Item #: SCP-2479
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The two major roads leading to and from SCP-2479 are to be permanently roadblocked by Foundation personnel. Non-Foundation vehicles from Sherwood, Oregon that attempt to travel along these roads are to be withheld from approaching SCP-2479. Any non-Foundation vehicles passing the roadblock will be regarded as trespassers.
All public knowledge of SCP-2479 prior to Foundation acquisition is to be eradicated by Foundation media outlets and relevant censorship protocols. The area around SCP-2479 is to be kept in a perpetual state of lockdown under the guise of a demolition organisation preparing for the demolition of a miscellaneous abandoned theme park.
Small containment cells are to be constructed alongside SCP-2479-1 through -16 to facilitate the containment of SCP-2479-A instances. Site-2479 is to be established a few kilometers from SCP-2479's active zone and used for research and surveillance.
The area around SCP-2479 is to be monitored at all times by Foundation personnel. Any unauthorised personnel found in the vicinity of SCP-2479 or Site-2479 are to be captured and detained as quickly as possible so as to prevent a possible classified information breach. SCP-2479-A instances are to be similarly monitored and prevented from leaving SCP-2479's active zone under any circumstances.
Outside of testing, no personnel should enter SCP-2479's active zone at any time without permission from Site Director ██████.
Description: SCP-2479 is a defunct amusement park consisting of an area of roughly 128 acres (52 ha) located several miles east of Sherwood, Oregon. Two (2) major roads which lead to and from the parking lot of SCP-2479 serve as the only means of direct entry or exit, and a series of ridged concrete walls along the width and breadth of SCP-2479's active zone restrict access unless physically scaled. SCP-2479 is covered in thick shrubbery and vegetation as a result of long-term abandonment.
At the time of Foundation procurement, SCP-2479 was marked on public maps and road signs as "Animal Land Amusement Park". The original park was commissioned to be built by ███ ██████ ███████████, but was abandoned shortly after its initial opening for currently unknown reasons.
As of recovery on 11/05/██, SCP-2479 possesses sixteen generic amusement park attractions:
- four roller coasters, each styled after a unique farm animal (SCP-2479-1 through -4).
- two bumper cars tracks with cars resembling dogs and cats (SCP-2479-5 and SCP-2479-6 respectively).
- two carousels with horse statues (SCP-2479-7 and SCP-2479-8).
- an octopus ride (SCP-2479-9).
- two drop towers styled after various species of birds (SCP-2479-10 and SCP-2479-11).
- a chair swing ride modeled after a starfish (SCP-2479-12).
- a Ferris wheel marked with fox patterns (SCP-2479-13).
- two "fun slides" styled after caterpillars and butterflies (SCP-2479-14 and SCP-2479-15 respectively).
- a "House of Horrors" styled after arachnids of various species (SCP-2479-16).
SCP-2479's only entrance is a large gateway located in the northern end of the parking lot. The gate is accompanied by a smaller ticket booth, a large storage shed and a series of green ropes designating a space for visitors to queue. Upon entry, a large sign overhead reads "Animaland!" and several statues of cartoon humanoid animals line a walkway that leads through SCP-2479's active zone. An SCP-2479-A instance is always present in the ticket booth.
SCP-2479-A is the collective designation for between twenty (20) and thirty (30) entities that appear as humanoid animals, styled appropriately for their position in the park, hereby referred to as their "territory". Each instance speaks standard English in a comical, high-pitched voice similar to those used by performers to entertain children. SCP-2479-A instances are completely unresponsive to questions or interrogative actions from personnel and will instead issue simplistic lines encouraging them to get on one of the park rides. SCP-2479-A have been observed to communicate subvocally with one another. Instances do not interact with animals and are additionally labelled SCP-2479-A-1 through -A-16 to denote their territory, which can be shared by multiple instances of the same designation.
An SCP-2479-A-11 instance in containment.
Testing of recovered samples from SCP-2479-A instances has shown that they are covered in a downy growth of thick hair similar to organisms suffering from hypertrichosis. This thick hair will, in most cases, form the shape of a plushy mascot outfit on the skin and harden into permanent epidermal growths around the mouth, ears and eyes. SCP-2479-A vary greatly in the amount of hair they develop and many suffer from unique physical abnormalities depending on the subject animal of their appearance (see Addendum 2479a).
