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Item #: SCP-2393

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2393-1 is to be contained in a standard biological containment greenhouse at Site-103. A data storage and interface device compatible with a USB A-port and designated for the purpose of interacting with SCP-2393-1 is to be kept within reasonable access of researchers in SCP-2393's containment. SCP-2393-1 is to be regularly checked for new and updated instances of SCP-2393-2. All instances of SCP-2393-2 are to be stored both on the designated device and on off-site digital storage. For the purpose of monitoring SCP-2393-3, all security cameras in SCP-2393's greenhouse are to run SCP-2393-2-B.

Description: SCP-2393-1 is a specimen of Juniperus occidentalis australis (Sierra Juniper). Embedded in SCP-2393-1's trunk appears to be a standard USB A-port. When a device compatible with this type of port is connected to SCP-2393-1, the device will treat SCP-2393-1 as a file storage device.

Some, but not all, files and software originating from SCP-2393-1 (designated SCP-2393-2) demonstrate anomalous properties. The contents of SCP-2393-2 seems to update at random intervals. Files and software can be viewed, opened, copied, or uploaded. All SCP-2393-2 instances utilize an unknown alphabet, language1, and coding language.

SCP-2393-2-B is an instance of SCP-2393-2 designed to run as an imaging and video application. SCP-2393-2-B is currently the only means of observing SCP-2393-3; no other digital or analog recording measures have recorded it to date.

SCP-2393-3 is an incorporeal humanoid entity visually similar to an adolescent human female, with the exception of a light green hue in the entity's epidermal and keratinous tissues. SCP-2393-3 has not yet been observed at a distance greater than 10 meters away from SCP-2393-1. SCP-2393-3 has been observed conducting the following activities:

  • listening to music on what appears to be a portable music player
  • using what appears to be a personal computer
  • using what appears to be a cellular device
  • dancing
  • sleeping

Entity appears to be capable of observing humans without outside assistance. Through the use of SCP-2393-2-B, Foundation linguists have been working with SCP-2393-3 both to understand its language and to help it learn modern Greek. In the short-term, communication has been accomplished through the use of hand gestures, facial expressions, pictures, and onomatopoeia. SCP-2393-3 is generally well-tempered and friendly towards Foundation staff.

Addendum 1: Over the course of SCP-2393's containment, the Foundation has been able to copy SCP-2393-2 freely. The following is an abridged list of SCP-2393-2 files discovered and copied. For a full list of SCP-2393-2 instances and full numerical identifications, please refer to document 2393-Epsilon.

In addition to copying SCP-2393-2 instances, researchers have been able to upload files to the collection of SCP-2393-2 in SCP-2393-1. SCP-2393-3 is able to view these files, making this a possible route of limited communication. Uploading files to SCP-2393-1 requires permission from the current Head of Containment or Head of Research for SCP-2393, or permission from the current Site-66 Director.

Addendum 2: The following is a partial list of translated vocalizations produced by SCP-2393-3. A brief piece of context is provided before each log.

SCP-2393-3 has just lost a match in "Tree Wars." / SCP-2393-3: "No! You [amateur/newcomer/novice?]! We could have won that round! Don't move your [birds?] in front of my squirrels."

SCP-2393-3 is listening to music files on its portable music player. / SCP-2393-3:
"♫On the days that the rain is falling♫
♫I call a toast to the sun.♫
♫On the days that the sun is shining♫
♫I feast and sing to the air.♫
♫And I won't let anyone fell me,♫
♫No I'll do things my own way.♫"

SCP-2393-3 is communicating with an unknown outside source using "Chatleaf." / "No, I'm not going back." … "You know what they do to us if we're caught, I'm safe here." … "I don't care about my roots anymore, they were severed a long time ago." … "Look, we all decided that man's magic was not bad, that is why we use it. I am merely standing for what I know to be true."

SCP-2393-3 is reclining against SCP-2393-1. / SCP-2393-3: "It's a good thing the people here are so kind. They are not afraid of my magic because they share it. They give me such nice gifts. They don't burn anyone either."

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