project, and I couldn't be any prouder.

- Pritchard

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