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SCP-1875-1 (drive shaft not visible)

Item #: SCP-1875

Object Class: Euclid

Next Scheduled November-77 Exercise: In Progress Cancelled

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1875 must never come within transmission range of any wireless data network. The machine's container must be enclosed by a Faraday cage, and it must have a fully mechanical locking mechanism.

The holding site's full-time staff must include at least two network security experts, one armed security guard, and one child psychology specialist. When the machine is fully assembled and activated, the speed adjustment lever on SCP-1875-3 may not be set to "V" (maximum speed) without direct supervision by the site's Level-4 supervisor.

Electronic devices with data storage capacity may not be introduced to the facility, except during Exercise 1875-November-77, and all individuals must be screened for such devices prior to entering the holding site.

In the event of Exercise 1875-November-77, Overwatch HQ will permit one designated and clearly-marked laptop computer to be taken into SCP-1875's primary shielded container. Upon completion of November-77, facility staff must ensure this designated laptop is shredded in the facility's scrap-metal shredder. Research data may only be removed from the container in the form of a paper printout.

Any evidence of 1875-IMG-1AB exposure must be reported immediately to Overwatch HQ.

Description: SCP-1875 is a Victorian-era chess automaton1 consisting of four principal components, hereafter referred to as SCP-1875-1, SCP-1875-2, SCP-1875-3, and SCP-1875-4.

A steel chessboard table, 72 x 72 x 64 cm, with a standard eight-by-eight grid of 64 checkered squares painted on its surface. Based on its composition and patina, research staff have identified the exact material as English crucible steel, likely cast between 182█ and 187█.

On ██/██/199█, Mobile Task Force █████-█ retrieved SCP-1875 from an abandoned laboratory facility discovered beneath the former residence of ███████████ University Professor ██████ M███████ in ███████████shire, England.

A drive shaft, designed to connect with SCP-1875-3, protrudes from one side of the system's otherwise-seamless enclosure. The table contains a sophisticated mechanical and biological system that controls a matrix of 64 electromagnets using an analytical engine composed of the combined brain tissue of the twin daughters (designated SCP-1875-1/a and -1/b) of Russian chess prodigy ██████ ███████████. Each square on the chessboard's surface sits above a single electromagnet, and each electromagnet can move one chess piece to one of eight neighboring squares.

Researchers have developed several theories regarding the control mechanism's functional specifications, but the nature of its biological component and possible sentience remain unverified.

A complete set of 32 chess pieces carved in the Oriental style from human bone. Each piece is affixed with a thin (0.31 cm) base pad of ferromagnetic iron. Samples of the bone used for the pieces have been matched genetically with tissue samples from SCP-1875-1/a and SCP-1875-1/b.

Following the recovery of SCP-1875-1, an anonymous individual associated with Professor M███████'s estate submitted information to Foundation personnel regarding these chess pieces, leading to their subsequent discovery in the possession of █████ H██████ in New York City's Washington Square Park.

A stationary steam engine manufactured by Maudslay, Sons & Field (c. 1840), also acquired from the estate of Professor M███████ and designed to spin SCP-1875-1's drive shaft.

The engine has been modified from factory stock to allow speed adjustments. It has five speed settings, labeled in roman numerals.

A suit of 18th-century Samurai armor in the Gusoku style. Arrived in storage case with SCP-1875-3, courtesy of Professor M███████'s estate. Historical evidence suggests that SCP-1875-4 would have been situated on a chair beside the chess table, serving as a performance prop. Staff have not observed any objectively unusual activities, however, several visiting researchers have reported prolonged feelings of anxiety after making eye contact with armor's face plate.

Addendum-01: Intake Report

Addendum-02: Incident 1875-55A

Addendum-03: Incident 1875-55B

Addendum-04: Exercise 1875-November-77

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