SCP-2479-A instances have been observed to sexually reproduce, though not between designations (See Incident Log 2479/2).
All SCP-2479-A have a capacity to be hostile but have only been observed to become aggressive if:
- an individual is acting hostile towards them
- an individual is perceived as obtrusive, disruptive or irritating
- an individual was observed entering SCP-2479 in any way besides that of direct entry through the main gateway.
SCP-2479-A have been observed to attack in a primitive scratching and biting manner.
SCP-2479-B is the collective designation of between five hundred (500) and seven hundred (700) animal masks located in a series of large crates in the storage shed at SCP-2479's main gateway. Each mask bears a resemblance towards a unique animal also seen elsewhere in the park, either as a ride or as a mascot. When attempting to enter SCP-2479 through the main gate, the SCP-2479-A instance currently in the ticket booth will prompt a visitor to approach the ticket booth and collect a mask before entering SCP-2479's active zone.
SCP-2479-B's anomalous properties occur over a period of roughly two (2) hours when worn by a subject, and when that subject is within SCP-2479's active zone.
Within a few minutes, subjects will experience extreme abdominal pains, intensified rate of perspiration and abnormally dilated pupils. After wearing SCP-2479-B for more than ten (10) minutes, these symptoms will persist regardless of the presence of SCP-2479-B, and after fifteen (15) minutes the symptoms will persist outside of SCP-2479's active zone. Further symptoms will become apparent towards the end of the first hour; these include hyperhidrosis, uncontrollable shivering and, most importantly, acute hypertrichosis, resulting in an alarmingly rapid outgrowth of bodily and facial hair. All symptoms will be more painful and of a longer duration if the SCP-2479-B instance is not removed.
Bodily and facial hair will harden into thick keratin rings around orifices and abnormal keratin structures will begin to form during the secondary hour. At this point, if still present, the SCP-2479-B instance will either be forcefully removed due to the development of obtrusive facial structures or fuse into the skin.
Subjects will eventually begin to develop features which coincide with the animal depicted on the SCP-2479-B instance which they were afflicted by. Mental deterioration begins after roughly one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes, after which point the subject - hereby an SCP-2479-A instance - will attempt to move towards the ride that depicts the animal that they represent and acknowledge it as their territory. All memories from the instance's past life will be either erased or ignored and the instance will cease answering questions or responding to conversational stimuli.
Subjects recovered before fifteen (15) minutes of SCP-2479-B exposure will suffer permanent scarring if removal surgery is performed to clear them of hair growths.
The following is an exemplar selection of SCP-2479-A instances and their observed physical deformities.
Item #: SCP-2479-A-2
Represented Animal: Cattle (B. taurus)
Unique Details: Two large, malformed keratin growths on the crown of the head. Large, blackened, ingrown toenails and fingernails and hardened skin on soles of feet. Presumed to represent hooves and horns respectively.
Item #: SCP-2479-A-5
Represented Animal: Domestic cat (F. catus)
Unique Details: Long growth of torn hair extending from the rear, rooted directly above the anus. Long and sharp teeth that have grown improperly in the mouth. Cysts forming within the gums.
Item #: SCP-2479-A-7
Represented Animal: Horse (E. f. caballus)
Unique Details: Malformed keratin growths and nail overgrowth on extremities similar to SCP-2479-A-2 instances. Teeth enlarged and grown in various directions. Nostrils lined with thick keratin growths and expanded to almost four-thirds normal size.
Item #: SCP-2479-A-11
Represented Animal: Guira cuckoo (G. guira)
Unique Details: Large, dented formation of keratin growing directly above upper lip resembling a beak. Downy "feathers" growing on arms.
Item #: SCP-2479-A-16
Represented Animal: Mexican redknee tarantula (B. smithi)
Unique Details: Six large, malformed limbs of rough, reddened keratin extending from the 14th vertebra of the spine. Six miscellaneous keratin growths in the centre of the head. Canine teeth overgrown so as they puncture the gums when mouth is fully closed. Malformed keratin growth within the abdominal region found to be full of [DATA EXPUNGED].
The following is an excerpt from a poster recovered from an advertisement billboard in Sherwood, Oregon.
