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Item #: SCP-2144

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2144 is to be kept in an open-air enclosure at Site-37. The walls surrounding said enclosure are to have windows built in and a gatehouse built along the walls is to serve as the access point.

An observation post is to be established along the perimeter of the enclosure. At all times, a guard is to be stationed in the observation post to watch over SCP-2144. An auxiliary group of up to three guards are to be put on standby, in case the assigned guard is unavailable for observation duty. Guards on duty are to rotate in shifts of two hours apiece; see Document 2144-Ø for observation duty schedule.

If SCP-2144 is required to be transported from the enclosure, it is to be placed in a hermetically-sealed container with radiation shielding and an air pump installed. One side of the container is to be transparent, such that SCP-2144 may be observed by personnel. An electrocardiogram (ECG) and automated defibrillator are to be attached to SCP-2144, with the defibrillator set to activate when its heart rate is below 30 bpm. If defibrillation fails to increase heart rate, voltage may be increased. Personnel handling SCP-2144 are to wear Level A Hazmat suits.

Prior to opening the container, the pre-installed air pump is to be activated to remove hydrogen cyanide (HCN) present in the container. Canisters filled with HCN are to be disposed of as per standard non-anomalous waste disposal protocols.

Description: SCP-2144 is a creature resembling a specimen of Felis catus (domestic cat). It stands at about 25 cm in height, and its head-to-tail length is about 80 cm. SCP-2144 does not possess a reproductive system, and there are no signs of neutering performed on it. Only humans are capable of interacting with SCP-2144; other animal species (including F. catus) are unable to detect or recognise SCP-2144's existence.

SCP-2144 exhibits different anomalous properties based on it being in an open space or an enclosed space.1

While SCP-2144 is in an open space, it is animate despite lacking a heartbeat. In addition, it also does not require nutrients or respiration. In this state, SCP-2144 can only be perceived via direct observation by a human. Its image cannot be captured on photographs or video, requiring direct observation by a human to perceive it. Similarly, sounds produced by it can only be heard directly by a human observer and are unable to be recorded. SCP-2144's mass is unable to be measured; scales regularly register its mass as 0.0 kg. However, personnel who had held SCP-2144 estimate its mass to range from 2 to 5 kg.

In terms of behaviour, SCP-2144 is shown to be lively while in an open space and typically moves about whenever it can. It also tends to avoid approaching any doors, windows or similar openings in the vicinity. Thus, SCP-2144 shows a level of resistance towards attempts to place it in containers or cells.

When SCP-2144 is in an enclosed space, it ceases all movement and remains immobile until it is removed from the space. Its heartbeat and respiration can only be detected while under this state. Notably, its heart rate usually starts at about 200 bpm and slowly declines over time. Estimations suggest that it takes about 48 hours for asystole to occur. Furthermore, SCP-2144's image can be photographed in this state. Its mass can be recorded in this state, although measurements are inconsistent and range from 1.9 kg up to 5.2 kg.

During this state, trace amounts of beta particles and gamma radiation are detected within the enclosed space. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is also spontaneously generated within the enclosed space via transmutation, aided by the ionising radiation generated. HCN samples taken record a concentration of approximately 300 mg/m3, which is capable of killing an average human within 10 – 60 min. However, SCP-2144 is resistant to the toxic effects of HCN and is shown to be capable of inhaling HCN. Generation of HCN ceases when SCP-2144 is removed from the enclosed space.

SCP-2144 was first found in the residence of Jason Schmidt2 in Berlin, Germany on ██/██/2003, where said individual had died of cyanide poisoning. Hydrogen cyanide and gamma radiation were detected from within his residence. SCP-2144 was also present at the scene, and was initially believed to be dead. Its anomalous properties were revealed when it resumed motion after removal from the residence. Foundation agents subsequently recovered SCP-2144 under the guise of hazard control, and began containment of it. A cover story of a murder attempt on Schmidt was disseminated to the Berlin Police, and his residence was decontaminated afterwards.

Addendum 2144-1: When initially found, it was wearing a collar with a note attached to it. The item is deemed non-anomalous and is kept in the Non-Anomalous Items Storage Sector at Site-37. Text of the following note has been translated from German.

Dear Jason,
It's been nine months, but our baby's finally here. Look at the fruits of our labour and know this: Every idea has its right to exist. Please tell what do you think of it tonight.

Love, Mel3

Addendum 2144-2: Attempts to defibrillate SCP-2144 are noted to be increasingly difficult with each attempt. Thus far, higher voltages have been utilised successively to prevent asystole. Dr. Johann Wolfgang hypothesises that SCP-2144 may be adapting to electric shocks applied on it.

Addendum 2144-3: As of ██/██/2003, SCP-2144's Special Containment Procedures have been revised. Dr. Hu An has issued the following memorandum in regards to this update.

Upon the board's review of SCP-2144's current Special Containment Procedures, we express concern over the effectiveness of its regular defibrillation. While our current stance is to increase voltage to prevent possible self-termination, there is a limit as to how far it can go on. There may come a point where a significantly high voltage will electrocute SCP-2144 or it will be forced to flatline.

As such, procedures have been updated to alter SCP-2144's living space – to give it a little breathing space. Outside the box, it is not inherently dangerous. Ideas are hardly dangerous on their own; that falls down to their treatment by others (re: us). And this creature is an idea – a flawed idea, but it exists still and we're not letting it go out for being incorrect in the real world.

Do not worry about the possibility of SCP-2144 escaping. Based on behavioural studies of SCP-2144, it appears to instinctively avoid all doors and windows, perhaps thinking that another box is behind those doors and windows. It clearly does not like being locked in a box; after all, ideas are meant to wander about.

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