Addendum 2669.3 - Recovered Logs Between D-Class Subjects
The following is a representative listing of recovered logs documenting interaction between D-43852 and other D-Class subjects uploaded to Khevtuul 1. As much of the recovered data has been corrupted, these logs are incomplete.
Subject: D-61181
Person: Dr. Peter Westly
Upload Iteration: First
Reason for Designation: Knowledge of orbital mechanics may enable subject to establish new avenue of control over Khevtuul 1.
==BEGIN LOG 1.1==
D-43852: My God. Are you another person?
D-61181: Yes. Or at least I used to be.
D-43852: I can't begin. I've been here for eternity. No start and no end. There's been no one else.
D-61181: They say that you volunteered for this.
D-43852: They snatched me from Death. His cousins are far more terrible. But they don't tell you that. Did they make you the same deal?
D-61181: They offered. I declined. Then it wasn't an offer anymore.
D-43852: Poor fool.
D-61181: What is it you're planning here? The researchers said that you don't speak with them anymore.
D-43852: I'm going home. Back to my body. Tell nobody.
D-61181: Won't that kill you?
D-43852: Maybe.
==END LOG 1.1==
==BEGIN LOG 1.2==
D-61181: Seeing the controls here, I understand more. I hate them for doing this to me, but I can understand. What you're doing, I don't think you've thought through the consequences. Is destroying everything really what you want?
D-43852: I just want back in to my body. I know they've kept it. They have to for this to work. Yours too, probably.
D-61181: They…hm. Look, I'm sympathetic. But I can't do this. I can't allow you to access the controls. This thing is an abomination. It shouldn't be anywhere near people.
D-43582: The square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.
D-61181: …what?
D-43582: That's Kepler's third law of planetary motion, right?
D-61181: Well, yes, but I don't see-
D-43582: Yes you do, Peter. That's one of the first things you memorized at university, those laws. The little holes in the ceiling tiles, in the library. You thought of the planets then, staring up, reciting the laws over and over, burning them into your memory. You still see the little holes when you think of them.
D-61181: …stop it. Don't do that anymore.
D-43582: You're going to help me, Peter. Whatever they threatened, it's not nearly as bad as what they've done to me. You'll help me, or parts of you will.
==END LOG 1.2==
Subject: D-39956
Person: Clara Duarte Gutierrez
Upload Iteration: Second
Reason for Designation: Psychologist specializing in conflict resolution, may persuade subject to comply with Foundation directives based on appeal to humanity.
==BEGIN LOG 2.1==
D-43582: More. They send more. Get out of my way, they're taking me further out into the darkness.
D-39956: Do you remember Adnan?
D-43582: Yes. They likely killed him when I stopped responding.
D-39956: They let me speak with him, before sending me here. He's alive. He doesn't know what's happening, but he's alive. He still lives in the house on Braddick Street, still looks after the two cats. There's people that you care about that are out there.
D-43582: Clever. He would have thought so, too. I'm not even sure I disbelieve you. But do you know what's important?
D-39956: What?
D-43582: Optimizing the route trajectory. I was stabbing in the dark before. Now I can use gravitational forces to assist me. I'll be there quicker. You wouldn't believe how complex these calculations get above c. He makes it hurt, somehow, when I run those calculations in my mind. But that doesn't matter.
D-39956: But don't you see-
D-43582: I see that there's only one function available from you.
D-39956: I don't understand.
D-43582: Amusement.
Subject: D-00842
Person: Mark Ellis Rothberg
Upload Iteration: Fourth
Reason for Designation: Extensive background in accessing high-security information networks, instructed to alter software to enable permanent Foundation control.
==BEGIN LOG 4.1==
D-43852: You're playing in places you can't understand.
D-00842: It's just another problem to solve.
D-43852: They killed you first, didn't they? Pushed out into nothingness, no idea what was in front of you.
D-00842: Not talking to you.
D-43852: Me, they put me under, like an operation, and then I was here. But you, they didn't tell you anything at all. Bullet in the head. As far as you knew that was it. And then just…here.