A world of fauna-tastic fun at
Suitable for kids of all ages, and ADULTS too!
Open from 7am until 6pm
Monday to Saturday
Complimentary Animalmask™ on arrival!
EDIT as of 11/02/██: Following Incident 2479/1, SCP-2479-A instances have been observed to interact in a manner consistent with their position on the Charles Elton food chain model. This model follows a linear order in which each organism is sustained through consumption of the animal before it; therefore, SCP-2479-A instances can be appropriately split into Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Apex consumer subcategories.
As an example, SCP-2479-A-13 instances (considered fox-like, resembling members of the species V. vulpes) will periodically retire from wandering SCP-2479-13 "territory", reportedly doing so biweekly or when one is beginning to show symptoms of malnutrition. Following this, SCP-2479-A-13 instances have been observed to seek instances of SCP-2479-A-4 or SCP-2479-A-11 (resembling ducks and birds, respectively) and [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-2479-A-13 instances have been observed to "hunt" alone or in pairs, whereas other Tertiary consumers such as SCP-2479-A-5 (considered representative of members of the species C. lupus) will not embark from their territory in groups of fewer than three (3).
On ██/██/██, between four (4) and seven (7) SCP-2479-A-5 (C. lupus) instances spontaneously fled the immediate vicinity of SCP-2479-5, an entirely unanticipated event of an alarming speed and scale. All instances traveled at high speed towards SCP-2479-6 and attacked all but two of the nine (9) SCP-2479-A-6 instances wandering its locale. This behaviour had not been observed before, even in experiments involving instance-to-instance interaction.
After about seven (7) minutes of scrimmage, and during the process of arranging MTF intervention, all SCP-2479-A-5 instances retrieved the nearest dead or incapacitated instance of SCP-2479-A-6 and returned to their territory at a much slower speed than which they had left at. Over the next six (6) hours, each SCP-2479-A-5 instance gradually consumed the instance it had appropriated.
Due to the unexpected nature of this event, no data was recorded on the speed of travel or method of attack exhibited by SCP-2479-A-5 instances. Further experimentation in a controlled environment is recommended.
This recent development of a closed ecosystem in SCP-2479's active zone has become the primary object of research in Site-2479. It has been hypothesised that a "breeding program" involving exposure of subjects to several instances of SCP-2479-B can be implemented to introduce an Apex consumer into SCP-2479's ecosystem as a means of controlling interactions between SCP-2479-A instances.
Experiments involving the cross-exposure of a single subject to multiple instances of SCP-2479-B are documented below.
Focus of Experimentation: Preliminary Cross-Exposure Testing
Test A - Date ██/██/██
Subject: D-7220
Procedure: Subject was exposed to the effects of SCP-2479-B-8 (E. f. przewalskii).
Results: Normal symptoms of SCP-2479-B-8 affliction observed over a period of two (2) hours. Full transformation complete after two (2) hours and nine (9) minutes.
Postliminary: Subject, now an SCP-2479-A-8 instance, was allowed to reside at SCP-2479-8.
Test B - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-A-8 (formerly D-7220)
Procedure: Specimen was exposed to the effects of SCP-2479-B-8 (the SCP-2479-B instance associated with its appearance).
Results: Normal symptoms of SCP-2479-B-8 affliction observed over a period of two (2) hours. Symptoms occurred at standard severity, but alongside already present physical abnormalities, roughly doubling the size and/or length of the symptoms' physical characteristics. This in most cases resulted in minor skin abrasions and additional malformations in the mouth, nostrils and appendages. The skin around these areas was observed to stretch (to the point of splitting in extreme cases) and the subject exhibited normal pain symptoms, as expected.
Postliminary: Injuries were treated by medical personnel and the SCP-2479-A-8 instance was contained.
Test C - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-A-8 (formerly D-7220)
Procedure: Specimen was exposed to the effects of SCP-2479-B-6 (F. catus).
Results: Normal symptoms of SCP-2479-B-6 affliction observed over a period of two (2) hours. Uncomfortable preliminary symptoms were observed to be substantially more painful than in previous observations. Teeth became further enlarged and developed sharp tips with minor dental fractures starting to be observed towards the end of exposure. Bodily hair roughly doubled in length and hair roots formed and began to grow roughly an inch above the anus. Abrasions observed as in experiment above.
