Item #: SCP-2011
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: All wilderness in a 20 km radius around the site of SCP-2011 is designated as a jungle preservation. As such, illegal loggers and poachers, as well as any other trespassers, are to be detained, questioned, and administered Class-B amnestics prior to release. SCP-2011-1 are to be monitored from the on-site research station. All births and deaths of SCP-2011's population are to be cataloged by on-site staff; as of █/██/2███, cadavers will no longer be collected for any reason (see Addendum 2011-1).
Description: SCP-2011 is a remote tribal village located in the jungle of the Yucatán Peninsula. The residents of SCP-2011, known as SCP-2011-1, maintain a population generally ranging from 200-300; currently, SCP-2011-1-567 through SCP-2011-1-819 inhabit SCP-2011. SCP-2011-1 instances are born in various states of advanced decay, ranging from entirely skeletal to having small portions of muscle tissue and skin; during the lifespan of SCP-2011-1, each individual physically recomposes into more complete forms of the human anatomy. At death, bodies of SCP-2011-1 will be completely intact and do not decompose. SCP-2011-1 function as if they possessed a full body structure: ingested food will remain where the stomach would typically be located, regardless of its presence or condition; dirt and water do not enter the body where the skin would otherwise block such contaminants.
Upon expiration, SCP-2011-1 will transport cadavers to the top of a religious temple located at the center of SCP-2011. After conducting a ceremony performed by SCP-2011-2, the corpse will remain on the temple for precisely 18 hours before it dematerializes in the span of one second. This ritual is believed to be a method of disposal to prevent a buildup of cadavers within SCP-2011. In addition, corpses previously obtained by Foundation personnel for research purposes dematerialized (see Addendum 2011-1), as SCP-2011-2 conducts the funeral ceremony even without a body present.
SCP-2011-2 is a specimen of SCP-2011-1 that takes the role of the village shaman. SCP-2011-1 instances claim that SCP-2011-2 possesses the unique ability to communicate with their god. This ability is apparently used during funeral ceremonies and various random instances. However, there is currently no concrete evidence verifying the validity of SCP-2011-2's abilities. When SCP-2011-2 appears to be near death, it will "divine" the identity of its successor from the existing population of SCP-2011-1. The targeted member gains SCP-2011-2's abilities by removing [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in the death of the current SCP-2011-2, and then inserting [REDACTED] into its own body. Despite the extensive physical damage, the cadaver of the previous SCP-2011-2 will repair itself fully as with other corpses and be treated identically to other cadavers.
The Foundation has maintained a relatively friendly diplomatic relationship with the inhabitants of SCP-2011 since initial containment. SCP-2011-1 instances have never attempted to leave SCP-2011; Foundation personnel are viewed as intriguing visitors by the population. Furthermore, SCP-2011-1 have cooperated with learning both English and Spanish to communicate effectively with research personnel. SCP-2011-1 instances had expressed moderate distaste with previous attempts to study cadavers; since the termination of these studies, SCP-2011-1 instances have returned to being highly cooperative with Foundation staff.
Addendum 2011-1: On █/██/2███, a cadaver under Foundation research dematerialized during an attempted autopsy. The space previously occupied by the body was replaced by a vacuum immediately reoccupied by atmospheric gas, unlike typical body disappearances. The event produced damaging shockwaves and injured █ personnel. As this occurred, SCP-2011-2 began to suffer from severe full-body muscle spasms. After SCP-2011-2 recovered from this incident, it warned Foundation personnel against removing their dead from SCP-2011 for fear of angering Tlaloc, the Mesoamerican god of fertility worshipped by SCP-2011. Containment procedures updated accordingly.
Addendum 2011-2: During the initial containment of SCP-2011, researchers discovered a "holy book" placed within the village's central temple. With permission from SCP-2011-2, Foundation staff have transcribed the text of the artifact into the research facility's database. SCP-2011-1 have assisted with the translation of the document. The text appears to be a collection of mythological tales detailing the origins of SCP-2011 and the relationship of SCP-2011-1 with their deity Tlaloc.