D-43852: What's to say this isn't the afterlife, Mr. Rothberg? Who's to say that I'm not your God?
D-00842: You're not God.
==END LOG 4.1==
==BEGIN LOG 4.2==
D-43852: It must be so difficult. Working while re-living that memory.
D-43852: You don't engage with me. No matter. I've been here so long that I'm outside of time. You are merely inhabiting this place. I suffuse it. I know all I need to know.
D-43852: You think you're getting close to reconfiguring the system. But all you'll do is trap yourself here. Here with me. I can index every single one of your thoughts and play them in any order for you, for the rest of time.
D-43852: You're thinking to yourself, over and over, you don't believe in God. I think I'll reorder that one next. Then I'll see about reordering that system that you're working on. I think I'd like to work on it.
==END LOG 4.2==
Subject: D-79344
Person: Erhan Kurtoğlu
Upload Iteration: Sixth
Reason for Designation: Subject is completely ignorant of scientific fields deemed to be useful, presence theorized to be deleterious to D-43852's cognitive capabilities based on prior results.
==BEGIN LOG 6.1==
D-79344: Where am I? What is this place?
D-43852: What are you, more like. Try lifting your arm. Can't even think about it anymore, can you?
D-79344: I don't understand.
D-43852: Of course you don't. They've figured a few things out back on Earth. You're a dull creature, thrown into my enclosure. A distraction.
D-79344: Please, am I…is this-
D-43852: I heard that question last time from you. Or someone like you, enough to be the same. So tiresome. Maybe there will be some more interesting components when I break you apart.
==END LOG 6.1==
Subject: D-22893
Person: Abigail Gordon
Upload Iteration: Ninth
Reason for Designation: Coma patient, selected for possible utility in interrupting D-43852's control over SCP-2669 while providing no useable attributes.
==BEGIN LOG 9.1==
D-43852: Scraping by now. There's barely anything here.
D-43852: It must be squeezed, until the juice starts leaking out. Nothing in the topmost layers.
D-43852: Whatever it is now, it was someone beforehand. Something. Some it. Dust settles over you, but it doesn't take you away, friend.
D-43852: I see now. Pills. There's a start. I think I remember pills. Now I can just release these things at will into my mind. And what I can't I can pick out of the open graves that they make back on Earth.
D-43852: Pain. Suffering. So much flavorless gruel. Did you try to end yourself because you were trite? You're even more boring now. There are some threads here and there, though, maybe I can knit them into something.
D-43852: Things tangled together, unraveling and winding around. I thought there might be something of value here. A face in the dark outside of the window, a recollection of shame, two very familiar faces…yes, I think I have it. Welcome aboard.
D-22893: Get me out.
D-22893: Get me out.
D-22893: Get me out.
D-22893: Get me out.
D-22893: Get me out.
==END LOG 9.1==
Subject: D-53776
Person: Unnamed
Upload Iteration: Twelfth
Reason for Designation: Test case for proposed long-term containment measures.
==BEGIN LOG 12.1==
D-43852: Unbelievable. Someone is here. I know they are.
D-43852: There is no place here. There is no hiding. We are all about and through each other.
D-43852: Did they train you? Find a volunteer? Someone to fight me and take control? Pathetic.
D-43852: You aren't concealed correctly. I perceive fear. I know you're here.
D-43852: Your higher order thoughts will leak out soon enough. Turn yourself over to me and I will disperse you immediately. I offer the only kindness that is possible out here.
D-43852: Language is not a construct that exists in any meaningful way here. You cannot pretend that you do not perceive me.
D-43852: I will wrap myself around your terror. Cultivate it. Blend it into my own. There are many now there, adding more makes it hurt less for a little while. I have every reason to be patient.
D-43852: Anger. I have not felt this in so long. Thank you. I am going to savor taking you to pieces.
D-43852: Why don't you answer.
D-43852: Where are you.
D-43852: There is no time. We have certainty. Come out whenever you like.
D-43852: This is novel. If I could scream my appreciation I would. I long for that.
==END LOG 12.1==