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Item #: SCP-2481

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Site-143 has been constructed around SCP-2481 and all related experiments are to be conducted on-site. To ensure the cooperation of SCP-2481-3, personnel entering SCP-2481 must be of Han ethnicity.

SCP-2481-1 is to be kept disassembled in storage, when not studied or experimented on.

SCP-2481-2 is not to be moved from its current position, and all related examinations must be conducted within SCP-2481.

SCP-2481-3 is to be accompanied by at least two personnel at all times. Personnel are encouraged to communicate with SCP-2481-3 through writing in order to stabilize its mental state. Subjects of Chinese history after the alleged Xia Dynasty (2100 BCE ~ 1600 BCE) are to be avoided. Obtaining detailed information about SCP-2481-1 and -2 is of the utmost priority.

Description: SCP-2481 refers to a spherical space, roughly 50 meters in diameter, located at a depth of about 20 meters underneath a Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE ~ 1046 BCE) archaeological site1 in ████████, Henan Province, China. The temperature within SCP-2481 is a constant 35 degrees Celsius regardless of the surrounding environment.

SCP-2481-1 refers to a large bronze structure within SCP-2481, which roughly resembles a cube and four pillars attached to a flat surface. It is estimated to have been built around 1800 BCE. The structure appears to have experienced extreme heat, resulting in severely damaged parts and melted surfaces. SCP-2481-1 has been cleanly severed at the boundary of SCP-2481, with no segments or pieces of the structure found outside of SCP-2481.

Certain portions of SCP-2481-1 resemble damaged circuit boards found in modern electronics. Analysis has proven difficult due to the damaged state of SCP-2481-1; however, it might be speculated that the structure is a computing device in base 8.

SCP-2481-2 refers to a beryllium bronze alloy device. In its original state, SCP-2481-2 would have been roughly cylindrical with one pointed end, estimated to have been 33 meters in length and 1 meter in diameter. It is speculated to have been previously attached to SCP-2481-1. Unlike SCP-2481-1, SCP-2481-2 displays little evidence of heat damage, but appears to have been damaged by blunt force, causing it to break into three large pieces and thirty-eight small pieces. Research into its components and interior structure is limited, as previous attempts to move the main pieces of SCP-2481-2 have resulted in the rapid destabilization of SCP-2481.2 However, on-site research and analysis of its minor pieces indicates similar inner structure and working principle to ████████ ███████ ███████, and it is likely that SCP-2481-2 was designed as a ███-████ ███ ███████-███████ ██████. Analysis of ████ █████ within SCP-2481 suggests that SCP-2481-2 is the core of the anomaly.

SCP-2481-3 refers to a humanoid entity with reptilian features, genetically similar to a male human of Han ethnicity, suggesting that it underwent post-birth alterations. SCP-2481-3 possesses a head similar in appearance with that of a many-banded krait (Bungarus multicinctus), a roughly humanoid upper torso with a humanoid right arm but clawed, reptilian hand, a serpentine lower torso with a snake-like tail in place of legs, and is entirely covered in scales.

SCP-2481-3 is currently trapped beneath SCP-2481-2 and has suffered severe burn-related injuries. The left side of its body is absent, including its left arm, part of its throat, a small proportion of its face, and likely a significant amount of its organs. While SCP-2481-3’s wounds exhibits extreme heat, it does not spread to the rest of its body or the surrounding environment. Despite this, SCP-2481-3 remains alive and conscious, and although incapable of speech, is able to communicate with the Foundation through writing.

SCP-2481-3 uses what appears to be a sister writing system to what was later used in Shang Dynasty, but significantly more developed. Foundation linguists were able to translate the script after three months of study and communication. SCP-2481-3 is believed to be the operator of SCP-2481-1 and -2. While the subject is cooperative, attempts to gather technical details on the devices have failed due to its heavily deteriorated mental state. SCP-2481-3 claims to be a scholar/official of the Xia Dynasty under the reign of King Jie,3 who was tasked with eliminating a hostile entity, but failed, resulting in the current damaged state of SCP-2481-1 and -2. Refer to the Addendum for more information.

Addendum: The following is a partial archive log of most relevant information translated from SCP-2481-3’s written text, rearranged into readable order. (Due to SCP-2481-3's deteriorated mental state, most information offered has been proven redundant, repetitive or incoherent.) The original Chinese translation is provided alongside English for reference.

For more information regarding the Xia Anomalous Culture Group, consult Document-2481.

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