Postliminary: Injuries were treated by medical personnel and the subject, hereby designated SCP-2479-A-8/6, was contained for study.
Note: SCP-2479-B seems to afflict whomever it is worn by, irrespective of any previous exposure. The symptoms it induces simply 'overlap' with previous physical properties; bodily hair will double in length, teeth with double in size and width, etcetera. Considering that the resulting wounds can be safely treated, cross-exposure with SCP-2479-B instances in the interest of creating an SCP-2479-A instance that fits the role of an Apex consumer is plausible. - Dr. ██████
Focus of Experimentation: Creating Potential SCP-2479-A Apex Consumer
Note: Permission was granted for experiments with the goal of creating an Apex consumer by Site Director █████. The subject selected for this series of experiments, D-6018, was chosen for his athleticism and high standards of performance in physical examinations. - Dr. ██████
Test A - Date ██/██/██
Subject: D-6018
Procedure: Subject was exposed to the effects of SCP-2479-B-6 (F. catus).
Results: SCP-2479-B-6 symptoms observed as normal. Full transformation was complete after two (2) hours and seventeen (17) minutes.
Postliminary: SCP-2479-A-6 instance was sent to temporary containment.
Test B - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-A-6 (formerly D-6018)
Procedure: Specimen was exposed to the effects of SCP-2479-B-13 (V. vulpes).
Results: Instance developed larger and sharper teeth, as well as various vestigial dental formations. Bodily hair roughly doubled in length. Instance's skin developed several malformed keratin growths of unknown purpose, along with several minor cases of inflammation akin to acute dermatitis.
Postliminary: Subject, hereby designated SCP-2479-A-6/13, underwent minor restorative surgery to clear skin of epidermal growths and to treat inflammation. SCP-2479-A-6/13 was later contained in a temporary containment cell.
Note: Before Test B, SCP-2479-A-6/13 consistently tried to approach and claim SCP-2479-6 as territory, but its recent cross-exposure seems to have rendered it totally abstinent in this regard. It does, however, continue to attempt to follow regular hunting patterns. Future experimentation will hopefully reveal more about its attitude to the notion of 'territory' and its potential as a method of breach prevention and population control. - Dr. ██████
Test C - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-A-6/13 (formerly D-6018)
Procedure: Specimen was exposed to the effects of SCP-2479-B-16 (T. blondi).
Results: Instance began but did not complete the growth of six appendages which sprouted from the 12th vertebra of the spine and stopped growing at between four (4) and six (6) inches. Hair grew minimally but increased in quantity, covering more of the skin's surface area, including the aforementioned additional appendages. Instance developed four (4) keratin growths in the facial region with placements similar to those of additional eyes on an arachnid. Large, dense keratin growths penetrated skin and grew up to five (5) centimeters outwards from the epidermal layer. Specimen also began to demonstrate [DATA EXPUNGED], as with other SCP-2479-A-16 instances. Extreme levels of pain were exhibited before subject spontaneously lost consciousness nearing the end of the second hour, presumably as a reaction to stress and discomfort. Inflammation symptoms returned as before.
Postliminary: Subject, hereby designated SCP-2479-AX, underwent extensive restorative surgery to clear skin of large epidermal growths and facial keratin formations, and to treat inflammation. Subject passed medical examination roughly a day after full transformation and has been observed to function normally. SCP-2479-AX was later contained in a temporary containment cell.
Note: Based on previous knowledge of SCP-2479-A-6, SCP-2479-A-13 and SCP-2479-A-16, SCP-2479-AX can now theoretically 'hunt' all known SCP-2479-A instances, placing it at the top of SCP-2479's food chain. Thorough examination of SCP-2479-AX's possible applications can now commence. - Dr. ██████
Focus of Experimentation: Evaluating Possible Apex Consumer Applications
Test A - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-AX, Researcher █████████
Procedure: Specimen was introduced to Researcher █████████ (not during hunting hours).
Results: Specimen engaged in one-ended conversation, as observed in all other SCP-2479-A instances. SCP-2479-AX encouraged Researcher █████████ to visit three (3) rides; SCP-2479-6, SCP-2479-13 and SCP-2479-16. Specimen did not respond to questions.
Postliminary: SCP-2479-AX was recontained.
Test B - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-AX, SCP-2479-A-4
Procedure: Specimen was introduced to SCP-2479-A-4 (not during hunting hours).
Results: SCP-2479-AX engaged in one-ended conversation as expected. SCP-2479-A-4 did not vocalise at all and instead stared at SCP-2479-AX in silence for the entire duration of the forty (40) minute interaction.
Postliminary: Both instances were recontained.
Note: So far, no SCP-2479-A instance has failed to make conversation with another outside of observed hunting times. It is possible that SCP-2479-A do not recognise SCP-2479-AX as one of them or as a human, and therefore have no capacity for interaction. - Dr. ██████
Test C - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-AX
Procedure: Specimen permitted monitored access into SCP-2479's active zone (not during hunting hours).
Results: Specimen was not observed to make any attempt to approach or claim 'territory'. Instead, SCP-2479-AX roamed with no apparent direction in areas of low SCP-2479-A concentration. Specimen was observed to be attempting to hide: SCP-2479-AX seemed to favour areas of high or dense shrubbery as a means of concealing itself, a behaviour with no apparent purpose. The specimen was observed to defecate considerably more frequently than other SCP-2479-A instances.
Postliminary: Specimen was recaptured and contained after three (3) hours of inactivity.
Test D - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-AX
Procedure: Specimen permitted monitored access into SCP-2479's active zone (during hunting hours).
Results: Specimen began to progress towards SCP-2479-1 (territory of SCP-2479-A-1, C. a. hircus) at a speed of roughly fourteen (14) miles per hour. On arrival, specimen [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in the deaths of all but three (3) of the eight (8) SCP-2479-A-1 instances present. SCP-2479-AX retrieved only two (2) carcasses, carried them to where it had been first released fifteen (15) minutes prior and proceeded to both consume and [DATA EXPUNGED] for roughly an hour.
Postliminary: Specimen was recaptured and contained safely after experiment. SCP-2479-1 remains, both from SCP-2479-AX and from SCP-2479-1's vicinity, were disposed of.
Test E - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-AX
Procedure: Specimen permitted monitored access into SCP-2479's active zone (during hunting hours) at a different location. The closest ride to this location, SCP-2479-4, was vacated of all but one (1) SCP-2479-A-4 (A. platyrhynchos) instance.
Results: Specimen began to progress towards SCP-2479-4 and [DATA EXPUNGED], as before, resulting in the death of the only present SCP-2479-A-4 instance. SCP-2479-AX proceeded to consume and [DATA EXPUNGED] the carcass that it had appropriated.
Postliminary: Specimen was recaptured and contained safely after experiment. SCP-2479-4 remains were disposed of.
Note: SCP-2479-AX seems to know the locations of SCP-2479's rides and selects the closest territory during hunting. If it continues to hunt in this indiscriminate manner we may be able to selectively release the instance as a recontainment device in the event of future containment breaches, but further experimentation is required to fully understand SCP-2479-AX's hunting patterns. - Dr. ██████
Test F - Date ██/██/██
Subject: SCP-2479-AX
Procedure: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Postliminary: See Incident Log 2479/2.
On ██/██/██, during experimentation on SCP-2479-AX, all instances of SCP-2479-A-13 spontaneously instigated a mass-scale hunting event and near-site-wide containment breach, irrespective from any previously observed hunting times. The 'pack' of SCP-2479-A-13 instances separated into two (2) groups of seven (7) and attacked both SCP-2479-7 and SCP-2479-11. MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") were called immediately and SCP-2479-AX was left unmonitored for more than half an hour in the ensuing containment breach resolution protocols.
Recorded footage from numerous nearby security cameras observed SCP-2479-AX approach SCP-2479-6 before attacking, subduing and incapacitating three (3) female instances of SCP-2479-A-6, after which [DATA EXPUNGED] until SCP-2479-AX was relocated and recontained. The three (3) relevant SCP-2479-A-3 instances were also contained and monitored over the course of the seven (7) following weeks.
Post-incident prenatal scans confirmed [DATA EXPUNGED].
All three (3) relevant SCP-2479-A-6 instances have been kept in containment for study.
Note: Any and all experimentation involving SCP-2479-AX has been countermanded until further notice. - Site Director █████